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  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115807085347?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3EBG3m-QQAW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Lr5GXN8gT0-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Yes we have went through the hate and denial period. We have now reached the acceptance stage 😄
  3. You could add a cheap mic pre that sends out line level. I'm using an art v3 mic pre into a powered monitor that expects line level. For something so cheap I really like it. Upgraded valve.
  4. I really like the look of these and the ultra thin neck sounds appealing. Yeah I'm liking the design alot. Think it sounds really good from the demos, reviews.
  5. Think I have my grandads old jar of slot head screws somewhere. But for added mojo I would use old hand made blacksmiths nails. What could possibly go wrong when I make a 6 string bass using high tension flatwounds. I have a luthier mate who makes custom specials, says he can help me out, he has a 7 string neck I can have for 300 pounds, he paid 50 pounds, for my 6 string big finger conversion. And a nut he made himself with a mitre. Something about being touch sensitive in the first position, i think that means first fret only. And not anywhere else. I already have an artec hot rail pickup. Scale length 31.1" When I make it I want serious buyers only no test pilots or dreamers. Because when they hear it through my luthier mates big rig! A Carlsbro cobra 90w combo. They will know authority and so called heft. (Actual comment about his big rig, from one of his ebay ads years ago)
  6. So much entertainment over the years.
  7. Nah think I will pass. The thought was blink of an eye fleeting 😄
  8. Sent you a pm with possible date. See what you think.
  9. I have found this bass from 2017 on I believe a US auction site https://entertainment.ha.com/itm/musical-instruments/bass-guitars/1980-fender-precision-bass-candy-apple-red-electric-bass-guitar-serial-v029065/a/7168-85095.s Description is as you bought it. So I think the wrong info was passed down and no one noticed.
  10. I like the think the little one at the end is for tilt adjustment haha. One thing though, that neck must be secure!
  11. It's still a fantastic bass! And I love the patina. It has the look. Which is why I looked at it so closely.
  12. Link to an 83 fullerton reissue example. Note the neck pocket and the headstock decal and end of fingerboard difference. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fender-fullerton-1983-‘62-reissue-p-bass.1593543/
  13. You can't search for these serials. I've had a look on the talk bass forum. Which have a bit of detail on these. But the serial is not fullerton reissues. As they ended V016 yours being v029 puts it way out. And the pics on the headstock there confirms the neck is not a fullerton reissue as the decal and the end of the fingerboard is wrong. Corona made a 62 reissue vintage series. Which I believe this is. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/fullerton-era-fender-precision-jazz-reissue-info-and-photos.894321/
  14. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314515383651?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Frv4faVIRkW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Lr5GXN8gT0-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I half thought about buying this just to see if can make it playable. Then came to my senses. Wonder if it ever was played. Possibly wear to frets?
  15. I think the neck and serial suggest a later 80s or even early 90s. Corona. It's certainly not a fullerton neck or serial. I think your sale chances would improve if the actual bass model, year identified.
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