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Everything posted by Patchbass

  1. One of these along with a trace 115 is in my local music shop and I've been on it a few times and like the sound although it does look heavy the guy is willing to sell the head and cab for £500 do I take it and also I'm not sure whether to get it or go for an abm 500 and 410 as I want a a warm deep sound. opinions?
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375747855' post='2165233'] Then you're sorted. A single ABM 8ohm 600W 410 cab will easily handle an ABM 500 amp. Go for it. [/quote] thanks and I think I finally know what I want and Ive found a good deal just gota do a bit more busking at the horse races and I should be able do to get them it will be my first proper rig!
  3. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1375737450' post='2165077'] An ABM 410 will be more than loud enough to gig with. I've been using one for the past 5 years and I've never had the volume on any of my amps past halfway! It was pretty heavy compared to some other cabs I've seen but nothing too ridiculous. EDIT: just to add that I play with an extremely loud drummer as well! Paul [/quote] Ah thanks I've just read in the past things about it I think I shall hopefully get one soon
  4. I Would use an abm 500 and play in a 3 piece band with what I would say as an average hitting drummer and the guitarist stays clean a lot of the time
  5. Anymore replies? So one by itself is enough?
  6. Thanks for the replies it seems like the best for me in my price range
  7. Right in finding out they are heavy but I think i can handle it as I'm young and up to the challenge
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375646012' post='2163880'] I've used two ABM 410s stacked in a rock band and they are very good cabs indeed. Solid, well made, don't rattle, sound really good. These were the 600W RMS ones at 8 ohms each. I moved them on though, because as FinnDave says, hauling cabs that heavy gets old pretty quick! But yes, they can certainly deal with a shedload of power. [/quote] did you ever just use one? Was it loud enough with just one?
  9. C'mon someone I've seen a lot of people with them on here 😊
  10. Bump for more replies
  11. Thanks for the reply thats very helpful for me!
  12. Bump
  13. Looking for reviews on the abm 410 couldn't find much info on them and would like to know how loud they are and tone etc basically the usual thanks!
  14. Right sorry to open this back up again but can anyone give me a review of the abm 410 and their opinion on it and how loud they found it as I read that there's some people who have found it too quiet is this true?
  15. Strange you posted this i played through a very similar one a few days ago in my local music shop through a marshall 1x15 and 2x10 in one and i was very surprised as i've never liked much of marshalls stuff but i really liked it i found it pleasantly versatile! Enjoy!
  16. Doubt I would be able to try one at a gig but we mainly play smallish to a medium pubs and I think we will try to do some of the local venues which have pa support
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1372797361' post='2130210'] 'loud enough' is a bit 'as long as a piece of string'. Depends on the 6x10, might be made to have lots of watts, and nothing else, not uncommon, Basson cabs were based on the principle. [/quote] yeah i guess hmm this is harder than i thought i shall see what i can try
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1372794343' post='2130168'] Wattage still doesn't mean anything on cabs. Even less if anything. So 4 of those 4x10s = 1 Compact or SVt8x10. Sounds a bit far really. [/quote] yeah I never knew it would get so complicated hehe I will see what I can try as well as I thought at least a 100 watt vale head through a 610 would be loud enough?
  19. Nice and yes forgot about the weight difference between the 100 and 300 hmm it doesn't state the sensitivity of the abm 610 but the 410 is 94db 1w@1m so maybe a bit lower compared to the abm 410 but that's a lower wattage does that make a difference? Advice someone?!
  20. hmm thanks for the replies guys maybe it's better to spend the extra and just get the ctm 300 though it cost's more to maintain with the extra valves
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1372777379' post='2129828'] Is the ABM6x10 sealed? Sealed means low efficiency too. I dunno what drivers they use either. Thing to check is sensitivity ratings. [/quote] ok the 610 is sealed and what's an ideal sensitivity to look for?
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1372718667' post='2129220'] In short watts are not useful at all in telling how loud something will be. 100w valve heads are enough for giging, but you might need more cab that one 4x10. I'd use the Barefaced Super 15/Vintage (because they are what I use) but bigger heavier 2x15s will do similar volume favours. With 100w you can crank it into power valve growl territory and cover a lot of sonic area, ideal for single guitar bands. [/quote] hmm thanks for the reply i could maybe get an abm 610? As i don't have the money to get a barefaced cab as well as much as i would like to get one!
  23. Sorry if mentioned before couldn't find anything on it. so has anyone actually got a Ctm 100 as I want to know whether it is loud enough for gigging mainly in pubs with most probably a 410 like a Ashdown cl 410 I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to watts etc and I'm going to see if I can try one but would like to hear from people who use one. I play in a 3 piece with a fairly loud drummer and a guitarist who doesn't go too loud and is clean most of the time! any replies are very helpful thanks!
  24. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1372278727' post='2123839'] I don't think I've ever run a cab anywhere near it's specified limits. I never look at the texhnical specs! I only check the ohmage and if it doesn't go loud enough for me then I'll sell it and get something else! Truckstop [/quote] Haha good point
  25. yeah trying is the best but I wouldn't be able to in a band situation. can anyone answer who's used an abm 410 on its volume in a band situation as I'm not sure whether to believe what I read which I know you shouldn't believe what you read all the time. I would like someone to clarify it.
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