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Everything posted by Ticktock

  1. Bargain. Put them in an envelope?
  2. Very nice. Love the colour.
  3. Wow... Rather nice indeed, howzit playing?
  4. That is lovely. Me likey.
  5. Hahahaha ! Ahem. *cough*
  6. Ain't nothin' like it.
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1376569546' post='2176167'] That's not irrational! Bacon is food of the Gods Dry cure smoked streaky.... [/quote] You mean it's ok to like bacon?! Waheeeyy!! ( goes off to eat more bacon)
  8. Aha! I've been hmming and haaing over this exact combination. How does it sound...more details pleas, I've just ordered the amp the other day and I really want to know more about this cab. Cheers.
  9. Bacon Headless basses Peppa Pig ( my twins are exerting some form of mind control )
  10. Yay for a problem resolved then!
  11. Possible (probable) Podfarm upgrade ahoy. I too am left on the apple scrap heap, OS wise. My MBP can not go past Snow leopard. I put the hard disk where the DVD drive used to sit and put one of those solid state drives in. Like having a new machine in terms of response times. 14 sec startup time, was 11 when first installed though. Not too shabby. I read about a professional photographic printer who has to keep a machine with snow leopard on it as his printing setup won't work with mountain lion and later. Snow leopard caused him headaches at the start as well.
  12. Hello indeed. I hope your journey continues in the same manner it has up until now.
  13. Frank, Bassdirect is not at all "just down the road". Unfortunately. Shopping choice here not so great for my projected budget. Though ok for about half that. Dawson's have a branch or two here and I'll probably head there in a couple weeks when the schools are back, get the shop all to myself etc. Uncle Psychosis- indeed, comments here and a couple days reflection lead me to consider much testing of likes and dislikes and maybe make a purchase if I play something and don't want to put it down. Time will tell. Ordering a custom and not being happy down the line with it doesn't bear thinking about.
  14. Gonna head to a music shop as per suggestion. I do need to play some basses to get a real feel for my likes and dislikes. Gotta be early morning to avoid the drooling teenage contingent ( I was one once, I think I can remember....I was thrown out, or should that be asked to leave every music shop in Belfast in the late 80s.).
  15. Guys, thanks for all the replies. I am at the start of a journey, I feel better about playing now than I ever did and since time passes quickly and life is perilously short I have a want for something nice to play on. I understand the logic of baby steps and " Working my way up" to a custom made instrument but I feel like I've wasted 20 years or so by not playing. I don't have all the money yet, part of the way there and quite happy to work towards getting the remainder. I generally don't impulse buy. Much thought and, yes, planning before I part with me moolah. Those ACG basses are just beautiful looking.......midlife crisis, better than a red sports car!
  16. Shameless as well!
  17. Getting something built for me is something I hadn't considered. I thought it be beyond my budget. Have to look in to that more thoroughly. The move from headless to headed. I can do that. I mean, I went from headed to headless. Do love headless I must admit. Oooh ! Just checked out ACG...really like the work. Possibly affordable too. I know what way I'm headed now. Thanks for that. :-)
  18. I've been playing a Hohner Jack headless for the past 21 yrs...ok just started playing again after a massive hiatus. I want a new bass, or rather another one. Keeping the Jack. Looking at a budget of about £1000 to £1600. ( my wallet is flinching....at least I think it's my wallet.) Not so fussed on Fender to be honest. Any recommendations on what would be suitable at this budget for a barely able to play player?
  19. iPhone pics? They look fine online. Beautiful piece of work, that bass.
  20. Ticktock


    I would rather have an estate car. Haven't got one.... Want one though. Post a pic, go on.
  21. Done. :-)
  22. Hope he has no damage and recovers well. OHS is no fun. Stents are easily put in on a day procedure if he needs them. Good vibes his way.
  23. Ta very much for the welcome, folks.
  24. Been lurking, nice place this. Played bass in a " Heavy metal on drugs" band in early 90s and left and gave up playing bass. Got a call to come and play if I still had a bass a couple of months ago....here I am, mid 40s, back playing again and really loving it. Then a mate of mine asked me to play with him (drums) and the guitarist from my old band. Even more fun, real chemistry and I was high on the buzz afterwards. Really made me up my game ( no chops and fuzzy brain and fingers notwithstanding). Now I have a bad attack of GAS but no money. Still playing my Hohner jack headless 4 string and got a zoom b1x so I could play at home without waking the kids. Total introvert but never had a problem going on stage, we practiced 4 nights a week back then. Tight as a gnats chuff and we had a drum machine instead of a drummer. Now I am playing with a great drummer and it is a completely new world to me. Excited, me? You bet. Stay at home Dad and now off to get kids some lunch.
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