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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. No follow-through from the 2 viewers, then? Try the Aberdeen guy...? I'll bet the Aussie in London still has the 810/case for sale.... ATB for 09, Bubba!
  2. When you settle on a budget, let me know and I will pick through the pile to see if I have one I can do for that price.... ...but you'll find that a Bass will be cheaper than a Lead. And you'll find that the new series stuf jsut doesn't ahve the qua;ity of componenets, build or transformers of the JCM800 and older models. Cheers
  3. I got a digicam thingmie for Krizzmizz, but haven't figured out how to open the box yet....
  4. I'll get 'em up ASAP - it is with my optometrist, so mayhap will be a coupla days... What I do for free glasses.....!
  5. An amazing cab - easy enuff to move about. it was the 'other half' of one of my V6 stacks. Sold the head with the 4x12. I preferred the 2x15 'cos I'm deep 'n fat, not slappy. It is in ace nick (just a couple of minor carpet scuffs), so... ...300 come 'n get it... ...or... Sweet Christmas Deal ...425 flightcased and delivered.
  6. Hi Clean, valve pre, split hi and lo compression, 12-band EQ Some rack marks only. 375 to your door. Happy to email the manual for the pre section so's you can check the features. Good selection of cabs if you want to build a stack.... Trace 4x10, 4x10+Horn, 1x15, 2x15 (not the tall thing - a 'standard' size 500w green carpet model from the V series), 15+10, 18+10 or a USA Hartke 410 Will swap for a Mk4/56 AH250 or AH500 if it helps. Will post pics as soon as anyone expresses interest....
  7. My optometrist is going on a course in Bradford, so is punting to cover costs. Here's the list: Black on black JV Squier P Bass....550 delivered....omigodwhataplayerandsocleanandomigodomigod! [attachment=20996:jv_logo.jpg] Trace V8 'mooth' vinyl...............1500..........superclean, cover, fresh valves Trace 410H 'Smooth' Vinyl.........300............stove enamel grill, ace from the front, top a wee bit rough from weight of its V8 [attachment=20997:V8_STACK.jpg] Trace 1518 'Old' Vinyl.................175..........good Rickenbacker 360 Mapleglo.........850..........25th anniv year, as new [attachment=20999:360Front.jpg] Gibson Les Paul Studio black.......550...........some marks, but best of all I have had [attachment=21000:23_02_09_1948.jpg] Yamaha CPX8 Electro Burst.........450...........v.v. clean, piezo + mic pickup, Hiscox Takamine G 12str Natural...........225...........near new There y'are....
  8. Here's the list: Rickenbacker 4003 Black 1200 as new Musicman 5-str Blue 750 good-to-fine Fender USA Jazz Black 450 v.v. clean, but filled repl head holes (orig heads on) Rickenbacker 360 Maple 850 as new Fender USA Strat White 450 near new Yamaha CPX8 Burst 350 v.v. clean Takamine G 12str Natural 225 near new Trace 410H Vinyl 250 good + gigged Trace 1518 Vinyl 225 good
  9. Ummm... ...easy to ship... ...its a flight case... ...just put a label on it and courier takes it away....
  10. Price shift to 1200. A snip for a better-than-shop-wall condition Ric, n'est-ce pas?
  11. You'll notice that the Gumtree price is higher.... ...this izza snip for a BCer... Already got an offer of a Stingray p/x....
  12. Sold 19.3.09 Sweet Geddy from Japan. Black with white plate. Fender bag has a wee stitching issue challenge, but otherwise clean and zip is good. 500 delivered overnight. [attachment=17420:geddy_full.jpg] [attachment=17421:geddy_face.jpg] [attachment=17422:back.jpg] [attachment=17423:full_neck.jpg] [attachment=17424:back_of_...unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17425:bottom_unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17426:end_unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17427:gedy_head.jpg] [attachment=17428:geddy_sig.jpg] [attachment=17429:CIJ.jpg] [attachment=17430:small_de...ly_marks.jpg] [attachment=17431:Case.jpg] [attachment=17432:case_seam.jpg]
  13. Put it through the big Mesa cab last week. Great tone and plenty of it from the efficient EV drivers.
  14. [b] My optometrist is selling some bits to fund a course ('89 Jazz, Blue MM 5, mapleglo Ric 360) and this... 2002 Jetglo 4003. Cased. With pickup cover. Near 'nuff new condition. Camera photos, but there is nowt to show.... [attachment=17380:full_in_case.jpg] [attachment=17386:face_in_case.jpg] [attachment=17381:back_unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17383:logo_unm...eadstock.jpg] [attachment=17382:controls_unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17383:logo_unm...eadstock.jpg] [attachment=17387:end_of_h...unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17384:back_of_...unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17385:back_of_...unmarked.jpg] [attachment=17391:key_and_cover.jpg] [attachment=17389:case_logo.jpg] [attachment=17390:full_case.jpg] Now 1200 inc carriage - but will honour earlier contacts if somebody converts kwikly....
  15. Trace 250w GP12SMX rack version any interest as a swap? Well...it is a little lighter...
  16. Tonally triumphant Fender Bassman 70 in good nick. I had my tech set it up with top notch USA 6550s to give it more clean headroom - a £75 decision that really paid off! It likes a 4ohm load for maximum performance, but my cabs are 8ohm and it doesn't seem to mind. £450 delivered set up as-is. If you want it back to 6L6s, I can get that done. There should be some savings, but I don't know what, as it will involve a rebias and my tech has three daughters and it is getting near Christmas, so 'family price' seems to be taking on a new meaning....
  17. Hi Some cabs.... My Optometrist is funding a course. He bought my last V8 rig - the head and 810, if you remember them...? He then switched to a 410H in the matching vinyl and an older 1518 (as if it needed more depth...) and the 810 went. He is now parting with the 300w 410H @ 325 And - as long as i am listing this for him - I will hijack my own thread with these: I have an older than his 'normal Trace' vinyl covered 300w 410H @ 325 ...and a black painted ancient 410 200w @ 275 ...and a black painted ancient 1x15 200w @ 275 ...and a very clean condition vinyl 15+10 200w @ 350 ...and a green carpet 2x15 400w left over from my V6 period @ 350 All 8ohm with orig drivers. I have some flight cases to suit, including a double cab case for you tour types! And, finally, a G12SMX rack version valve pre dual compressor 250w head to drive them @ 375 Whew!
  18. Cheapest way is a Zoom B501. Wouldn't 'use' one - but has the headphone thing covered. Not as sweet as a Pandora - but at around 25 - whaddaya want? I think I have one somewhere....
  19. Owt that's good for you - we can do it. Here it is, next to a 60w bulb.... [attachment=16127:19_11_08_1606.jpg]
  20. Ending my octave daze.... Grey EBS Octabass. Boxless, but in super nick. 60 clams posted. May be up for kwalitee OD or compressor swaps....
  21. Thornybank

    Fuzz Find

    So I went to Cash Converters and bought one of their mystery pedals - an Aria Platinum Drive with an ECC83 valve front end. Marked at 24.99, so got it for 22. A valve OD has to be worth a flurry at that price. [attachment=16106:Aria_TD1_shot.jpg] Keerapppp for guitar. Too much all at once. But for bass?!?!? FUZZZZZZZZZZ with the 4003 and the DiMarzio-ed P. V. nassssty. Buy of the week, I reckon. Might not pay the full 70-squid new, tho'.... Ennywun else tried it?
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