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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. Answers to all the newer replies... The hexa is a beast. Better built than the V series? Probably. The Nolan head is an all-vave lead head - one of the many British 'also rans' from the '70s. It is better made than a Sola Sound, better(?) sonics than a Sound City, not as weird as an Elgin. Not trashy like a V-Ampower or Triumph (sorry, Geoff, but really, man, what were you doing?) £500 is a tough price point if you want volume...
  2. Replied - come on over and blast 'em out!
  3. [quote name='Bankai' post='750175' date='Feb 18 2010, 08:45 PM']I'm looking for a complete rig. I've got a budget of £500, wouldn't mind spending less but I can go higher as well. Could you please recommend something of yours for my budget. The lightest songs I play are ones from bands like The Hives and I tend to do heavier stuff like Arch Enemy.[/quote] AH250 through the 1510X cab - the Mk2 @ £535 the pair or a Mk5 @ £625 the pair delivered or GP12SMX 410 combo - £500 delivered Tough call for the Hives/AE stuff, but I suggest the combo - clean, tech checked, drivers are fresh, takes an extension cab if you need (which you won't). Valve pre. Coome up and have a blast through the lot in the cave. Bring the band - you can let the drummer decide!
  4. If you like the sound - go for it, but don't expect trouble free longevity. Seen inside 'em. Much cheepnis evident. Seen some melty smokers... Wouldn't expect one to live long enough to become a classic...
  5. WHen you are ready for the matching 2x15 cab, whistle....
  6. Sold mine for: £1000 £1250 with matching 4x10 £1200 Price of valves has gone up since, but they are full of Ruby Tube Chinese KT88s, oft badged Trace Elliot. If it is being shipped, be sure to get the KTs removed and packed safely. There is room inside for bubbled valves to be packed neatly. Another good idea is to have a wooden wedge put into th espace between the top of each transformer and the cabinet. if hte amp is dropped on its end, then there will be hope for the chassis. Seen a few 'leaners' in my time... Good luck!
  7. The guy sold his 100w in minutes for £450. My 135 went to a blues band in the Borders in December. My Bassman 70 is now with Rumour6. First time in 10 years I am Bassmanless. ...feel...so..cold... But wait! Bass through a 135 Twin! Thank god I have two of those!!
  8. Bumping up so I can get at the photos for thon PM fowk...
  9. Pre-Gibson, but still naff build quality. Flying Pig used to turn them out cheap. The quality went to pot right after Series 6. Basic rule: if it is carpeted, it is downgraded. Be ready for repairs/death. If you want some of the good/best Trace, let me know...
  10. As new DB700 combo is available here and now from Rumour6 with a custom cover for £325 delivered. Can't see past that for a modern giggable choose-a-sound solution. If you are into tone over funciton, a Trace Mk2 1x15 combo wrote the book, defining hte British bass sound. £400 delivered.
  11. Nae probs. Easy as. Good comms. Aye!
  12. Trace Mk5 AH250 and a 15+10 cab. Or a GP12 SMX valve pre 4x10 combo and a 1x15 cab for under it. Either option will stand up to 'most any 600w 'modern' rig. Come on up and I'll prove it...
  13. Pal in Aberdeen is shifting his EA cab. 4 Neo cast frame drivers, an adjustible tweeter, arated@ 1000watts. This 410 is an M-Line speaker enclosure and is vented on both sides. Wheels and a removable "lugguage" style handle plus real useable handles. Made in the USA. Cost new (if you can find one in the uk) is £1100. He is on for £850. Carr will be £25 arranged by me, I don't know if he can/will do Paypal. [attachment=41367:EA003.jpg] [attachment=41369:EA005.jpg] [attachment=41368:EA004.jpg]
  14. [size=4]Wow![/size]...... sudenly an interesting item! Just need to know what amp connection gives it the options. Which I don't....
  15. Which profile neck is it? I had one the same back then with a neck that matched my '72 P-bass. Seen others with deep C clubby profiles. Man, I miss it... brand new condition with white plate. An Edinburgh shop called and said a guy forom Switzerland was depsatate for one, so I allowed it to be owned in a Tokai tweed case for £375. I had paid £325, so I let it go. Sob.
  16. Lee took care of business... I bought some valves - timely comms, well packed, quick return - even a wee extra! Supah!
  17. Any biamp head will do it - its just not a full range cab ( 2x250 top and 500 bottom). Chap with an AH600SMX sez his biamps = that'll work. Pre with stereo out and stereo power will do it. I have an AH350X and an AH500X if anyone wants to go the distance on a package. This thing is no money - found one advertsied for $3300AUS
  18. [quote name='umph' post='706150' date='Jan 8 2010, 11:25 PM']so soldering things on instead of connecting them with spade connectors made it sound better? sounds like you've been sold snake oil chap.[/quote] I wasn't going to bother replying to this one, but here you go... ...try it and see just how much dif it makes. In almost every case. Because it does, friend. I have many, many dozens of heads and cabs and have heard ithat dif many, many times. This isn't snake oil or attitude: Solder involves the full circumference of each strand and locks the mechanical contact in place. In a non-vibrating, oxygen free environment you could maybe trust a friction contact -if he crimping put more than one or two cables strands into contact with the spade in the first place. And as soon as there is oxidation or less-than-perfect contact, how much signal is getting through? Ever needed to clean an input jack? Same thing.
  19. Nope. It is from the V series - grill cloth over steel grill. About the size and depth of a standard 4x12 cab. Great rock cabs.
  20. If there was a list of 'waht to do' to get the music out of the gear, then here could be a standard shop prep routine that undoes all the jive. What amazes me is that a cab that is 'worth' £549 when it is sorted out is hiding inside something that sounds like s*** that they charge £549 for. That's £449 for a logo?
  21. Hi, Geoff! You and I been messing with gear for 20 years and we still bump into each other in new places! Great cab - just wanting a matching look, or is there a slight voicing difference? Pity it isn't a 1x15 you are after... Have fun on the forum. Here's to a prosperous '10! Chris
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