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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. Live - Hiwatt 400 through Trace 1810 cab Studio - silver face 100w Fender Twin Reverb Both sounded FANTASTIC outdoors, too!
  2. Tube Amp Doctor is reasonable. [url="http://www.tubeampdoctor.com/index.php?language=en"]http://www.tubeampdoctor.com/index.php?language=en[/url]
  3. I am not a big fan of compact boxes.... ...but Rumour6 has a 2x12 EBS neo thingie that is great!, so waht do I know?!?! The weeAShdown boxes don't have the space fill authority I prefer. The orig Ashdown ABM 500 cab (300w qxq5) was fantastic with the V8 and the V6. Best 1x15 since the big Trace boxes. From my stable, the Trace 1510 (1x15 + 1x10) is no bigger than a 4x10 and might do it for you as a one-box solution. That's only £300.... Or a Trace 4x10 + horn.... £275. Or if you want the end-all, how about a Trace 15+18 full flight box (face off, wheels and handles)? OMIGOD!!! Plenti-full-y ranged and snippish at £250. Lotsa thots.
  4. May be selling the carpeted 4x12. Depends on what a couple of local guys are up to with my V6 and 2x15 cab. The 4x12 is rated at 800w, has a horn and a high frequency dial. There is a metal grill under the front grill cloth. It is superclean and flightcased, so I would expect to get £550 inc delivery. doesn't hurt so much if you factor in the "cheap as free" deal you got on the head.... But if you want a great cab just to get on with, Andy67 is offing his Ashdown 8x10 - and your amp will make that puppy sing!
  5. Tell us the model number and the letter at the end of the serial number and we will know lead/bass, wattage and age. Describe condition in detail, alongwith any known repairs/replaced bits and we can help with a value. Ta
  6. 50w EL34 combo. I set mine up with 6550 valves to give more clean headroom and put in a Celestion powercell to be more efficient. The EQ is lower mid biased, but still sounds quite good for guitar.
  7. Once had a blue custom bass by Jimmy moon in Glasgow that had a chrome 4-string Khaler on it. It was wham-tastic! Wonder where that is? I think it ended up in Dundee....
  8. Musicman through a Fender twin reverb = one of the all-time great sounds. PBass through a Hiwatt 100w and a 69 Marshall 4x12. Oh, yes! Jazz through a Burman 4000 through a Peavey 18+2x10. Grunt. Rickenbacker through a Trace V6 and the matching (4x12-size) 2x15. Chug. Pbass through a Marshall 50w and a checkerboard 1935 2x12 with 30w greenbacks. Studio cream. Any bass through a Fender Bassman 20 1x15 from the '70s. 6V6 output valves = no headroom, but smoooooth for recording. PBass and a '63 Ampeg B15N with a JBL. Motown. Gibson EB through a Sunn stack. Pappalardi....
  9. Yep - everyone is right! The best "average" I can work with is to google up a best best shop price, then scan current ebay completed items to see what current fashion says. Then I consider paying less than ebay with the option of washing my face if I hate the thing, or charging less because that's the kind of guy I am.... The latter is probably nuts...? Fun, huh?
  10. This should be fun.... Pricing a second hand item is always fraught with doubt and nervous indecision. Having paid shop price because you HAD TO HAVE IT! or having scooped a free ads bargain, what do you do when the old girl's gotta go or the GAS hits critical? All things being equal (not a re-routed hash job, a dropped-from-a-height cracker or a central heating neck twister - nor a raving beauty) shops around here will offer 1/3 of retail so they can sell out at 2/3 of retail and still make a bit after the inevitable tidy, set-up, restring, shop warranty (if any) and VAT. So, unless you know the piece to be a peach, it is a collectable or you owe the seller a favour, private purchase should come in somewhere under that, n'est-ce pas? And less still if you are trading in against it = seller has to wait even longer for his £s. Street price, then, is 1/2 shop price? Or less if there are any issues/mods? Or wot...?
  11. In my experience it works at all levels. In fact, if the dif is only £100 or so, most will just buy new. Clear advice is - if you want to get the most form it - "put it back".
  12. MIM Jazzes go for £200-£250 in the private ads, £20 less here. Best value bass there is? A good rule of thumb for any modifications is: 1. Confirm the market value 2. Do the mod 3. Subtract the cost of the mods from the market value Gives you the current value after modification. So: £300 bass - change the bridge and pickups = £150 - now worth £150, unless you find someone who values the precise changes made. Putting it back to original only replaces value of the change required no physical intervention (screws, routing, etc). If you can tell it was done, don't add back. Sad, but true....
  13. Ermmm... Hartnoll Guitars do the Platinum Drive for £60 + £8 carr. Just so's you know re eBay expectations. I got mine at Cash Converters for £25. More of a fuzz than anything else. I am going to see what happens with a lower gain valve...
  14. I have one with the copper earth strip and a'. Same as the CIJ '62 reissue Fender I just sold for £400 - only differences were the decal and a white s/p instead of hte mint green from the CIJ. I think the Squier plays better, but that is entirely subjective. I would expect £350 as a fair value on the reissue spec Squier. ...or is that heavy?
  15. Three Electric Blue combos are available from Rumour6 and a local practice room who have bought three of my Trace 4x10 combos to upgrade in the face of competition: 130w 1x12 - older, British made, kinda scruffy due to cat ownership, but brown tape/hoover treatment (you don't have to thank me Andy...) has the forensic evidence down to just the odd claw and a few hairs left. No performance issues. No fan, so quiet in the ol' bedroom.... £135 delivered. 180w 1x15 - 1 year old, Chinese made, replaced driver but no head issues. Not smelly or bruised. Used for lessons. £125 delivered. 180w 1x15 - 3 months old, Chinese made. As new, still warrantied by Sound Control. Held as a back up unit - has maybe 4 hours on it. £135 delivered. Collect and save the carriage cost.... You can reply direct to Rumour6 on the 1x12 on the "deal" and liaise on the shipping with me.
  16. They all used to have necks like that....
  17. Bridge and jazz tuners, please. Will you incl. carriage, please? What is your preferred method of payment? Cash? Swops? Chris
  18. £180 is cheap - depending on what it needs. A filter cap job is around £75-125. depending on who does it. Transformers are £45-75, depending on source (I have some out of PA heads). Good working 120s are going for £250(street) -£350 (shop). Anyway - what valve anything do you get for less? Roost? Sola Sound? Elgin? Nolan? Carlsbro? Nothing with those fat Partidges.... A decent Selmer Treble 'n Bass is £300 anymore - and try to find a working 100w. The Stateside chap who bought my Hiwatt 400 used to run a Sound City website in the States. Worth a Google....
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