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Everything posted by Markolinni

  1. Hello everyone, I have a 06'G&L L2500 tribute and a 98' ATK 305 Japanese as my basses, and play throught a streamliner 600 + 2x 112 GB Focus cabs. My question is that i have a curiosity/ tempted to sell both basses and trade for a Lakland 55.02, but have the doubt if i will like/ if i will do a possible correct trade or will regret later. Can you guys give me some opinion about it, who it sound, will do a good trade, or will it sound good in my amp. I know this could be a ridiciuluss topic, but here in Portugal is very hard to try different gear and basses thats why i normally read a lot and try to listen on youtube (it was how i discover and bought the STM + cabs, but a shot in the dark). Thanks and regards Marco
  2. Great Amp you bought. I had a Carvin BX1200 and i was fantastic, very clean and with a ton of qualizations and configurations possibles. The difference in both, is the tube, the extra power and more important, the weight. mine was almost 24lb. Thats why i had to sell it with it i never (almost, except large auditoriuns) use my sound throw PA, but some times i "aniquilate" it HAve a great joy with it Regards
  3. Great review/info about them. I have 2 sitting in my bassment, waiting for an amp, and one day to been tried out. Unfortunatly, to busy to do that Can't see the day. They are veri tiny and very light. They are one of those type of cabs that no one give nothing until take a closer look and try them Probably, that's why they are so cheap.. and who buy them apreciates
  4. Glad to ear your feedback about it. I've just received today my 2 GB focus 112. I'm just waiting to grab a streamliner 600 to finish "the marriage" of the rig. Theres a review of them, by d freidman over the youtube. Because of that, i said. "It's THIS!!"
  5. You are like me, and even with the same bass i have (but the 5 string version) Those are my 3 choices right now. The Focus LT 112, the GK Neo 112, and these TKS 112 Cabs, to match a streamliner 600. My main difficulty is the size and weight and more important, the sound quality i'm seeking, but in a thight budget :S I like the more old school sound, more fat and warm (like dead strings, without bright). For now the GB are winning, and can get them in UK, to send to Portugal with the best price of them 3.
  6. thunderpaws, Since you already have a Streamliner 600 will be much easier to test it. I am waiting to get mine from the dealer. Inicially, i was seen the TKS 112 setup, but i think they will be changed for a new model, the L112, with neo drivers (i guess i understand that). I don't know how the Streamliner handles neo drivers, honest. But ill like to know that, because those new cabs, with +-18lb and 250W its something iummy for the back
  7. Hmm, about markbass, that looks like it sound nice. In hearing some video clips at youtube . I have a friend, i thonk he have a markbass head (don't know the model), i will have to see . Have ssen at sale in thomann, the little mark 3 and the little mark tube (both 500w). I think they will be enought. I see the markbass Big band, the SA450, also, but don't know the difference bettween all of them. just the power are all the same (500w/300w) Can help me with this? Now i will like to compare them with the streamliner , the shuttle, MB fusion, and the Tone HAmmer 500. Opinions, woul be nice @davehux - The F1 would be an possible option too. i have to see Will the markbass match well for example with the GK Neo 112 cabs, or will be better the GB focus (they're ceramic magnets) Thanks
  8. HEllo Everyone. I'm sourching for options to a new lightweight amp to play live at pubs and eventually live. My main concern is power/quality vs lightweight/price. I had a carvin stack (bx1200 + 2x10 + 1x15) that i've sold because was to much power and weight to play at pubs. It has been bought to play mainly at live stages, so i need power. Now, since i need lightweight because my back problens, but with quality and power, this is why i need help. Here, in Portugal is very difficult to try equipment, because there are few stores and without stock So, my type of sound i'm seeking is a more vintage lo-fi (i don't like that bright sound, metallic sort of, to came close, e turn of the horn, and play with dead strings). The thing that i've heard that came that close is the Genz Benz Streamliner - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urvdCExs2kI - Here is Ed Friedland Review My basses are a G&L tribute L2500 with dead strings and a yamaha trb1005 that i haven't try yet (came from the carvin sell), but throught my desk mixer, cuting a littke hight and gain the boost, is the sound i like from him So, my choicings that have came, based in my budget and choices that i was looking, are: GB Streamliner, GB Shuttle GK MB Fusion Markbass LM3 Aguilar TH500 For the cabs, i was looking for: 2x GB Focus 112 2x GK Neo 112 2x TKS 112 1x GK MBE 212 Can help me to see what could fit best, manly to play at pubs, but if i need to a outdoor gig, can hear me (it will run thought a pa too). One thing that i have seen, is to change the strings to Flats, to have a darker tone. Thanks to all Regards
  9. I would like to hear that cabs throught a streamliner 600 I'm thinking to get a 2x 112 GB LT Focus, but those look so sweet and are hitching me hehe Unfortunatly doesn't exist videos with those with a streamliner
  10. thank you all
  11. dfg
  12. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hello Everyone,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]After gone to the doctor and almost prohibited me of playing, i'm selling part of my gear.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I have a Carvin speaker set [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]RL210T 400w@4ohm + RL115 600w@4ohm for sale or trade.[/font][/color] I can sell them separate or[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] accept offers for sale or trade for light cabs (1x12 example).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Both are in great condition, and only selling because i can't carry weights. [/font][/color] Carvin RL115 - 210 pounds Carvin RL210T- 250 pounds [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I can eventually to interested people sell all the stack.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It is a Carvin BX1200 head + both cabs listed above at special price:[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Carvin BX1200 + RL210T + RL115 + RockBag 3U + Rack tuner + Speakon Cables - 900pounds[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Can see photos of the material in myspace:[/font][/color] [url="http://www.myspace.com/marcoakavrumvrum"]http://www.myspace.c...arcoakavrumvrum[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cheers[/font][/color]
  13. Hello everyone, My name's Marco, and i'm from Portugal. I have 29 years old, getting near the 30's... I play bass since 2006 and previously started in guitar. Have played in several bands, from originais, to covers, professional concerts and TV appearences, and so on.. I play with a G&L Tribute Series L-2500 and a Carvin Stack (BX1200 + 2x10 + 1x15). Hope to learn and share some of my experience, and more important learn with all of you here Regards Marco
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