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Everything posted by absolutpepper

  1. BUMP for final price drop following non-paying ebay bidder. Price is now £180, the selling price on ebay.
  2. Me wants.
  3. Decided to test the water on evilbay although i'd end early for a Basschatter since the advert was on here first.
  4. There's also a pic on my avatar courtesy of Steviedee, the previous owner of this cab, so thanks to him for passing it on.
  5. Grrr I wish I was closer, what a steal!
  6. Load of codswallop. Never had a single fret issue (wear or otherwise) in the two years I owned my CV Jazz. Great basses.
  7. Looking for a good home bump.
  8. oops
  9. Cool! Its a great cab! But I dont have any use for a rig this size at the moment.
  10. Hi its now sold, thanks for all the interest.
  11. I had an OLP Ray and a SBMM RAY 35. The OLP was only like a 'real' Ray in appearance, the similarities ended there. The SBMM's are far more like the 'real' thing and IMO great value for money.
  12. Bump for pictures added - sorry about the quality!
  13. I'm a huge floyd fan (they're my favourite band) but I don't like it one bit. I'd have much preferred a reissue of the Pbass he used at the Live in Pompeii film (the sunburst one with the chrome pickup cover- it also happens to be the one used to record Dark Side)...in fact I may even cobble together my own. Historically its not an accurate reproduction of any of his basses, let alone the one from the Wall era (which I assume it purports to be since it has a Wall protective film applied to the pickguard). It baffles me why its got all black hardware then chrome/nickle machine heads and none of his basses - to my knowledge - had the 50s neck profile (but I could stand corrected in this). I guess he's using it on the current Wall tour so thats the tie-in but for my money i'd rather mod another precision.
  14. Stu purchased my copy of BFD 1.5. He's a top guy. Dead easy to get on with and great communication. Couldn't have been an easier transaction.
  15. BUMP for a great item. I've got an M9 and love it so I expect anyone who buys the M13 will feel the same. Also Stu is a top guy to deal with. Chris
  16. You're not boring anyone. This is incredible! Good work all round guys.
  17. [quote name='simon1964' post='1095212' date='Jan 19 2011, 02:38 PM']I can see the sense in this, but if the limit exists for the ebay forum shouldn't it logically exist for the for sale forum as well? I'm not sure I follow the logic of having a limit for one but not the other.[/quote] I completely agree. There seems to be a plethora of 'Newbies' on the site recently who come on to tout their wares and the proceed to bugger off again. A min post idea for all selling forums is not such a bad idea in my books.
  18. Its still great for not much money guys.
  19. I may be wrong but I think they went to collectors in Germany for a pretty penny.
  20. Personally I dont have a problem but I know the guys on the DIY stomp box forums look rather unkindly on the cloning of production pedals. I can see the argument, ZVEX make great stuff and relatively speaking they are a small company (compared to say Boss) so these cloned probably do hurt their business. I suppose whether you agree or not there's clearly a market there (understandably people will find ways of making cheaper clones since pedals like the WM are so expensive). Now cloning old/out of date/rare pedals (rams head big muffs, etc)...that i'm all for!
  21. Great price for great Orange gear! Have a bump on me.
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