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Everything posted by Thornybank

  1. The 6 EL34 array gives a bit of headroom, but... Get a bass one - or get your tech to strip out the goofy active preamp stuff. They did a Bass 150, to - had one back in the mists of time.... Or move up to KT88s and buy my Sound City 200 (heh heh).
  2. Takamine Japan EG330S Nice, clean back. [attachment=6190:TakamineFront.jpg] [attachment=6191:TakamineBack.jpg] [attachment=6192:TakamineCase.jpg]
  3. The footswitch is required to avoid the limiter kicking in when using the dirty channel (bridges the two channels). Needs a stereo lead, but.... Dundee, eh? D'ye ken Breeksie at Groucho? An auld pal.... If we can work out a drop to Edinburgh or Easterhouse, I think we're on....
  4. Jeez. That's cleaner than mine! Watching with interest....
  5. Thornybank

    Power Tap

    All attenuators have a characteristic sound. They are all biased, taking out mid, highs or both in some measure. I like the Marshall Power Brake for EL34 amps and the Hot Plate for 6L6 amps. A Marshall head can take a mid scoop and the 6L6s are toppy so need the fat left in. But that's me. Anyway, unless you have £150 or so in the kitty, the best way to cut your sound is to reduce the surface area of your speakers. Using a 4x12 or 4x10? Use a 2x12. Using a 2x15? Try a 1x15. All the way down to a 1x12. I like a Marshall 1912 cab reloaded with a 200w EV, myself. Great all-rounder for studio and acoustic support moments. But that's me.
  6. Is it 4+1 or 5 a side? The nation awaits an answer...
  7. This one is the same as an SB1000 in all ways except no "third knob" tone selector. This thing really sings....
  8. Hiya, 'thumbs I have SO MUCH stuff.....can't see any gaps the now.... How is the combo running? Stay warm Chris
  9. Tone is quite smooth - does that mean Precision? But you can select to split the coils - does that mean Jazz? I wish there was a common vocabulary for sounds.... Maybe another 'chatter can give their opinion...?
  10. Cheque reported to be in the post...
  11. Sold to a man frae Glesga.... Here is an early ('81?) Aria through-neck single humbucker bass from the RB series. It has a couple of tiny dinks in the finish, but scores 9/10 overall for an early '80s classic. Has the original case, nicely stickered up with retailer, Aria, Marshall and Dire Straits tour memories. The handle is taped over, but the plastic grip is still in there. The transluscent gold finish is AMAZING and probably the least-seen of the options. This is not the honey colour - this is gold. But not crude and tacky looking like a gold top guitar. The photos make it look a wee bit more bronze than the akshul gold. The wood grain shows through nicely. The bass is all professionally set up and happening. +++includes original warranty card and hang tag in its little cellophane packet+++ The fretless red one with no case went on ebay last week for £321+ carr so I thought £375 + carr would be good for this, considering it has its case and such... Whaddaya reckon? [attachment=5622:SBR60Front.jpg] [attachment=5623:SBR60Back.jpg] [attachment=5624:SBR60Case.jpg] [attachment=5625:SBR60CaseOpen.jpg]
  12. The Sibs cab is a great deal! Smooth adn dark tonality adn "only" 200w hadnling, but it has a fat sound that carries.
  13. £325 is fair. Voiced for Celestions, and intended to go through a 4x12, so cab will have a big impact on tone/response.
  14. That's what couriers are for.... cheaper @ £10-15 door-to-door than to drive across town and back. I lurv 'em....
  15. In case it helps... I have the Road Ready version - and it does everything except walk itself down the aisle.... Had it out to try an SVT200T head - scary scary big and low. The LF made my pal's cat throw up. [attachment=5454:SVT200T.jpg] And yours is a very clean example. Clearly, this season's MUST HAVE item..!
  16. I have a big yellow wheeled rack flight unit that was built for a karaoke operation - top comes off, front and back come off. It is about four feet high - too big? If only my phone/camera was talking to my computer, I could send photos. If this beast intrigues, I will try to get some.
  17. Amazing price for the old 200w painted box. Rich, creamy tone from ply construction compared to boxy brwarp from mdf. A lick of the right paint and it will look fabberoo. With one of the wee side handle AH150 heads on it it will deliver most excellent tonality. Cheap just for the old Celestions. Bargain++
  18. All of the big Trace valve heads have their amazing side and their quirks - each is distinctive. £600-650 for a V6 seems right to me. I was/am looking for £1k for a V6 and cab (4x12 or 2x15). Worth it? Heck, yeah! If you heard a note "blind" and didn't know what it was, you'd guess any boutique number, I reckon. Cautionary tale of shipping fun that argues for personal collection... My last V6 purchase wasn't packed very well and got dropped, so I was out a full revalve of KT88s. Looked OK, but 5 dead out of 6. Luckily, I had a spare octet for my V8, so I wasn't right out of pocket. Still, have to add £150 value more onto the price. Owch! But - dig this - the amp was working (albeit over the top drivey sounding) on a single valve! The poor valve - taking the full 725 plate volts all on its ownsome... If you are sending yours off - take the power valves out and wrap 'n pack them separately. Also, put many wraps around the whole thing - it should be bouncy, not breaky. A corner landing will crack a casing and the inertia of a big transformer usually distorts the chassis (leaning tower time...) If there is a claim you never want to be accused of under-packing. Also, I put a weight notice on the boxes of these biggies. These aren't high demand pieces - who ever gets to see/hear one to know what they are? So, expect a couple of goes on eBay to find the right person who has the pennies together at the time of the listing. The good thing about the forum is that there can be the chance to have a good dialogue and agree to hold until savings are gathered up. But £650 delivered? For a V6 that is checked over and happening? 370 watts of solid KT88 tones? Fair dos. Yea, unto a snip!
  19. Hi These are the best I can do with my meager telephonic technology. Pretty poor with tiny ser no type, but you know the number.... All the hardware is shiny - the finish issues are Fender polyester things, not abuse - though the back of the neck thing looks like it took a dunt in its past. Fender, though, so it didn't actually dent the wood or anything "structural". [attachment=4685:07_01_08_1030.jpg] [attachment=4686:07_01_08_1035.jpg] [attachment=4687:07_01_08_1037.jpg]
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