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Everything posted by rslaing

  1. [quote name='Waldo' post='526377' date='Jun 27 2009, 11:04 PM']That's strange, I'm seeing you post the same thing at 10:45 and then at 10:50 Has the forum just broken or something?[/quote] Just had a look - yep, it came up up twice here too. I have deleted one of them, hope it does the trick. But I only posted once at this end Maybe a pointer to call it a day
  2. [quote name='Waldo' post='526366' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:54 PM']Did that need to be posted twice?[/quote] Nothing posted twice at this end.......
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='526345' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:34 PM']hello. I'm only 24, music study would tell teach me a lot, fortunately for me I studied art instead at high school and then went on to one of europes best art schools to get a degree in it. I studied extensively (and have a piece of paper to prove it) but A history of Jazz music wasn't covered. i picked up a bass because playing is fun, because music is fun and making it is fun. It still is fun, and learning new stuff is fun. basschat is good, I have listened to thing because of basschat I never would have otherwise. My music knowledge is of course inferior to those who have studied intensively but Im learning and have friends that show me new music. I will go and listen to some charlie parker, a friend lent me some cds a while back i still have not listened too. Its all a bit daft really, you could have used your education to say "thats because they are influenced by bebop, check out charlie parker" or something but instead you seem to be trying to insult me? How is that productive? Why? You post a video saying Jaco didnt have chops like Berlin, I remark it reminded me of a song Jaco plays on. You then tell me I'm stupid, reason given is that Berlin is playing bebop which Jaco is heavily influenced by. Now if Berlin was playing Bebob and Jaco was influenced by baroque then i would be stupid, but seeing that you are confirming why I hear a similarity your insult is illogical; See logic i have studied.[/quote] sorry, but I don't understand your response. And I can't find anything in the initial post that said you were stupid.
  4. [quote name='Waldo' post='526331' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:17 PM']To be fair we're not talking about off the cuff 'comments' here, his views on tabs, metronomes, chops e.t.c are things that he talks about a lot and teaches against in his clinics and schools. In all honesty I don't find any of his views that I've read so far useful. It seems that everything i've done so far with my bass playing is wrong to him. Hell, I don't even know my instrument according to him.[/quote] OK. But I have always found that listening to the experts, whether I like them (and their sweaters) or not, has always helped in my personal musical development. I am pretty sure he just says the things he does because he feels very strongly about music in general. And there are a lot of people who have been on his courses/clinics who reckon he is the dogs bollocks. Coming back on topic - he was a pioneer and really did advance the bass when he hit "the scene" in the 70's.
  5. [quote name='Waldo' post='526308' date='Jun 27 2009, 09:49 PM']Personally I don't like being branded a 'chimp' becuase I use tablature.[/quote] Well ignore that bit, and just learn from him what you can If we branded or pigeonholed people because of a comment or two, we would be guilty of the same offence that you are criticising him for . I'm sure one or two of his outspoken comments won't prevent you from advancement in your playing skills and absorbing some of his excellent advice on playing bass? And FWIW, it's just as easy to learn standard notation as it is tab, and there is a lot more of it about
  6. [quote name='Protium' post='526297' date='Jun 27 2009, 09:39 PM']How do If I want to wire up an 8ohm tweeter with an 8ohm woofer do I need a full crossover or can I get away with just using a high pass filter @ 4kHz on the tweeter? Cheers[/quote] Ask Alex Claber - he knows everything about this stuff.
  7. [quote name='Waldo' post='526283' date='Jun 27 2009, 09:25 PM']A good reply, fair enough! It's his air of arrogance, perceived or otherwise that makes people dislike him I think. This has already been covered though [/quote] Arrogance?! Unlike Jaco, he never proclaimed himself to be "the best bass player in the world". But then again, he didn't have a mental problem. Who are we mere mortals to judge these superior musicans anyway? I am sure that 99% of people in this forum would accept the skill and ability of most of the people they assassinate in here. Just enjoy the music they bring into our lives eh? If you don't like what they produce, be objective, appreciate their skill and listen to the people you like without propelling other brilliant musicians to room 101.
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='526279' date='Jun 27 2009, 09:22 PM']Right then.... I just don't understand why what's been said causes you to post big rants about Jaco Pastorius, rubbishing him as a player and a human being, whilst comparing him to Jeff 'Heart Of Gold' Berlin? I just seems really uncalled for to me. The thread isn't called 'Who's Better? Jeff or Jaco?'[/quote] I am Jaco's number 1 fan...........but I also think that Berlin is a fine musician, possibly better technically, and doesn't deserve all the sh*t he gets in here. Just because of his sweaters mainly
  9. [quote name='Waldo' post='526272' date='Jun 27 2009, 09:05 PM']He can't help it if something 'reminds' him of something else can he? What he said also didn't warrant a tirade about Jaco, nor did what I say previously warrant you telling me Jeff Berlin's online version of 'This Is Your Life'[/quote] On a trolling mission this weekend? I'll make allowances having read your other posts..........
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='526267' date='Jun 27 2009, 08:55 PM']hmm reminded me of teen town or something in the first min... Edit: but played up at the dusty end..[/quote] Really? That might be because Jaco was influenced heavily by bebop, which is what Berlin is playing here. It's got f*** all to do with Teen Town or any other Jaco tune. Jaco ripped most of his riffs from the jazz players of the 50's. If you don't believe me, listen to Charlie Parker. The thing Jaco did was to transfer lead instrument solos to the bass, which no one else had done previously. Maybe some extensive music study (history) would help.? EDIT:- +1 to Berlin also for the fact he is alive, never took drugs or abused alcohol, never abused people, never proclaimed to be the best bassist in the world (which he probably was at the time), has taken care of his family and children and is passing on his ability and knowledge and educating young musicians. None of which applies to Pastorius.
  11. [quote name='Waldo' post='526257' date='Jun 27 2009, 08:45 PM']That's the sort of widdly playing that I really can't stand. Each to their own though. Good to see that he isn't a slave to fashon too though [/quote] Of course, all of these "widdly" tunes have to understood as purely an example of the musicians ability to "widdle". And WTF has his dress sense got to do with his musicianship? Maybe it makes you feel superior to him in that area?
  12. [quote name='thodrik' post='526217' date='Jun 27 2009, 07:42 PM']I always think of the bass gymnastic techniques as like learning karate, great to learn but should only be called upon in an emergency in real life! While I am absolutely in awe of Victor Wooten's technique, I am far more interested in his technique than the sounds he creates using said technique. That said, he would probably get my vote in this thread. Jeff Berlin, is just a bit too similar to Jaco at times for me to consider him to advancing the instrument, rather he just just being a modern-day master of the instrument. I also don't agree with his advocation of formal music training (probably because of my having to go through quite a lot myself!). I hate the idea of turning the bass guitar into a glorified classical instrument, which doesn't really move the bass into new territory, but the rather the reverse! The idea of using bass as a lead instrument has been around for ages. Mahler used it in the third movement of Symphony Number 1 in the late 1880s. Also, I don't think there is much more scope for advancing the bass guitar as a classical-type solo-instrument. Although the develoment of electronics and amplification has made it easier to get a bass guitar solo to cut through a band than getting a double bass to cut through an orchestra, the frequencies used on bass guitar still easy to lose, or difficult to make out when playing with a band. Thus, most bass soloists are generally just that, or any other musicians playing have to careful that they don't drown out the soloist. This is not entirely different to the problems facing composers trying to write a double bass solo. Furthermore, I know that compared to orchestral intstruments, the electric bass guitar is a new instrument, but there are only so many playing techniques you can actually use before a some kind of semi-established 'lead bass' technique develops, much like concert violinists. This would make it very difficult to leave much scope to actually advance into a new territory via technical playing, unless you consider playing faster a new technique! You could argue we have already reached that point now, with players expanding to 5, 6 and 8 stringed basses to try and escaped the limitations of 4 stringed basses. While, I applaud Anthony Jackson and the Contrabass guitar, arguing that the instrument should have always have had two extra strings because bass guitars are more sonically similar to guitars, rather than double basses, really doesn't advance the instrument. It just adds two more strings to the same basic instrument, albeit in a pseudo-academic 'reinvisaging of history that never happened' kind of way. No matter what, that bass guitar is still generally going to be made out of wood, have pick ups, and possibly even be fretted. Has the seven-string guitar advanced the guitar in any way, apart from letting Slayer get that bit heavier? I really think that there is probably more scope for advancing the instrument in terms of effects and electroncs than there is in terms of technical playing or adding of strings. In my opinion, those seeking to use it as an out and out solo instrument should really just play the guitar, rather than cutting all frequencies below 300HZ and boosting the treble to ear-shattering levels just so their solo can cut through! However, that might just be my stoner rock tendencies coming through...[/quote] So if you don't mind, I'll precis your post: It is all about musicality.
  13. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='526244' date='Jun 27 2009, 08:24 PM']Interesting to know. I've got to say, I've never been huge on his playing but he is a fairly introspective musician, I think his confidence can easily be mistaken for arrogance.[/quote] I agree. And he isn't arrogant, it is just our perception of him. He doesn't pander to people. Just ignore his recent stuff and listen to his earlier playing. The man is brilliant. OK, he has his own personality which might be abrasive to some, wtf has that got to do with his ability as a player? In spite of his apparent arrogance and displeasure at certain types of playing, he was one the pioneers of the modern slap technique for example. He just doesn't do it and hasn't done for 25 years because everyone else does it! He implores people to be individuals and develop their own style instead of copying everyone else. And to contradict an earlier post, he never sounded like Jaco. Jaco never had these sort of chops, whether you like this clip or not:
  14. [quote name='Waldo' post='526240' date='Jun 27 2009, 08:21 PM']That's nice. A simple yes or no would have sufficed.[/quote] But not been sufficient for me Thank you.
  15. [quote name='Waldo' post='526234' date='Jun 27 2009, 08:02 PM']Doesn't Jeff Berlin himself fall into the catagory of 'great' player who's only listened to by other bassists anyway? Or was that his point? [/quote] He might do now. But during the 70's and 80's he had (possibly) equal status with Jaco as a pioneer of his instrument, and was very much an integral member of a number of bands that contained equally superb musicians. Then his son had a serious illness and he took a back seat, spending all of his time on a much more important thing - helping his son and looking after his family. Fortunately his son recovered from ( I think) leukaemia. That needs verifying. Now he spends all of his time educating people about bass playing and music. He is still a great player, whether in a multi instrument environment or as a soloist. A great man with superior skills and believe it or not, a heart of gold whose life experience has changed his total outlook on the music "industry". He really should be respected instead of all the sh*t thrown at him in here by a few people who really don't know what they are talking about.
  16. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='525819' date='Jun 27 2009, 11:41 AM']Morning Rob Forgive me if I have missed something (its a common fault of mine!) but on the pic you posted I don't see an F natural - the fourth note of C major. And I'd be very interested if you would expand on your theory of the relationship between modern harmony and the harmonic series. I can see that the major triad is clearly there, however the dominant 7th is surely too weak to be audible in the overtones. And the rest are more academic than useful.[/quote] Sorry if I have misled you! I did not mean the fourth as being the note F relative to C. [i](PM to Major Minor - this lack of fourth, relative to the fundamental, in the harmonic series, underpins and demonstrates our earlier conversation about the fourth/11th clashing as a minor 9th with a major third in a chord, unless (I am trying to be careful here, as the next lesson covers this and I don't want to confuse people without giving the answer) used in a dominant chord - GENERALLY!!)[/i] I meant the INTERVAL of a fourth. The intervals in the harmonic series from the fundamental C are octave, fifth, fourth, major third etc. In other words:- Fundamental note C, then, interval of an octave to the harmonic C then interval of a perfect fifth to G [b]then interval of a perfect fourth to the note C[/b] Then interval of a major third to E Then interval of a minor 3rd to G etc etc I told you my communication skills weren't great! Let me know if there are any other ambiguous statements (or errors) so I have made so I can clear them up. Thanks Rob PS I will send you an interesting document over now regarding the harmonic series. EDIT:- The point of illustrating the harmonic series was not because it has any real audible value. The academic value/purpose is that it will help musicians (who want to know of course, ) understand why and how the harmonic series has a direct bearing and relevance to modern harmony.
  17. This will be interesting.........after the war that broke out in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49834&hl=best+tuner"]thread about tuners[/url]
  18. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='525751' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:09 AM']Just to correct and clarify: The most prominent overtone (harmonic) is the octave, then the fifth, then another octave higher, then the 3rd. After that the harmonics become somewhat indistinct and actually slightly out of tune. There is a flattened 7th in there but I am not aware of any 4th or at least not one that is easily heard. The Major[/quote] Yep - the fourth is there, it's the next harmonic (in order) after the octave and the fifth. But you are correct, it is hard to hear to the mere mortal. Then we have a major third and a minor third and then a minor 7th comes in to the picture. Notice the relationship of the harmonic series to anything? Yes, modern harmony is based on the natural law of the harmonic series. Here's a pic. along with the rest of the harmonic series
  19. Hey man, you're selling this far too cheaply!
  20. Thank f*** for that- someone is actually reading this thread
  21. [quote name='JPAC' post='525429' date='Jun 26 2009, 10:23 PM']I had just the opposite experience and will never use them again. It was documented in the repairs forum.[/quote] I have tried to find it in the repairs forum, but to no avail. What is the problem? Please be accurate.
  22. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='525409' date='Jun 26 2009, 10:10 PM']I've ordered from them must be a dozen times, never a problem & always bang on the money. Can't fault them. They even have the 0% finance deal right now so you'd be a fool not to check out the website[/quote] +1million.......
  23. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='525368' date='Jun 26 2009, 09:34 PM']Soundslive are great, if i ever feel a new instrument is in need i will defiantly go back there.[/quote] In defiance of what or who?
  24. Just start your own band.............and choose your own musicians
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