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Everything posted by rslaing

  1. [quote name='SoundsLive' post='502991' date='Jun 1 2009, 03:15 PM']Hi All, Below is an official response to the question of the finance button clicked on by GreeneKing: Able-2-Buy provided an on-line finance service for our customers. Unfortunately, Able-2-Buy went into administration on the 12th May. This can be verified if you search Google for ‘Able 2 Buy’. Google returns this informationbut link to their site no longer works. Sounds Live are currently in the process of sourcing a new finance provider for our on-line customers, and as you can see from any of our product pages the ‘Finance’ button has been temporarily removed. Please note that in-store customers are unaffected by Able-2-Buy, as we use a different financing house for in-store finance agreements. As for Sounds Live, we are fit and healthy and will be around to serve both our local, national and international community for years to come! In fact, we are so healthy we are even in the process of launching a brand new website to run along our existing site, which can be found at [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com"]www.soundsliveshop.com[/url]! Thanks for the information Bob, how you keeping anyway? Regards, Tom Cleugh (Director, Sounds Live)[/quote] Hi Tom, I'm doing fine thanks. Great that you have sorted this matter out, and can continue to provide excellent service to the muso's of the UK. I'm still spending too much much money in the shop in Grey Street though. Apologies for the personal manner of this message, but for those of you that don't know what's going on here, Tom, the co-owner/director of Sounds Live, also used to be one of the "in demand" bass players around the area. So if you reckon you are going to be bored shitless by me rambling and reminiscing about "the good old days in the music scene" - you can escape now. There were probably only 3 or 4 bass players around the area who could read music and/or play proficiently at the time (comparatively), that was Tom, myself and a certain bloke who I think might have pretended to read music but still got the gigs for some reason, called "Sting". We all knew each other to some degree and used to "dep" (stand in) for each other from time to time at a wide variety of venues with mixed musical requirements. In those days, there was plenty of live music venues and we all cut our teeth the hard way. Of course, I was the youngest and most handsome of the bass playing fraternity Tom and I both worked in a large music shop in Newcastle called Rock City, albeit at different periods, as did Tom's co-director John. So there you have it. It might not be of interest to most, but to those in the area (Newcastle - the biggest "village" in Britain), there is the relevance and short history of Tom and John and Sounds Live - and Toms reference to me in his post above. And we still speak to John even though he's from Sunderland. So with particular relevance to this forum, if you ever deal with Sounds Live, you are dealing with a company that is operated by THREE bass players - Tom, John, and also Tom's son. So when it comes to bass and music gear, they do know what they are talking about. But most of you already know that.
  2. Great !!!!!!! Hopefully, this will make people think twice before throwing abuse and personal insults around. I assume it is the same procedure, notify the mods if there is anything of concern?
  3. Strange bidding patterns? Price going up rapidly by £650 in a few minutes - 6 hours before end of auction? I've bought tons of stuff of ebay, but never seen a bidding pattern like this......... And it's getting silly. private listing - bidders' identities protected £2,050.00 31-May-09 10:48:00 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £2,000.00 31-May-09 14:05:06 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,900.00 31-May-09 14:04:31 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,800.00 31-May-09 14:04:01 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,700.00 31-May-09 14:03:38 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,600.00 31-May-09 14:03:22 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,500.00 31-May-09 13:38:58 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,315.01 29-May-09 23:06:17 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,315.00 31-May-09 07:58:07 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,275.00 27-May-09 23:32:04 BST private listing - bidders' identities protected £1,100.00 27-May-09 03:38:02 BST Starting Price £999.99 21-May-09 20:18:20 BST
  4. [quote name='metaltime' post='499477' date='May 27 2009, 11:34 PM']One thing i have realised about working out bass lines is it is not magic the notes are there and its just a case of finding the right ones. Usually i start with the first note of a riff or bar and i play all the notes till i find what i think it is. Then for the next note i work through scales or chromatically to find the right interval and continue this way. Once ive got the riff i can then usually tell if its in the right key so i move it around and try different fingerings. It will take a while but i have found the more you do it the better you get and it really helps your playing. This may be a slow way but it works well for me especially trying different intervals till i find which it is. I hope this answer dosnt sound patronising its just the way i do it. Good luck mate and if i/we can help let us know.[/quote] A great way to develop your ear.............
  5. [quote name='StevieC' post='499346' date='May 27 2009, 09:50 PM']Hi folks, One of my favourite albums is 'Strange Kind of Love' by Scottish band Love and Money. Bobby Paterson is credited with the bass duties - if you get a chance to hear the album, take it - There are some great basslines on there (very funky) and it sounds superb. The bluesy lead guitar work is also awesome. Finally, the band split up not long after making that album - If anyone knows what Bobby's up to these days, I'd be interested to know. Cheers. Steve[/quote] [url="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/bobby-paterson-409534.html"]He's dead[/url]
  6. [quote name='Oscar South' post='499283' date='May 27 2009, 08:46 PM']I just thought i'd post about a couple of gigs coming up that should be interresting for musicians. I'm playing in an instrumental Jazz fusion group in affiliation with the Uni Chester music department, we're playing gigs in Alexanders Jazz Bar in Chester on 1st June, the 'Hanover Hotel' in Liverpool on the 2nd and Chester guildhall on the 3rd (we're only opening at that one). The Steely Dan tribute is also associated with the uni and is playing with us on all the dates. Both groups are top class and we've been rehearsing them 6-8 hours a day for the past 3 weeks. our set list is a mix of Fusion tracks and arrangements of Jazz and Popular songs: Goodbye Pork Pie Hat - Stanley Clarke arrangement Crosswinds - Billy Cobham D.T.B - Zenith Patrol Quiet Afternoon - Stanley Clarke Tease - Greg Howe/Victor Wooten etc. Snakes - Eric Clapton/Marcus Miller etc. All Blues - Miles but influenced by a Larry Carlton version Lenny - SRV Dirty Old Man - Tom Scott Red Baron - Billy Cobham Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder What is Hip? - Tower of Power Pocket Change - Dennis Chambers? A Day in the Life - Jeff Beck arrangement If you're in the area of any of those they'll be well worth seeing.[/quote] Really nice diverse set.......
  7. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='499209' date='May 27 2009, 07:32 PM']possibly on the wrong forum then?[/quote] Best one liner I have seen for a long time..........
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='498027' date='May 26 2009, 02:52 PM']Chill out dude - let the children play. I tried to tell you earlier, even if you were to say 2+2 = 4, there is somebody who would try and prove otherwise. Remember, years of experience of bassing in the bedroom counts for so much more... and you can't argue with that.[/quote] Of course, you are right. But when these idiots are starting to pm you ( I have had to use the blocking facility) or they are writing public filth that my daughter (16 years old) reads, it really is something else. But I know what you are saying.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='497990' date='May 26 2009, 02:00 PM']If your teacher is not joking,run and find someone else to teach you.......quickly. I think to start understanding walking lines you need to have a good solid knowledge of arpeggios first(major,minor,7,dim,aug etc). After that you should start to add notes from the relative scales,which will begin to allow you to walk more smoothly from one chord to another. A solid knowledge of the fingerboard is also essential. Obviously this barely scratches the surface on walking bass-but I find it's a good place to begin. Also,its worth checking out the books Building/Expanding walking bass lines by Ed Friedland,and listen to some of the great players such as Paul Chambers,Ray Brown,Oscar Pettiford and Ron Carter.[/quote] Great advice, and if you pm me I will email a couple of books mentioned above (too big to send via Basschat)
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='498016' date='May 26 2009, 02:35 PM']While I agree with you that maybe some people have given you a hard time and appreciate the fact that you are very clued up and respect your opinion on such matters I also think that may come across a little arrogant and egotistical. At the end of the day it's an internet forum and there are always going to be people busting chops.[/quote] Exactly, this is a forum and the rules are to stay on topic. Which is exactly what I do, and others obviously don't. I ain't arrogant or egotistical - I make strong points about things which I know about and have experience. I say nothing about any subject about which I have no knowledge, which are many I assure you. Anyway, I'll keep this short, because it isn't on topic. But really, if people in here want to spend all day trolling, baiting, or as you put it, busting chops, maybe they should find a suitable forum exactly for that. And if you would like something that sounds arrogant (but isn't) - how about this:- "You can't make anyone feel inferior without their own consent"
  11. [quote name='fleabag' post='497998' date='May 26 2009, 02:12 PM']Gone to get his big fat over inflated Ego re-pumped, after it got a huge puncture on here. Oh yeah, he's probably gone to turn some water into wine as well.[/quote] Dear Clever Dick. I assume you might be relating to me. If you read the post after yours, you might find that the information I have provided has been of help. I have reported you and a list your cronies to the mods - I sincerely hope you all get banned for puerile personal attacks for cheap laughs that have nothing to do with the topic in hand. I assure you, I have not had my ego punctured - it would take a lot more than comments like yours, or the other half baked imbeciles in here that seem hell bent on doing nothing else but trolling and baiting, to make any difference to me. But I still read your posts because they give me an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I am a notch or two higher in the chain of humanity than the culprits I am referring to. I am sure you might be aware that I am not the only one fed up with your antics.............further reminder - the topic is MOST ACCURATE TUNER.
  12. [quote name='dlloyd' post='497891' date='May 26 2009, 11:59 AM']You're right, of course. There's no rational reason to go for a pre-CBS Fender at that kind of price as a playing instrument... but I'll happily admit I'm irrational and would love to have one. Just 'because'. Although I might be tempted by this: [url="http://www.rockstarsguitars.com/product_details.php?c=1&prod_id=450&cat=112&scat=217&x=0&y=265"]http://www.rockstarsguitars.com/product_de...p;x=0&y=265[/url] which probably plays worse than any 60s Fender. I believe the 'Jaco' bass is mentioned in Milkowski's book... I might be wrong. I can't imagine it would be difficult to get confirmation of its identity from Kevin Kaufman.[/quote] Yes, it is mentioned several times. I think the book is a great read, although there are many people who dispute some of the "facts" - including Jaco's family and his notorious last wife. I don't know if you saw the article at the link below in the Bass Player, but it makes for good reading about Jaco's Bass of Doom. Wooten, Steve and Victor Bailey and Will Lee had a go, passed comment and there are a few interesting sentences about it. [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/jacos-1962-fender/mar-08/34267"]Jaco’s 1962 Fender Jazz Bass “Bass of Doom” Found![/url] If he was alive today, I feel pretty sure he might be playing something different though.
  13. [quote name='dlloyd' post='497868' date='May 26 2009, 11:27 AM']I've seen pre-CBS jazzes go for a lot more than that, albeit in better shape than this one. What price do you think would be reasonable for a 1960 jazz in that condition (without the Jaco link)?[/quote] The price of anything is only what the buyer is prepared to pay, as with anything I suppose. Logic flies out of the window though when the emotionally charged buyer with a few quid sees something like this. The prices paid for some of these basses is crazy, a lot of people think they are making an investment, when really, a lot of them just get carried away. There are some infinitely better sounding, better made, more reliable, and more playable instruments made nowadays at a much better price. No matter who was supposed to have played them/been in the same room as them for 5 seconds once/was sold in a shop where the owner's granma had a holiday near the Fender factory once (etc etc blah blah) Just my opinion of course, and I wouldn't dare try to argue with anyone about Fenders - because once again, I am probably in the minority. And we all know what that means
  14. I hope the buyer for this got some certification for the claims in the auction blurb. The final selling price of £6000 for a bass with non certified history, and not even owned by the man they are using in the marketing to get the price up (plus some seriously questionable modifications which ordinarily would slash the potential value) is a lot of money.
  15. 'night - it's been hilarious.............
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' post='496940' date='May 24 2009, 11:43 PM']Mods: I realise this thread is way off-topic. Could it remain open while I answer rslaing's final point?[/quote] I don't think it is off topic at all - it is about accurate tuning?
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='496932' date='May 24 2009, 11:37 PM']I know I made my point clearly. Which was that I wasn't going to take any nonsense from you. I'd prefer to do this by PM, but you've shut that option down. To reiterate my PM's closing observation, I value some of your views and you make some worthwhile points, but getting into rows with members because they advance an alternative point of view is going to limit your enjoyment of the forum. It is [i]just not on [/i]to close down a contrary opinion or parallel discussion by deeming it 'off topic'. And slapping people for disagreeing and quoting wadges of manufacturer's manual in support of your contentions isn't going to help any of us. FFS, I agree with you that the Peterson's a fine tuner. [i]I agree with your opinion[/i]. Please accept that for what it's worth. But I'm not going to sit still while you wander round this forum telling people that their opinion is bollocks and if, as with my PM, you want to threaten to report me to the mods for posting this sentiment, go right ahead.[/quote] No need, I told you, I accept your opinion. But I don't agree with you.
  18. [quote name='leschirons' post='496933' date='May 24 2009, 11:37 PM']Two new guitarists perhaps?[/quote] Educate them on how to use a tuner - then when they can, get them a strobe tuner
  19. [quote name='dlloyd' post='496928' date='May 24 2009, 11:31 PM']No it doesn't. You cannot tune an equally tempered fixed pitch instrument to just intonation. It has the facility to tune specific notes within any given temperament, but as soon as you tune any string to one specific note, every other note on that string is out of tune in just intonation. For instance, let's assume you're wanting to intonate a 34" bass in the key of A major using just intonation. We'll ignore the lower fret problem for the moment as it's irrelevant to the question of temperament. We'll also just stick to the notes of the major scale in the first octave. You would tune the major scale using the ratios: 9/8, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, 2/1 In cents, that's 203.91, 386.31, 498.04, 701.96, 884.36, 1088.27 and 1200.00 To achieve that, you have to physically move the frets. 2nd fret: Major second. 3.91 cents sharp relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 1.7 mm towards bridge. 4th fret: Major third. 13.91 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 5.4 mm towards nut. 5th fret: Perfect fourth. 1.96 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 0.7 mm towards nut. 7th fret: Perfect fifth. 1.96 cents sharp relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 0.7 mm towards bridge. 9th fret: Major sixth. 15.64 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 4.7 mm towards nut. 11th fret: Major seventh. 11.73 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 3.11 mm towards nut. 12th fret: Perfect octave stays where it is. Using just intonation, you end up with frets all over the place, as the formula changes for every single string, and at the end of it, you've solved it for a single key. I would ignore the people who are 'supporting' you.[/quote] WHy don't you try and disprove this too:- [b]Dedicated Tuning Options for All Genres The StroboFlip is the first tuner to feature Sweeteners™ - preset perfect fifth intervals for violin, viola or cello; perfect thirds for Dobro® or resonator guitars; tuning and intonation presets for the Buzz Feiten Tuning System® for guitar, bass, and acoustic guitar; and both Buzz and Peterson Sweetened settings for 12-string guitar. The StroboFlip also includes E9th & C6th pedal steel guitar presets, exclusive Peterson presets for the whole guitar family, and more! A long list of classic temperament presets such as [i][u]Just Major, Just Minor, Pythagorean, 1/4 & 1/6th Comma Meantone, Werckmeister III, Kirnberger III, Kellner, Young, Vallotti and Rameau[/u][/i] are also included. These temperaments are all root adjustable. [/b]
  20. [quote name='dlloyd' post='496928' date='May 24 2009, 11:31 PM']No it doesn't. You cannot tune an equally tempered fixed pitch instrument to just intonation. It has the facility to tune specific notes within any given temperament, but as soon as you tune any string to one specific note, every other note on that string is out of tune in just intonation. For instance, let's assume you're wanting to intonate a 34" bass in the key of A major using just intonation. We'll ignore the lower fret problem for the moment as it's irrelevant to the question of temperament. We'll also just stick to the notes of the major scale in the first octave. You would tune the major scale using the ratios: 9/8, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, 2/1 In cents, that's 203.91, 386.31, 498.04, 701.96, 884.36, 1088.27 and 1200.00 To achieve that, you have to physically move the frets. 2nd fret: Major second. 3.91 cents sharp relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 1.7 mm towards bridge. 4th fret: Major third. 13.91 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 5.4 mm towards nut. 5th fret: Perfect fourth. 1.96 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 0.7 mm towards nut. 7th fret: Perfect fifth. 1.96 cents sharp relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 0.7 mm towards bridge. 9th fret: Major sixth. 15.64 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 4.7 mm towards nut. 11th fret: Major seventh. 11.73 cents flat relative to 12 tone equal temperament. Requires movement of fret 3.11 mm towards nut. 12th fret: Perfect octave stays where it is. Using just intonation, you end up with frets all over the place, as the formula changes for every single string, and at the end of it, you've solved it for a single key. I would ignore the people who are 'supporting' you.[/quote] From the Peterson site:- We can purposely shift certain scale notes closer to or farther from their neighbors to make perfect intervals or chords in some places. If we choose wisely, we can make the most important chords in a given key be the perfect ones. [b]This is the concept behind Just Intonation (JST in the Temperament Menu of Peterson tuners).[/b] In the key of C, the chords of C major, F major, and G major can each have perfectly harmonious tuning intervals. Unfortunately, other chords, especially those in more remote keys like C# and F#, sound much worse than they would in equal temperament. If an instrument like a piano is tuned in Just Major temperament for the key of C, notes and chords that fall in the C Major scale sound wonderful. Modulating to the key of G, most chords sound good, some not quite as good. If one takes a more adventurous trek into the key of E, say, some real "ear-sores" start to develop in certain chords and intervals. Historically, the clinkers are dubbed "wolf tones" which gives some indication of their "charm". If you can disprove this, sue them.
  21. [quote]"Firstly, please stay on topic.[/quote] Secondly, I don't believe you! [b]FINE, [/b] [quote]I like you rslaing, but I'm starting to question your mental well-being.[/quote] [b]SO AM I, BUT ONLY SINCE I REGISTERED AS A MEMBER IN HERE[/b] [quote]You have a habit of stating your opinions as fact and then accusing those who disagree with you of making "personal attacks".[/quote] [b]NOT IF YOU ADDRESS THE TOPIC INSTEAD OF A PERSONAL ATTACK. THE RESPONSES I GET TEND NOT TO ADDRESS THE TOPIC, AS YOU WELL KNOW.[/b] [quote]Ironically, whilst doing this, you like to make personal attacks of your own on others, calling them "nasty" and tone deaf. You also like to contradict yourself, accuse others of going "off-topic" when they don't agree with you, and flounce off only to come crawling back.[/quote] [b]YEP, I MUST BE MAD[/b] [quote]This is the internet, no one ever agrees with each other. If it wasn't for disagreements we wouldn't have web forums.[/quote] [b]I ONLY ANSWER TOPICS IN WHICH I HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN ORDER TO GIVE ADVICE, WHICH CAN BE ACCEPTED OR REJECTED. IF YOU THINK THAT FORUMS ARE FOR CREATING DISAGREEMENTS, THEN I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR PRESENT AND PREVIOUS INPUT[/b] [quote]Now I don't know you in "real" life, maybe you surround yourself with people who agree with your oracle-like knowledge about tuning a guitar. I'm sorry that this doesn't extend to BassChat.[/quote] [b]I APOLOGISE, I THOUGHT MY ANSWERS THAT WERE "ON TOPIC" MAY BE INFORMATIVE TO PEOPLE THAT HAD AN INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT[/b] [quote]As for all the [b]typing in bold[/b], please try and calm down and promise me not to climb a bell tower with a high powered rifle. I'll promise to buy an over-priced tuner if you promise not to do a Hungerford.[/quote] [b]I'LL IGNORE THAT ONE[/b]
  22. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='496912' date='May 24 2009, 11:09 PM']Since you've changed your mind about posting on this thread, any chance of taking me off your PM block list so we can sort out any misunderstandings?[/quote] Sorry ........no. There are no misunderstandings. You made your point very clearly.
  23. [quote name='dlloyd' post='496906' date='May 24 2009, 11:00 PM']This is getting kind of boring. The Feiten system does not magically create just intonation. It compensates for lower fret inaccuracy.[/quote] I didn't say it did. The Feiten system overcomes the main problem with fretted instruments and overall tuning. AND HAS THE FACILITY IF DESIRED, to tune to any temperament you wish - including just tempered. The Peterson Strobe gives the facility to gain greater accuracy when tuning, with the ability to utilise the feiten system accurately and quickly when tuning. If you aren't happy with the claims of claims of either Feiten or Peterson - try and sue them? Have you experienced either, or are you just another "baiter"? If you haven't used them - how would you know what difference they make? I have, and I do.
  24. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='496904' date='May 24 2009, 10:54 PM']What happened to "f*** this for a lark"? You love it![/quote] I got a couple of emails from "supporters" asking me not to concede to the d***heads on here. Which I thought was good advice.
  25. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='496900' date='May 24 2009, 10:52 PM']i have a strobo, it looks like a shiny silver racecar and it is very useful for throwing at guitards. Nuff said, IMHO.[/quote] You are correct - because they need it the most
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