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Everything posted by absolutpepper

  1. For the record I love my German made Corvette standard. That is all. [quote name='clauster' post='789606' date='Mar 29 2010, 04:38 PM']That's what I'm planning to do [/quote]
  2. [quote name='alexharvay' post='781198' date='Mar 20 2010, 10:00 PM']I'd like a James Johnston Squire Jazz. Can't justify buying one new. [/quote] I have one of these. Great bass. Got it on the 'bay for £200 inc postage basically brand new (still had cellophane on scratch plate!)
  3. Hey I am a regular contributer to Basschat (some of you may even have seen my useful advice and baffling questions, anywhoo) and my band De Soto Firefly are trying to arrange some gigs around the UK a bit this summer. We're pretty expreienced and have been playing a long time. We gig in Glasgow and the area regularly and have pretty much full backline available - sans PA . So hopefully if anyone puts on gigs or is thinking about arranging one then they'll give us consideration. Anyways if yapped long enough. The website is www.desotofirefly.com and here is a wee linky to a live performance last week (sadly our projector didnt work, hence the blank screen behind us). Ignore the myspace, hasnt been updated in years and I dont think we play a single song on there anymore. So here's the video, if you like it cool . Cheers guys. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x8WF5lx3-E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x8WF5lx3-E[/url]
  4. Well thats a pretty wide ranging question with many possible answers. Here's a few. Daisychaining could be fine if you use all 9v centre negative powered pedals with low current draw, however the minutre you want to put on something that is say more than 9v or has a high current draw (like a delay) then you will naturally run into problems. Also the biggest drawback of daisychaining is that if the cable or the pedal from which the chain follows is damaged then your whole board wont have any power (not great in a live situation). So if you need relability then I would recommend saving up and getting a specific power supply with isolated outputs - Rothwell Audio make one and its great, maybe even look at Diago although its not isolated as I understand! Pedalboards - well I would still probably say that Pedaltrain make the best non-powered boards around and if you are using 5 or so Boss sized pedals you may even be able to squeeze them onto a PT-Mini (although you may have problems fitting a power supply too). Alternatively you could pick up a Gator Pedal tote super cheap on ebay - I got mine for £11 plus £7 postage the other day and its handy and light enough just to take a few pedals to rehearsal without lugging a maddive board. Cheers Chris [quote name='steviedee' post='782591' date='Mar 22 2010, 05:26 PM']Alright folks I've just got rid on my multi effects and have a bought a few pedals. I don't envisage more than 5 pedals (tuner:limiter:chorus:octave:preamp/distortion), any cheapish pedal board recommendations that would suit this sort of thing. Do I need a powered board or can I daisy-chain from a boss power supply? Thanks in advance Stevie[/quote]
  5. [quote name='hubrad' post='770194' date='Mar 10 2010, 11:35 AM']Just had the sales guy from Shine in the shop yesterday, and he mentioned that model in passing - RRP would be around the late GBP500s if that helps. He said it's really good, but then he would, wouldn't he? I've never had one in my hands, but if I can get him to pop one in the car next time he visits I fancy a tryout.[/quote] TB guys seem to like them, they just look wrong to me though. Never played one but if I was gonna spend £500 odd on a copy i'd still have it the back of my mind that its not the real thing. Be better saving a bit up and getting a second hand 4001 or 4003 for under £1000 - even if its a bit dinged up.
  6. Ahem, Thomann, Ahem. £345. In stock now. Damn I wish I have the money.
  7. IwantIwantIwant. Looks sooo great and since I love my CV Jazz i'm thinking that some serious GAS is starting. Now who wants my OLP MM-2???? Chris
  8. Yeah I have too many basses, I'll swap one out of my Classic Vibe Jazz to get a better idea. Sadly the strings were from a friend who bought them and never used them so I cant return...ah well fingers crossed it gets sorted easily. Defo gonna look at those cool little ampegs now. Chris
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='767791' date='Mar 8 2010, 12:14 PM']Sounds like a dud string to me? Happens quite often.[/quote] Thanks for the quick reply but damn, that's annoying. Ah well if its the case that it costs me a string as opposed to taking it into the shop and having a setup done I suppose its not so bad. Does anyone know where you can pick up individual DR strings online in UK? btw Breedster enjoyed the posts on the Micro Ampeg rig. Very intriguing. Chris
  10. Hi This may seem odd - and maybe even obvious to someone but i am looking for some advice. I've got a 2008 Ric 4003 (see pic in Sig) and I recently stuck on a set of 45 - 105 DR High Beams. The bass is in standard tuning and while everything worked out fine with the re-stringing there is a problem with the A string. When tuned up all of the strings have that nice 'zing' of a new roundwound string and sound bright and clear, however the A string is making a vibrating sound which seems to be dampening the string somewhat and preventing it ringing true. Id be surprised if it was a set-up issue and the string is making no contact with anything other than the bridge and the nut - I was wondering if I've perhaps been overly hasty with the cutting and maybe cut too much away meaning there is less around the winder at the tuner which could affect tension. Any advice???? Ta Chris
  11. [quote name='Spider-dan' post='758005' date='Feb 26 2010, 11:14 AM']Hi, I'm relativley inexperienced with this stuff but here goes. . I have. . An EH Bass Big Muff An EH Mole Bass Booster and a Hartke Bass attack preamp/DI Which order would be best to put them in? Ta. S-D[/quote] Booster into Muff into Preamp/DI.
  12. I think you are looking for Tolex to replace it.
  13. [quote name='Delberthot' post='753141' date='Feb 21 2010, 07:38 PM']its all done with smoke and mirrors In my opinion Rickenbackers are overpriced - terrible bridges that are fiddly at best to adjust, bridge surrounds that lacerate your fingers, 2 truss rods that work differently to nearly every other bass in existence and that most people are scared to touch, uncomfortable slab body, the midnight blue ones a couple of years ago had a finish that ran underneath the top varnish onto the binding. That and they sound nothing like they do on the records. The price has increased by about 50% in the past couple of years and you have to wait however long now to get one. Doesn't stop me wanting a C64, V63 or the daddy - the CS, though [/quote] I have to say that I've got a 2008 Midnight Blue 4003 and i've not experienced any of the finish and bridge problems you suggest. The quality is really excellent and the finish near flawless (and I've played a lot of high end basses). The reason for the price jumping and demand is due to their batch production and distribution technique - every time a new batch comes out the price is increased. I was really lucky to get mine during the VAT reduction for £1200 brand new from GuitarGuitar in Glasgow, they had a new batch in 6 months later for £1750 a pop . The slab body, etc is a personal taste thing. I find it rubs my wrist a bit but I use a wristband anyways. I guess if people werent happy with the design quirks they could always look at a different instrument.
  14. [quote name='Captain Rumble' post='749569' date='Feb 18 2010, 12:38 PM']Go on bore me I dont know what these pedels do and it would be nice to experiment. ok I guess I do know what a tuner does[/quote] Well the Malekko is a high quality handmade analog delay. Has a lovely warm sound with great delay length for an analog. The rotovibe is a univibe/chorus pedal that has a treadle like a wah. The sound can go between a nice watery shimmer to deep chorus and the univibe side is a vibrato type sound - on guitar think David Gilmour. Works nice with bass too. The valcoder is a tiny pedal that is an analog tremolo. It wont do the choppy digital tremolo sound found on a TR-2 but more like the old tremolo switches on vintage amps. A great pedal, works really nice with the rotovibe. A lot of the pedals have demo's on youtube but mostly with guitars rather than bass. Cheers Chris
  15. Hi I'm looking to trade my OLP MM-2 for a Squier Classic Vibe Jazz. The bass is in mint condition and is finished in rare silver sparkle finish. Available to view in Glasgow. Pics on request (can't upload them at work just now). Cheers Chris
  16. - Update - Over the weekend my M9 failed on me so i've had to start using my old pedals again while I chase Line 6. From what I've heard this wont be so easy so sadly i'm having to keep the delay, trem and tuner for the time being. Sorry Chris -------- Since i'll assume most people will know what these pedals do I wont bore you all. Here's what I have - Malekko Heavy Industry Echo 600 Bright (analog delay) - £130 Korg Pitchblack Pedal Tuner - £40 Catalinbread Valcoder (Analog Tremolo) - £100 Dunlop Rotovibe - £55 Some great pedals! Price subject to postage (or alternatively you can collect in Glasgow!) Cheers Chris
  17. Here's what's been done so far. The bass was stock except removed headstock decal and Gotoh 201 installed - VM Fretless Jazz: Fender Decal (courtesy of Jezza), 3-Ply torty scratchplate (also courtesy of Jezza), Gotoh 201 installed, replacement Fender tuners installed, new dials fitted to replace the nasty chrome ones, black neck plate fitted to replace squier one, new chrome schaller strap locks fitted and a set of Status Flatwound strings popped on. The photos show what it looks like so far (albeit the quality of the pics leaves something to be desired). Next up is a set of pickups (probably Lindy Fralins) and a chrome pickup cover and I think i'll be done. Chris [attachment=42801:Photo_4.jpg] [attachment=42802:Photo_5.jpg]
  18. Hey Im travelling to Singapore tomorrow and i saw that you can buy a GB 3.0 for 600SGD which is £297 - plus i'd get a GST Refund at 15% so it would be roughly £250. It seems crazy cheap and such a great deal - BTW Singapore uses UK plugs and voltage so no issues there. Couple of things. a) how loud will it be - I mean i'm playing club shows and everything is PA'd but will it cut it in a noisy rock band situation for rehearsals, etc; and i'm a bit worried about bringing it home and it looking like a bomb on the scanners. I wouldnt want to put it in my hold luggage so it would be carry on only I guess - anyone have any advice on this one. I have net access in Singapore so some advice is appreciated, seems like the bargain of the century if I can grab one. Cheers Chris
  19. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='725693' date='Jan 26 2010, 08:35 PM']I`ve got a set of Status flats on mine and they sound like....well flats! Bit dull but nice and fat and at about £19 a set worth a go. I prefer the tone I get with the flats to the D`arrios I had on the jazz before. You get them direct from their website. Jez[/quote] +1 for Jazzaboy's comment. He turned me on to a set of the Status Flats. They offer some of the best value for the price and quality. Installing mine tonight on my VMJ Fretless.
  20. [quote name='Harvey616' post='724740' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:52 PM']Hello All. I am new to Bass chat forums, and I would like to briefly introduce myself. I know there is a "Introductions" section, but I am mainly in need of some advice, so I decided to post here. My name is Harvey and I have been playing bass for 2 years. I have a Yamaha RBX 180 and I am currently trying to choose a new bass. I also have a line 6 Bass Floor Pod. I am part of a deathcore band that is beggining to get big in our local area, and we have a spot on a tour in July and play regular local gigs with some rather large bands. I've played a bass with frets the whole time I have been playing and not tried out a fretless. I was just wondering what the advantages/disadvantages are of a fretless bass, as I am very interested in one. Thank youu in advance (: Harvey.[/quote] Firstly, hi Harvey, welcome to the forum. It would be useful to know what sort of music you'd be playing the fretless with. If its the deathcore band I would say that it probably wouldnt particularly suit the music (although as with everything you could probably make it work if you are clever with it). Fretless is a totally different beast to fretted and its good to think of it in that way. If you are playing quite heavy and precise music then it would be quite hard to integrate. Generally I play a more legato style with the fretless and it has a lovely mellow, warm jazz type voicing. Its nice as a lead instrument and works well as a fingerstyle instrument. Another thing is that although I dont know what level of skill you have developed for fretted but its worth nothing that fretless generally requires greater intonation and musicality in your playing. Hope this helps. Chris
  21. [quote name='saxobass' post='722563' date='Jan 23 2010, 08:31 PM']Getting too old and musically poor to afford a new fretless Jazz, so can anyone tell me what the best copy might be.? I know that the Squier modified jazz fretless has a good reputation, but I don`t like the fret lines. I have been using a superb Tokai Jazz Sound which has been converted ( a 1982 model....copy of the `62 Jazz). This belongs to a mate but I don`t think he`ll want to sell it, so I`ll be looking for a modern copy and would like your assembled opinions as to the `best buy`. Don`t mind de-fretting if needed.[/quote] Hey If you are going fretless why not pick up a CV Jazz or Tokai Jazz S/H, or even a VM 70s Jazz (the fretted one) and then go for a warmoth fretless neck without lines? Also the SX Jazzes get a fab rep for the money and they seem to beg for some cool mods!
  22. [quote name='absolutpepper' post='721206' date='Jan 22 2010, 02:15 PM']Hey Thanks to a very kind basschatter I may have secured a donated torty pickguard. What a nice place![/quote] As above got a great 3 ply torty pickguard along with a nice fender decal from Jez (cheers). Installed last nite and looking great. Also got recommended some Status Flats so they'll be making their way to me at the moment. Stuck on a set of nickel Schaller straplocks too. Next thing - a chrome jazz pickup cover and thumbrest. Photo's soon.
  23. Hey Thanks to a very kind basschatter I may have secured a donated torty pickguard. What a nice place!
  24. As with some of the other guys here Ive got an M9 for all mod and delay sounds and run a Crowther Audio Prunes and Custard before it and a Malekko Echo 600 Bright (for crazy self oscillation) after it. The M9 is great and I like having so many possibilities without the drawback of a massive pedalboard (which I used to have and then sold for the M9). If you havent bought the zoom multi yet i'd seriously recommend an M9.
  25. Hey I just bought a fretless VM Jazz bass (from the forum - cheers Chris!) and while I do like the Jaco-esq aesthetic I cant help but feeling that since its not actually all that accurate it would be better to customise it to a more personal taste. The ideas are - Fit a tortioseshell scratchplate; black thumbrest; replace tuners; replace pots and shield cavity; upgrade pickups with Di Marzio's; fit neck pickup cover (not bridge cover); chuck on a good set of flats; replace dials with black plastic ones. Chris, the previous owner, installed - very well I might add - a Gotoh 201 bridge so thats covered. Question is, does anyone have experience of modding a VM bass - I read on TB that most tuners, dials, etc are not a direct fit. Can anyone recommend me good tuners (BTW I only replace the stock ones if the tuning is an issue) that are drop-in replacements and also what about a pickguard? The official fender one is super pricey so I reckon there must be cheaper ones there. Also a advice on flatwounds would be appreciated. New to the fretless world, really like the bass but feel it could go from being good to fantastic without much work. Cheers Chris
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