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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. Great, musical cabs and price is £100-150 low. You NEVER see the 210....
  2. Best store bought scone I ever had came form a bakery in Falkirk.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1354202' date='Aug 28 2011, 11:38 AM']The b410he sounds better than the SVT410HE to me.[/quote] I think so, too, for the stock cabs - but try hardwiring the input and speaker loom before giving up. The wee press-in pressure fit tube into squeezer connectors are not the best single path interface. I turned a 'what's this about?' SVT115 into a 'on, yeah!' in about 5 minutes. Started with the the jack. That was SO MUCH better, I did the driver, too. And that was BETTER still. I haven't done the 410 because 4 x driver soldering and such is a bit more painstaking. And hey! the cab works fine already!
  4. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1354193' date='Aug 28 2011, 11:29 AM']No just thinking that it reads just as awful as it would sound buddy [/quote] It works even better delivered by my American accent! Heh
  5. And d'ye no ken thon richt wa tae speak? If ye huvnae the lugs ferr it, haud yer wheech. laddie. Err alaing awa' up and see us ferr a pint err twa and we'll hauv ye spakin' braw richt quick. Aye?
  6. Contender? [attachment=87990:5500_face.JPG] [attachment=87991:5500_back.JPG]
  7. Ampeg B5R [url="http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/B-5R.PDF"]http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/B-5R.PDF[/url] B410HE [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/b/b410he/index.html"]http://www.ampeg.com/products/b/b410he/index.html[/url] Good, clean nick, the baith. Heads go for £325-£400 'roond thae forum, Cab £350 new £600 collected, £625 delivered tae std UK hames. They wha ken me'll ken ma kit's aye fine,
  8. Sure looks like my old one - sold it through Scayles in Edinburgh 20-ish years ago.
  9. Had mine going at the weekend with Delberthot and Rumour6. BBBBIIIIIIIGGGGG bright soundz.
  10. [quote name='H the Bass' post='1349206' date='Aug 23 2011, 05:23 PM']It is indeed 4 x 12 blackbacks and i am informed prefered by Jimi Hendrix[/quote] And introduced only 4 years after he died!
  11. These are bullet proof, so popular with practice rooms. On the one hand, practice room owners are always cashless. On the other hand, they buy new Ashdown stuff and it always gets trashed/fries from hours of diming. Worth a phone/email around with a clear price?
  12. If they were bigger, you couldn't lift them.... Mains trannie [attachment=87536:power_trans.JPG] Output trannie [attachment=87535:output_trans.JPG]
  13. They look like this.... [attachment=87524:front.JPG] [attachment=87525:back.JPG] [attachment=87528:inside.JPG]
  14. Got one, too. Great, they are. Quite cab friendly, I put it through a JCM800 15+2x10. Or a pair of 1984 model 4x12s with 80w drivers. Or a JCM800 2x15 with Sidewinders, All good, Indeed.
  15. Chu did the deed. Good comms and a friend with a car. Used a real box and everything!
  16. I think Orkney needs the Mk4 AH250 and 810 cab. Mind you, the whales that will come to bask in the LF might beach at low tide...?!?!?
  17. restablishing this in the hierarchy
  18. 'Only' 400w. Old Trace watts. Jeez. That's...um...loud...
  19. Petersons are great. Old design still going strong.
  20. The powered cab is a dedicated top cab. The Scorpion drivers do not do bass, really. But when you put it on a TNT, a Combo 115 or Combo 300, it adds another dimension. Also works as backup monitor. You can get practice sounds with a preamp straight in. Also works as a passive guitar cab.
  21. Got the same setup - and many,many more Trace rigs... ...and many non-Trace... ...and combos... ...and... Just sayin' how great this rig is!
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