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Everything posted by Vladimir

  1. I'm bidding on one on eBay at the moment and I'm wondering if it's even worth it. The description on the epiphone website says that it's a short scale. I'm wondering if I will notice the difference, I have only played full scale necks so far. Also, the more I think about it, the more I wonder where the hell am I going to put my thumb? The main thing that attracts me is that cool looking body. The site says it's lightweight which to me reads more like "we used as little mahogany as possible to save money" I'm winning it at the moment with a 50 quid bid. Is it worth a punt for 50 quid for a bit of fun or just keep my money in the bank?
  2. Guys, quick question So I was using my zoom 607 bass pedal through my Fender Rumble 15 amp. Then I decided to play my strat for a little bit, and out of laziness I just plugged the lead into it and I played the guitar through the zoom pedal and bass amp. No distortion or effects used. It sounded pretty nice and clean, but I digress... Question is, will this harm my bass amp or speaker in any way? I remember someone telling me that you can't play an electroacoustic guitar through an electric guitar amp, cause the different/lower frequencies will harm the speaker. Does this apply to playing guitars through a bass amp as I mentioned? Cheers. P.s. Thanks for all the replies guys, gives me plenty of ideas for possible upgrades in the future. For the time being I'm liking my zoom 607 pedal. I didn't realis that I could plug straight into the pedal. I can't believe that I had the solution here all along!
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. I do have in my posession a ZOOM 607 pedal. So do I just plug into it?
  4. Hi guys, I was wondering, what would you recommend to practice some bass at night - with headphones? So far I've found things such as this: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-HA400-Microamp-Headphone-Amplifier/dp/B000KIPT30/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-HA400-Microamp-Headphone-Amplifier/dp/B000KIPT30/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top[/url] which might do the trick, but I've no idea if it will sound good or not. What do you guys use for your covert practicing? I do like to play the bass randomly and don't want to have to set up my full sized bass amp to just plug the headphones into the back of it. Cheers. Vlad
  5. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1370343082' post='2099297'] Hi & welcome to the forum. I'd say your song is in the key of Cm so if you use the circle of fifths the chords you want to look for are Cm, Gm, Fm, Eb, Ab & Bb Hope this helps. [/quote] Thanks very much [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/2756-horizontalste/"]Horizontalste[/url]. I will give that a go this evening. It's been ages since I played my bass, I need to get practicing. I did restring it recently, so all should be good to go When playing the chord, obviously I haven't got the time to play the whole chord one note at a time before the switch, so I suppose I play a few notes out of it... Is there a "rule" to this, or more of a personal preference kind of thing? Sorry if this is sounding stupid, guys. I'm trying my best to remember the (small amount of) theory and practice I once knew. I have the "Bass guitar for Dummies" book. What do you guys make of that book, for reference, relearning stuff, etc? Can someone recommend another book I might want to look at, or a youtube channel that is particularly good? Cheers edit: things used to be SO much easier with a drummer and a couple of guitarists that were knowledgeable in bass playing who could help me out along the way.
  6. [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Hi guys, [/font] [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]This is my first post, so I apologise if it's in the wrong section.[/font] [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]I've been neglecting my bass and guitar playing for a few years - although recently a friend of mine has been wanting to learn to play guitar and I thought I'd show her a few things as well as accompanying her on the bass. [/font] [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]She's shy and self concious, the fact that she plays in front of me is a minor miracle.[/font] [font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]The latest song that she wants to play (and has learned quite well on guitar) is [url="http://www.youtube.com/artist/kate-voegele?feature=watch_video_title"]Kate Voegele[/url][color=#000000][size=5] - Sandcastles [size=3][font=georgia, serif](the guitar tab is here[/font][/size] [/size][/color][/font][url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/k/kate_voegele/sandcastles_crd.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate...castles_crd.htm[/url]) If you want to listen to it: It's not metallica or anything, so be warned. She does prefer it when I play along in some way, as for some reason she feels more comfortable then. Gone are the days when I could pick up a guitar, work out the key and play lead lines over chords, I tried to do it the other day, and failed miserably. So I thought I'd play along with the bass, which is the whole reason for this long winded post; I am trying to work out what to play. I couldn't find a bass tab for it online; and even I had found it, it's quite a minimalistic bass part, and I want to play something all the way through. I'm just getting back into playing bass after a few years and I'm not sure what is the best way to go about working out some nice arpeggios/chords to go with that chord progression. Any chance a kind soul could help me work something out, or at least point me in the right direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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