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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. Tough call... ...last one that went on ebay (in 2008, before valve prices went up twice) pulled £1k and had no statement of internal/operation condition - or even if it was working?!?! Currently has £520 ebay-worth of valves in it. Gotta be worth £1250 after Marshall get done with it (why send it anywhere else for a check-up?) I'll sell it valveless as-is for £525 delivered. Or we can go the 'check it first' wait-and-see route and do £1,250. I know it is a wide range, but there is no 'market price' for such a rare piece.
  2. Hmmm... Do I need another one so I can biamp with my AH500? Hmmm...
  3. Chance of a pic to see the size and how they mount? Thanks
  4. Yep. Carlsbro 100 Top. Honest, well-made piece. Great value clean machine for a pedal head. Want a 50? - just pull a pair of output valves and drop the impedence one notch.
  5. Aye, it can go. I only have a couple of cabs that can take that thing and I am valve chuffing with my trusty Hiwatt 200 just now. Model 2001 375w head. I got it a while back with an intermittent fault. My tech sorted it, then we tested it and it was A+++ for a while, then something started up again. Coould have been a basic component or a valve (lord knows there's enough of them in there). Rather than throw more time/£ at it at that point, I mothballed it. A lot of the £ is going to be in the valves... I stuffed it with strong USA 6550s, but I have a set of Trace Chinese KT88s from when I had all those V8s (3) and V6s (4). I prefer to guarantee my stuff. My plan is to send it back to Marshall for a factory sort-out, then sell it with its 1-yr repair guarantee. But someone else can take that bit on if they want. Hard to value, but I am sure an archive search will come up with a 'fair market' price.
  6. Some photies [attachment=38650:AH250_on...and_15_2.jpg] AH250 on 1510X [attachment=38651:AH250_on_18_and_15.jpg] AH250 on 18+15 [attachment=38652:trace_mk...15_combo.jpg] Mk2 150w 1x15 combo [attachment=38653:trace_mk...10_combo.jpg] Mk2 300w 410 combo [attachment=38654:smx_combo_2.jpg] GP12SMX 250w 410 combo [attachment=38656:trace_ah...on_1048H.jpg] Ser6 410H cab [attachment=38657:trace_1048_mkV.jpg] MkV 410 cab [attachment=38659:trace_18_and_10.jpg] 18+15 cab [attachment=38660:trace_15_and_10.jpg] 1510X cab Let me know if there is anything else you need photos for.... ...and some assorted weirdness... [attachment=38661:peavey_a...d_burman.jpg] [attachment=38662:marshall_375.jpg] Model 2001 375w now running great! Putting out around 420w RMS! £1500 [attachment=38663:nolan_100.jpg] [attachment=38664:100_head.jpg]
  7. Norway has been done before. I have taken some shots - now to download them and reduce the resolution to a manageable size for the site/email...
  8. [quote name='Amokoma' post='687814' date='Dec 17 2009, 10:23 PM']How much for the "Mk112+15+18 4ohm" and "Mk1 15+18 4ohm"? Do you have some pics please? I just gotta see these to believe...[/quote] I was up at the roomwith Rumour6 a few weeks ago. AH500 through 4x10 and 1x15 on one side and the 15+18 on the other. Then 1x15 + 2x15 and 15+18 Then 4x10+4x10 and 15+18 Then 4ohm 4x12 and 15+18 Then 4x10+4x10 and 1x15+1x15 Same volume in the room and 100m away. Tcha!!!! But - for me - the 15+18 on its own was pullentee. Am I broken?
  9. [quote name='Amokoma' post='687814' date='Dec 17 2009, 10:23 PM']How much for the "Mk112+15+18 4ohm" and "Mk1 15+18 4ohm"? Do you have some pics please? I just gotta see these to believe...[/quote] [size=3]Are akshully up for one - or just perving?[/size] The big cab is empty at the mo'. 400w Eminence 18 £100 300w Eminence 15 £75 The 12 has to be a shallow frame, so ... 200w JBL 12 £125 Loading and shifting and courier £100 ...and something for the box... £100 £500, I guess. Last Trace price was £1,182 in 1984. Discontinued @ MkV time. Cost was going to be £2k and they figured no one would pay £2k + retail markup. Quite right! Photos are tricky, as I have to move a bunch of stuff to get at it and the weather is pish for that. The cut down cab will be easier, and I may be seeing it today. I'll snap if so. The drivers are the right ones. Fane Crescendo 400w 18 Celestion 150w cast frame 15" £375? Putting the black paint cab version AH250 on it completley does it for me as a "balls-out/fill any hall/bass? here's yer bass, pal" rig.
  10. £180 is ludicrously cheap for this great amp. And a really clean example it is, too! I'd buy it - but if you have seen my thread - no point! This is much lower priced than mine, so somebody scoop this!!!!!!!!! Ya know - screw it - if it hits £150, I'm on!
  11. Would a 300w 4ohm 1x12 cab be a useful compact thingmie? I have one of the bass enhanced Black Widow 12s sitting here. I could load it into a clean Valvestate cab = wide enough to sit under a Yamaha. Otherwise, I have some bits 'n pieces. Pod GX USB interface. Roland Bass Amp/Cab emulator interface. Boss LM3-B pedal. DD-3. TU-2. Old Dod FX-25. '80s MXR Dynacomp. Ibanez PT 9 Phaser. Korg FLG-1 Flanger. Z-direct passive DI. Cheap but set up well P copy. And other stuff. Much other stuff. What are your tastes?
  12. Did you say trades? Hmmm... ..fer wot kinda thing/s?
  13. [quote name='Stylee' post='685395' date='Dec 15 2009, 04:43 PM']Have you a 1153 for sale?[/quote] Yes - two Series 6/black rexine = good ones. One shallow format, one deep format. Means splitting the AH200 + 1153 + 1203X stack, though.... And a green carpet one.
  14. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='685077' date='Dec 15 2009, 12:42 PM']Wins the prize for the strangest 'For Sale' ad. How about putting a pic and a price of the stuff you want to sell? [/quote] 7 heads and 15 cabs and 5 combos and 5 flight cases - I can't set all that up for photos at once. Prices depend on what you want. As stated, tell me specific wants and you get a specific reply. Already swapped a head and sent out 4 priced replies. How about saying what you are looking to buy? Easy. OK - let's try a list: Heads MkIV AH150 - gone Mk2 AH250 MkV AH250 MkV AH350X Mk 2 AH500 MkV AH500 Series 6 AH200 - gone Cabs Mk2 410 200w MkV 410 200w MkV 410 800w Ser 6 410H 300w Mk2 1518 200w MkV 1518 200w Ser 6 1518 300w Ser 6 1153 200w shallow format - gone Ser 6 1153 200w deep format Ser 6 2103X 2x10 + 2x5 Green carpet 1503 V series 2x15 500w Mk112+15+18 4ohm Mk1 15+18 4ohm MkV 18+10 Ser 6 15+10 Combos Mk2 150w 1x15 Mk2 150w 1x15 Mk2 300w 410 Ser 6 200w 2x10 + 2x5 valve pre Ser 6 GP12SMX 250w 4x10H I think that's it.... Biggest money piece(s) is the Mk2 AH500 and 410 and 15 stack in black painted wood. Flight cases are Tarce, but newer than the gear. Taken me 15 years to pull that together.... Whew!
  15. Sure.... Great top cab 300w 410H £325 Powerhouse bottom cab 800w 410 £350 Clean and ready. Both Series 6-ish era. Carriage is gonna be £30 overnight insured. Take the pair and I'll deliver fer nowt. £350 can also/instead get you a 15+10 same size as a 410. If you like a full, bright sound - that is the very dab! Also to be considered is a tidy AH250 GP12SMX 410H combo @ £500 delivered. Gives the valve pre and dual compression option, and no worse a lift than a 4x10 cab. JIC it appeals....
  16. Nowt to do with me... ...but if you are looking. Here is a Mk IV head that may well be a HUGE bargain... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-GP11-Bass-Amp_W0QQitemZ300376252858QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item45efd1e1ba"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-GP11-Ba...=item45efd1e1ba[/url] Clears kinda nowish, though....
  17. It is a model 1225V. [attachment=38325:trace_1225v.jpg] It is £450. A Series 6 AH200 non-valve head in good nick is a solid £250 worth and a 2103X cab is £250+ if you can find one.
  18. [quote name='parker_muse' post='684341' date='Dec 14 2009, 07:18 PM']Have you a 4 ohm cab under 200?[/quote] Only 4ohm cab is the 15+18 for £300. I don't have a 4ohm 15 to sub for the stock 8ohms, either. Sorry.
  19. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='684193' date='Dec 14 2009, 05:10 PM']Got anything in the way of a 12" or 15" combo around 150 watts for the 150.[/quote] Nope, sorry. I don't have any of the post-Gibson commando-type cheapies.
  20. [quote name='maddude16' post='684180' date='Dec 14 2009, 05:00 PM']pics, prices :S ?[/quote] Tell me what you want and a budget....
  21. [quote name='Paul S' post='684141' date='Dec 14 2009, 04:29 PM']Thanks but I think they would all be even heavier than something that is already too heavy![/quote] Nae doot aboot tha'. At least the 15+18 is a face-off cased tilt back wheeler...
  22. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='684088' date='Dec 14 2009, 03:31 PM']4x10 cab / 4 or 8 ohms / >400W handling / cheap as chips? ....please? [/quote] Eminence 100w drivers are £40 a pop, so cheap as chips is kinda hard for anything I could warrant as worthy. I can do you an empty 4x10 cab for you to auto-fill....
  23. 300w is the best I can do for a loaded 1x15.
  24. [quote name='maddude16' post='683514' date='Dec 13 2009, 11:02 PM']hey what are the prices of heads?[/quote] [b][i]Not[/i][/b] the question I was wanting.... .. but let me know output, features and budget and I will tell you what I can do.
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