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Posts posted by noise_art

  1. Up for sale is my[b] Warwick Corvette 4 (swamp ash) which was [color=#ff0000][u]heavily moded.[/u][/color]

    [*]from '98
    [*]wenge neck
    [*]ash body
    [*]passive pickups
    [b]I did following mods:[/b][list]
    [*][color=#0000ff][b]black tuners (warwick)[/b][/color]
    [*][b][color=#0000ff]brass nut (JAN III)[/color][/b]
    [*][b][color=#0000ff][u]solid brass[/u] bridge (now it's used only in custom shop models)[/color][/b]
    [*][b][color=#0000ff]Nordstrand 2b preamp[/color][/b]
    [*][b][color=#0000ff]full aluminium shielding.[/color][/b]
    the colour is bloody, dark red (but my poor phone camera cannot catch it). Overall has some dings, but it has been heavily played. I did these mods for myself, in order to keep this player.
    Pots are without knobs as you see.


    [b]clean: [/b][url="https://soundcloud.com/sebastiankucharski/warwick-corvette-nordstand-2b-preamp"]https://soundcloud.c...stand-2b-preamp[/url]
    [b]distorted[/b]: [url="https://soundcloud.com/sebastiankucharski/warwick-corvette-ashwenge-distortion-sample"]https://soundcloud.c...stortion-sample[/url]

    Comes with an old gigbag, will be packed well.

    [color=#00ff00][b]PRICE: 700 (an old price was before mods, i can't change it :/ !)[/b][/color]

  2. I will put here sounds of random Warwicks, that I own/owned before

    [b]Corvete Standard Bubinga 5:[/b]

    Here's a short example I've recorded yesterday.

    I've recorded this line to a friend of mine:
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHKOZP0_3Ww"]Watch on YouTube here[/url]

    Hope someone will find it useful to know how Corvette Standard Bubinga sounds.

    [b]Warwick Corvette Proline 6 (great bass, sold to another BC member):[/b]


    [b]Warwick Thumb BO4:[/b]

    I used it with Antigama [url="https://youtu.be/Y0J0AY9LAbw"]here[/url]
    With Jacek Kieller [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKM7ZfnNsBY"]here[/url]

    [b]Warwick Streamer LX ('97)[/b], nice bass, which has been bought from Doman (previously from another BC member), and sold also on this Forum:

  3. Hey Guys!

    I am not selling much via this marketplace as you know :)
    Posted actually some ads but most items were sold locally/among internet :)

    Anyways, feel free to spread the word, that I am not a junk-seller ;)


  4. IMO, there's no objection if you drive power amp using DI output.
    I tried to use MXR M80 onto crown poweramp->AshdownCab, because once I had my amp repaired.
    It deppends, but It works.

    Anyways, if you want to use this configuration, it's better to drive powersoft amp using DI (Balanced) output, cause it's lightweight

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