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Everything posted by Gunsfreddy2003

  1. I use the Jam by Apogee and that works really well and costs nowhere near £500!
  2. Really useful that you did not bother to reply my PM - thanks a lot!!!
  3. This is one of my favourites! http://youtu.be/QTwk_R4spCs
  4. Yep got the same email which sparked my interest! [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1387115490' post='2308291'] Not sure what the price usually is on these but I had an email from strings direct yesterday; they're knocking them out at £125. [/quote]
  5. Hi all, Liking the look of this for home practice/recording etc. Has anyone got one or tried one with bass yet? From the promo vids and blurb there is no mention of using with bass so I guess it is not suited but would be handy to know if anyone has tried one? [url="http://www.rolandconnect.com/product_2013-01.php?p=cube_lite_monitor"]http://www.rolandconnect.com/product_2013-01.php?p=cube_lite_monitor[/url] Cheers
  6. PM'd
  7. To understand what the Bright knob does you really need to run it with an EBS cab!! Paired together they give you an amazing amount of top end and you cannot get that sound from any other cab and believe me I have tried!! [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1386265672' post='2298018'] Well, I've had a good play. The GB Shuttle 9.2 is extremely transparent. Set flat, you get that pure instrument tone. When you play with the EQ, the core transparency remains, and the frequencies change in a very predictable and consistent way. The EBS is also very clean, but definitely has more of a voice. When changing the EQ, you can get some more varied timbres. All of these are usable, but it may take a bit more fiddling to get what you're after. They are both incredibly versatile, and can get ultra bright, if that's your thing. I found that with the EBS, you can just 'happen upon' a really sweet tone, whereas with the GB, you dial in what you need, and that's what you get. Overall, I'm favouring the EBS at the moment, as it has a couple of tones which really nail what I'm after. I know it's a wooly term, but the lows have 'girth' whilst still retaining clarity. The GB has this too, but possibly slightly less so. I'm going to gig both before making any decisions. Other observations - What does the 'bright' knob on the EBS actually do? Nothing as far as I could hear! The EBS is heavier and bulkier, but it's still easy to carry and store. Volume wise, the Shuttle is definitely louder (not surprisingly) but now by as much as you might think. The Shuttle is virtually silent at all volumes. The EBS has a noticeable buzz/hum when at higher volumes. I don't see this being an issue when playing though. Oh, and the valve OD on the Shuttle may be lacking, but the drive simulation on the EBS bears as much resemblance to a valve sound as I do to Gok Wan. [/quote]
  8. Cheers for the comments guys. The idea is too embed on the home page of our new website so people can see what we look and sound like very quickly. We did think about doing a medley but it would have cost more and we were on a budget! If we get some work in then we can do it better next time!
  9. Oh dear - no comments at all. Must be bad!!!
  10. Evening all, We decided to invest in a promo video to try and get some more function/wedding work for our disco/funk/soul band. Let me know what you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agM2RGmfQtc
  11. Cheers for the bump Mick - I know you liked yours! [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1385142637' post='2284998'] Top bit of kit bump.... [/quote]
  12. Ex-demo HD350 in as new condition and complete with 12 month warranty. Asking price is £595 + p&p which is a bargain for an as new HD350 as the cheapest I can find on the web is £829. This is coming direct from the ex UK distributor for EBS, so buy in total confidence.
  13. No not a liar - I just don't agree with what you are saying! Getting back to the point of the thread I have also compared my LM3 against a HD350 and would say that they are very evenly matched when running at 4 ohms however run them at 8 and I would agree that for some reason the LM3 seems a lot louder which is weird!! [quote name='DiscoTetak' timestamp='1384124895' post='2273138'] Calling me a liar? Just kidding. No I didn't compare BH250 to Reidmar. I compared it to 350W Ampeg SVT3 Pro, in order to back up my theory that watts don't tell how loud the amp is. Here it is on top of Ampeg (provided as a backline) that served as an amp stand for the whole gig. I shared my experience with EBS Fafner, HD350 and HD650. I never tried Redimar, but I've read elsewhere that it is loud, and that agrees with what you said, but it also goes in line with what I said - watts don't tell how loud amp gets. All that said. I'm telling you how I experienced EBS line of amps. If you disagree with me, I'm totally fine with that. But I think it's fair that OP hears a different part of the story. [/quote]
  14. Completely disagree, the BH250 is a really quiet amp and useless in a full band environment. I am currently running a Mark Bass LM3 and an EBS Reidmar and I would say that the Reidmar into a 4ohm cab is louder! [quote name='DiscoTetak' timestamp='1384121550' post='2273079'] I know, but it wasn't a fair comparison when my 250W TC BH250 smoked 350W Ampeg SVT III PRO through 4ohm Ampeg 410HLF neither - I couldn't believe how much louder TC was. Sorry, I really don't want to look like a smartass, but my point is that watts don't tell how loud will amp get. There are numerous other factors. It's like how both TC RH450 and RH750 are actually 236W heads, but RH750 sounds louder. I have a ShuttleMax 9.2 now and I love it. Unfortunately, I don't have that 4x10" cabinet anymore, so I can't tell how exactly loud it gets compared to other heads. [/quote]
  15. I have a HD350 head on loan at the moment from Bernie Goodfellow, it is new and only been used at one rehearsal and he has offered it to me at a knockdown price too but I am not taking up the offer. I am between Cheltenham and Cirencester so let me know if this sounds of interest to you?
  16. Yep ACS T1 are only available as a custom fit monitor, they are good and I am happy with mine but EBS Freak is right into all of this and has opted for another brand offering multiple bass drivers and he said that the bass response blew ACS out of the water so definitely worth checking out his opinion and findings. One thing I would ask is Do you really need a wireless system? Unless you are very mobile on stage the answer is probably no! A wired system is a lot cheaper my friend!! [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1383853395' post='2270095'] ACS T Series are only sold as custom moulds as far as im aware, and i don't think you should have too much trouble with any of those 3 systems. The Sennheiser still seems to be a touring standard, and i believe (though he'll correct me if i'm wrong) that EBS_freak uses the Shure PSM900 system and highly rates it. The latest wireless tech is all moving toward digital stuff, which isn't adequate for IEM's at the moment due to latency issues as far as i'm aware. Liam [/quote]
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1382619193' post='2254473'] Dear The Dark Lord, for somebody who has blocked me, you seem to spend a lot of time looking at my profile page. Just sayin'. [/quote]
  18. Only plan on using the GB for everything these days so hence the need to find a filter that works with that bass niceley. Looks like the GR2 would be useful if I can find one anywhere.
  19. No - too damn fiddly. I like to have my bass on full volume when I play and then just click on a filter and be away. I don't think that is too much to ask for is it! [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1382360166' post='2251104'] would you not just turn down your bass? [/quote]
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