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Everything posted by bassmasta

  1. I've had a Laney RB-4 for few years now. Very pleased, small enough to move around smaller places for Pub gigs, yet whack a 2x10" on it and it steps up a gear for "staged" performances. Never had a distortion problem unless i drive it hard on purpose. a little on heavy side (25Kg) for its power, and lacks a tweeter, but 15" is very nice, and has lovely sound with "enhancement" feature and 7 band graphic EQ. would highly recomend it, especially if £200 is limit.
  2. [quote name='rockpig' post='411657' date='Feb 17 2009, 01:38 AM']first have you tried raising the pick up height? another suggestion is put an EQ pedal between the bass and amp.[/quote] I have raised the pickups as high as they will go, without effecting my playing. I have been looking at the EQ stomp boxes, and also behringer do an amp/instrument switch over where i can amplify the two different intruments by different amounts, and switch between them - although i have no idea how good these are.
  3. Hi all, I own an absolutle bargain Warwick Rockbass Streamer 5 string, and with some expenisve nice strings on it, it sounds fabulous for the cost, its just SO quiet! I have been looking (and getting very lost) at putting some sort of boost on it, just to add volume before it gets to the amp. I also play a very high output ibanez, and switching between these two instruments is a pain, as i have to adjust amp settings etc. What im ideally looking for is an onboard pre-amp, however i do not want to change the bass itself (ie router out more room etc), so would be limited to 3 pots but there is tonnes of room for the electronics to go in the body. Being a student i only have a limited budget, which is what is making it hard to find something good value for money, but not too expensive!! Any help, ideas, products, links anything really, would be of great help cheers Nick
  4. ha... ok sorry guys i have to admit i dont really know what im talking about here, sorry, from what you have all been saying im looking for neck length (which includes the head stock???). sorry to mess you all around, should have sorted out jargon before posting. neck width (nut and body end) would also be another good one to know. thanks
  5. Thanks guys Just needing ANY dimentions at all, just for a research section in my project. i have an Ibanez which is pretty average for a 24 fret bass, and a Precision which is average for the smaller fender scale. Any more then please keep them coming! or if you know any websites that i have missed, please link me! very hard to find any sort of diagrams with dimentions on the net, for solid body electric style. I was looking into alternative ways that "the average player" could illuminate their bass/guitar, without going down the expensive custom LEDs in fretboard route. for example LED strips down side of neck or light box placed on the strings after knut on headstock. Cheers Nick
  6. Hey to all, I am currently doing a design and technology course based on an LED illumination system, for a bass or guitar. I really could do with some help to find out the sort of "average" sizes of basses and guitars. Key one is Neck length and width, however as many dimentions as possible would be great. Thanks Nick
  7. i've got one of these amps. great, loud sound from a small combo. a little heavy, but everything makes up for that. the EQ is amazing, and so many tones can come from that massive 15" speaker. i've tried mine with a 2 x 10" cab on top, sounds incredible, and gives a lovely small rig. (-looking to buy a 2 x 10" by the way!!-) well worth a look! hope it goes to good home!
  8. hey guys, i have got an ibanez SRX500 - was my first bass! i personally feel the pick-ups are indeed great for maybe heavier rock/metal, however having said that i play in a big concert band, and with a nice clean tone from my amp, it fits in fine! the EQ and pick-up balance on the bass itself changes the tone you get from them so dramaticly, with a bit of messing around for a while, your bound to find the tone you want. i don't know much about changing the pups but to be honest i really dont think you will need to! hope this helps at all!
  9. yeah ok, thanks very much for all your help. i think i will just leave it as it is for now, because, as said, its not really worth it on such a cheap bass. i was wanting to explore the options available, but they are too expensive for such a bass. i will just invest in some nicer strings for now. thanks guys
  10. Hi! Im new to all this forum chat stuff on here, so excuse me if make a few mistakes/errors etc. I have recently bought a Warwick Rockbass Streamer Standard 5 string, with duel pick-ups. Thing is, the pick ups are terrible, which is to expected on a £200 5 string! The pick ups are MEC Vintage style HB, and i am looking to replace them with something with more power and tone. I'm really looking to upgrade the system to active, as thats what im used to. Any ideas of pick ups i can use?? Preferably want a direct swap of all the pick-up system, as i dont reeeally want to cut sections out of my bass! Thanks guys, any help will be much appriciated!! [url="http://www.mec-pickups.de/modules/products/product.php?katID=15040&cl=EN"]http://www.mec-pickups.de/modules/products...15040&cl=EN[/url] Link to site with current pups
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