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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. [quote name='WILD FROG SHOT' post='382512' date='Jan 16 2009, 03:31 PM']That 5 looks sweet; why can't you have it now? I would love to take it off his hands - just couldn't justify another Stingray (even though I do love my 4 string Stingray) when there are so many other awesome basses to lay my sticky mits on! Got any further with the Ricken-funds-no-show?[/quote] Waitin' fer Lysdexia to confirm that the Mapleglo that funds the Jetglo is away... ...word is due imminently... ...he was saying 'sale guaranteed'...
  2. I have been asked the weight the MM5. For those who may care - or understand the answer - it weighs 4.782kg. That's 10lb8oz.
  3. Lysdexia and Gareth both at the same time... ...I won't put up my natural finish one, then....
  4. Don't show this to bassmanc... How izzit that there can be concurrent doubles of this stuph?
  5. Check with Andy67 regarding a 2 pro...? He may be up for a swap?
  6. The first shots show 2 broken sliders on the preamp. The new shots show all 11 in place. Did something nice happen?
  7. Gee If Gareth says a black '80s Ric case is £275 worth - - this oughta pull £300+?!?
  8. Does a J-made Geddy carry significant trade-in value?
  9. Hey, all I thought this would be the most useful place to post this..... There are a few basses flowing to and fro, so I thought I would share my shipping shopping fingings... The bugbear with bass sending is length - jsut too long for all those £19.95 for 30kg packages. However, I found this guy: Rob [email protected] He ships autoparts around. For a parcel that is 20cm x 50cm x 135cm his rate is £32.85. I haven't checked on insurance arrangements and such, but that seems quite keen as a staring point. If this deal on the blue MM5 goes forward, I will shop some more and post the outcome. If I use him, I will report back on the quality of the service. Ta Chris
  10. The plate belongs to the ferret - you don't like it on the floor - you take it from her!!!!!!!
  11. [quote name='WILD FROG SHOT' post='374981' date='Jan 9 2009, 12:15 PM']Would have liked to come play the 'Ray 5; would probably almost cost me the £725 to get to Scotland! Do you have a sale on the Rick yet?[/quote] If you can fit into a box, the courier from Bristol wil about £40..... I am thumping the 5 jsut now through the wee Trace rig I got today. OMIGAWD! Why did I sell it to my optometrist in the first palce - and how come I can't have it now...!??!?!?!?!??!? Weep...... Lots of positive words and calls and allsorts on the Ric from first chap committing to buy, but no ££££ in hand as of this afternoon.
  12. Hey There are quite a few 'transition era' basses on the go just now, so I thought I would throw this into the marketplace... [attachment=18347:full_face.jpg] [attachment=18348:inside.jpg] [attachment=18349:fff.jpg] This is post-tweed, white and brown and before the 'typical' black buffalo hide vinyl case we all know and love. The tolex has some challenges adn it is missing a foot, but it is otherwise tasty and oh-so-yellow inside! Has to be worth a few bob, but where does one start? Lotsa other photos for anyone seriously interested. This thread will probabaly sit in the archives forever - but at least you know where there is one for sale... ...for when you get your '69 Jazz!!!!! The ferret is extra......
  13. This is THE cab for that. I like my 15+10, but the 18+10 is the v. biz when the gig justifies the hump. Luckily my 2x15 is the 4x12 size one, not the tall one....
  14. Juggernaut was a snip.... ..love 'em or hate 'em, like most other efects... ...grindy growly phun....!
  15. Not sure you would get one for less - stuff seems to be going up in this time of retail squeeze...!??!
  16. These are almighty! Mine is kinda krusty lookin'. If it was nearer, I would have it in a microsecond and off mine for cheap. But the courier on 60k takes it over the top for me....
  17. £500 is more than fair.... ...still high build quality... ...why did they change a great design?
  18. Hey Rumour6 traded his S2 to Promenade Music in Morecambe a few weeks back. Pobabubbly still there....
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