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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. Peelie did the deelie. Kwik pay. Nae pobs.
  2. No follow through on the EH interest, and can't find the old PMs, so jus' generally reactivating
  3. Peavey have a load balancing circuit. Nice chaps. This is supercheap.
  4. Deal done, subject to and all that.... Cheers, all
  5. [i]Well...posted it in Other Stuff' section by mistake...two interests expressed... cheers, guys... anyway... shifting to here...[/i] Facts: ’95 USA Std P with through body stringing, no S1. A solid worker’s P Bass, doing its thang. Truss moves both ways, but no need as neck is straight. Action is how I like, but can shift up or down. Has playing wear – buckle rash, few finish marks but looks well clean from the front. Has some (not heavy) fret wear in the ‘blues zone’. Could maybe use a fret dress to tidy the response above the 14[sup]th[/sup] fret on the A string (like anybody goes there…?) Wee dink on the ‘E edge’ of the board at the 3[sup]rd[/sup] fret. Coupla small ‘dents’ on the back of the neck, don’t show in photos and don’t feel them when playing. White is nicely ivory-ing. Also, there is a line on the back of the neck that you can feel when you play. Opinions: Divided on what the line means – finish crack? Wood crack? Matters? Doesn’t? It is old – pre me and previous owner, hence the ingrained scuzz. It isn’t going anywhere… So… a good used USA Std P Bass but not a prime example. Could maybe use a little work to get it right for you – or not if it makes you happy as-is. All welcome to check it out here in Edinburgh. Or hey! A cheap USA P! On you go….? £300 delivered in an OK gig bag, or £325 in an OK hard case. Aye? [b] Attached Thumbnails[/b] [list] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-39653500-1327260788.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-05402500-1327260821.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-87749300-1327260832.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-63797400-1327260849.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-24895700-1327260860.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-73683300-1327260876.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-20223900-1327260895.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-99066700-1327260913.jpg"][/url] [*][url="uploads/monthly_01_2012/post-309-0-04076400-1327260925.jpg"][/url] [/list]
  6. [b][i]Well...dunno where my brain was putting this in 'other stuff'... now in 'For Sale - Basses where [/i][/b][b][i]it belongs....[/i][/b] Facts: ’95 USA Std P with through body stringing, no S1. A solid worker’s P Bass, doing its thang. Truss moves both ways, but no need as neck is straight. Action is how I like, but can shift up or down. Has playing wear – buckle rash, few finish marks but looks well clean from the front. Has some (not heavy) fret wear in the ‘blues zone’. Could maybe use a fret dress to tidy the response above the 14[sup]th[/sup] fret on the A string (like anybody goes there…?) Wee dink on the ‘E edge’ of the board at the 3[sup]rd[/sup] fret. Coupla small ‘dents’ on the back of the neck, don’t show in photos and don’t feel them when playing. White is nicely ivory-ing. Also, there is a line on the back of the neck that you can feel when you play. Opinions: Divided on what the line means – finish crack? Wood crack? Matters? Doesn’t? It is old – pre me and previous owner, hence the ingrained scuzz. It isn’t going anywhere… So… a good used USA Std P Bass but not a prime example. Could maybe use a little work to get it right for you – or not if it makes you happy as-is. All welcome to check it out here in Edinburgh. Or hey! A cheap USA P! On you go….? £300 delivered in an OK gig bag, or £325 in an OK hard case. Aye?
  7. £400 was a snip. I have had 3 4s and 2 5s. All white or blue. vurra naisse
  8. The tomato intrigues, though I have 4 or 5 other fuzzes. The copilot is too strange, even for me - and I used to have a Moldspore.... If I need an excursion into cartoonland, the zoom can go there, albeit in a burnt out, sleazy, wrong part of Havana kinda way.
  9. MAestro is like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6u664GMG-w Nice and clean.
  10. Well, first I tried to put a table in. Wacky conversion. Then I tried lines of text. Wacky spacings. Editing what was once table or tabbed text in these boxes is an experience. +10 points for spotting that. +10 for getting that far through the list! Special consideration if you go for summat... Thanks
  11. So... I have sorted the bass relevant stompers from my 'full' list, and offer them here for general persual and commercial consideration. Many are not bass exclusive, but do a job 'down there'. I haven't put in some of my fuzz stuph (FZ2, Fuzz Face, Shred-o-Matic, like that...) SO hard to price the funky ones. I have put numbers in 'cos ya gotta. These are more about 'I know where there is one' than 'roll up, roll up'. Inc or ex carr and such will depend on payment method and location and such as that. I think I have the values about right for what they are, but I may have scrood up here and there. If some seem high, it is either a typo [please advise] or they are 'the expensive one'. We can do mutual research if it matters... If they go, they go. If they don't, they don't. I have had many since yon time, so another few years in the cave won't make no nevermind. One ething: I would prefer to sell the Lovetones as a set, if at all pos; it is the 'Bootsy' lineup which I got from the Bomb the Bass chap. Swaps, as always, of interest. Duzzint hafta be pedalish. Boss LS-2 Line Selector Boxed, as new 55 Boss SYB-3 Bass Synth Clean 70 DOD FX25 Env Filter 2 knob Boxed 45 Dunlop CB105Q Bass Wah White Boxed, as new 80 EH Bass Balls Ring Modulator Ancient 175 EH Little Big Muff Overdrive Olde 45 Lovetone Big Cheese Fuzz Orig series Like new 350 Lovetone Brown Source OD Orig series Like new 350 Lovetone Doppleganger Phaser/Vibrato Orig series Like new 450 Lovetone Meatball Envelope Follower Orig series Like new 500 Lovetone Stand Like new 30 Maestro Parametric EQ and Filter Clean 350 Mesa V-1 Bottle Rocket OD Valve Boxed, as new 180 MXR Dynacomp Compressor ‘80s block logo 125 Zdirect DI box DI Passive As new 25 Zoom 506 ll Bass Multi With p/s 30
  12. Snippoid. Talking with my tech yesterday... He has seen very few of these Behringers in for repair. Which suggests...they might be...well built...?!?!?!? Clear production cost/retail value/reliability message in there for Orange, SWR, Eden, Ashdown...
  13. Hey, Kev HNY, bud. I have a TC BG500 2x10... Chris
  14. Totally killer axes. Sold mine to Andy67 about 15 years ago. There was nothing to touch it back then.
  15. Jings! Nae comments... ..no e'en onny sweery words...!
  16. Japan Squier '62 RI Jazz swap?
  17. Once upon a time I had two black Japanese '62 reissue jazzes: an '88 Fender and an '87 Squier by Fender. The only build difference I could tell was that the Fender had a mint green plate and the Squier, a white. Punted the Fender, kept the Squier. Now testing the water with a punt/swap for the Squier. Very few marks, and all tiny. Almost no fret wear. Action superlow but buzzless. Strings a wee bit tired. Board will get a clean 'n oil (but not dry now). Photos in a Hiscox Lite Flight. Many case options, from nowt to Fender reissue black/white piping tolex. [attachment=95746:SDC10940.JPG] [attachment=95748:SDC10942.JPG] [attachment=95745:SDC10939.JPG] [attachment=95751:SDC10944.JPG] [attachment=95747:SDC10941.JPG] [attachment=95749:SDC10943.JPG] Hgher res of these available. Other shots on [constructive] request. 'Worn' JVs going for £750. 'Used' CIJs £500+ So... £425 plus case option delivered seems OK for a 9+. Aye? No? All [relevant] Qs 'n views welcome. Happy hols!
  18. Cats don't let on when they are happy. Might impact on their treats...
  19. Geoff is a great guy. His stuff is always straight. Looks a good 'un.
  20. Jeepers. Like I need another cab... ...but... Jeepers! Can't resist... Shippable? PM if so
  21. I had the same setup running a coupla weeks ago. A+. If this has Balck Widow drivers, the cab is priced less than a single recone kit....
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