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Two Basses

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Everything posted by Two Basses

  1. Hi, I like the idea, the sound, nice melody and I really appreciate your effort. Well done. I just would like to suggest some improvements of tune editing/mixing etc. First part of the tune is very strong and there is a lot of passion. When start beats at time 1:04, you are playing more deep notes and some fast licks above. Bass needs more volume here, because low notes sounds always quietly. Try to focus on dynamic of your right hand as well. Long notes are strong, but fast notes are so drowned sometimes. (the same apply when you repeat at 2:40). Slap backing line with drums at 1:36 is cool, sounds surprising at the right moment. Maybe the starting solo melody is a bit loud for a few seconds. Don´t be afraid of making the support slap bass more distinct. The good way as to do it, is simple. Just turn the slap bass panorama slightly to the side. This will make two bass lines a bit separated from one direction. Especially end of tune from 3:20 needs this panorama separation. Keep up the interesting work, I´m fan of the way, how you thinking about bass lines. I used to make it similar way.... Zdenek
  2. All right, let's do it better and without wrong emotions. My name is Zdenek, 37 years old bassplayer from Czech Republic. I was allways trying to fell the bass guitar more than just as background instrument. Did few live solo performances and made three CDs as almost solo bass compositions, named the project Based on Bass. In 2002 I found a similar thinking bassist Tomas. After few sessions we decided try to make a regular two basses project with a drummer. My fellow is from other city than me, so the cooperation is just occasional all the time. But it is still alive and Two Basses band is my the only one project. [u]Common areas is our new EP, released at Two Basses web page for free. I'll be glad if you can check it out, listen the compositions and give me some kind of feedback.[/u] I'm playing five string basses all the time. Started with some custom pieces, played a long time Spector Euro NS5 then, last few years I'm using Fodera Monarch 5. My favourite amps were Trace Elliot 7210 SM, Ampeg B1R. Now I'm using Markbass LMIII and Soundelirium 12.6 full-range box.
  3. Yes, I can agree with your words in the most of it. I wanted to specify me and my music more in the other posts, but you are quickly judging just from the first one. This thread is called Introductions, so I wanted to introduce me by my fresh music project as a start. So just be more patient. First post was made as it was, could be better, could be worse, but seems to be not written by normal human? That´s the tone what I don´t like, you are right. Please criticise me and my music, but don´t try to introduce me as a businessman.
  4. I see. If a sharing of my music for free is a trade activity, you are right then... otherwise I can´t see the point. Please instruct me, what is a main difference between my website and homepages of other chat members.
  5. [size=5][color=#555555][b]Two Basses[/b] - band from Czech Republic - released the new EP [b]Common areas[/b]. [/color][/size] [size=3][color=#555555]Check this out at [/color][url="http://www.twobasses.cz/"][color=#444444]www.twobasses.cz[/color][/url][/size] We are two bassplayers with drummer, sometimes joined with vocalist, hornist or other musician. You can hear bass eruptions of Musicman StingRay, intimate of melodic sob played by Fodera Monarch and sometimes also sounds, seems to born outside of fretboard. Framed by fearless and still well functional drums, our music is ready to carry your mind away. Enjoy our serious themes, practical jokes and all music in between. Enjoy our Common areas.
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