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Everything posted by operative451

  1. Hacky workaround: find a midi and then mute the rest of it in the DAW of your choice?
  2. My go-to "showing off" riff is Muse Hysteria which uses pretty much all the notes, open strings and the 12th fret at some point... but i still think widdling is unacceptable unless its behind closed doors and you wash your hands after...
  3. I've seen worse bass tutorial videos... Also Nik West says 'I try and avoid playing open strings' too... So does Scott off of Scot's bass lessons if i remember.. so it must be true... Also also: 2 things that drive me nuts on bass videos (like say, Anderton's 'All about da bass' which is otherwise quite entertaining) - playing up at the 12th fret: Like why?! Its called a BASS not a treble!! and extended slap jams. Argh! Its shredding for bassists, the teenage mutant ninja turtles had the right idea for what you do to shredders....
  4. Never miss a chance for some self-pluggage.. (Ooer) Boney M pastiche.. .:D
  5. My GF and i watching Kylie minxing her way about the O2: "So this is what 50 looks like then? Excellent..."
  6. We're doing a thing!! https://www.facebook.com/events/254639745195581/ October 19th, Rock Bottom bar, Plymouth, 9pm. Stuff like this, only not in my kitchen!
  7. Saw Kylie at the O2 last night. Bleddy brilliant show! Lots of 'proper' instruments as she's in her 'country' period, but lots of re-arrangements of classics and some full-on disco too! No sign of amps on stage so i guess its either all DI or mic'ed cabs backstage somewhere... Rock'n'roll? Yeah. Let it die. This was joyful, no po-faced 'serious' music, just fun, entertainment, some great playing, singing and dancing and a genuine warm from the performers and the audience..! I've not had so much fun at a live event for a long time, if ever...
  8. It occurred to me while lolloping in the bath that probably the definition of rock and roll is 'the older generation don't like it, and tell you're doing it wrong'. In which case, this thread suggests its alive and thriving...
  9. A playlist of my own band as we have a gig and I've forgotten how half of it goes!
  10. Nah, you're thinking of 70s top of the pops...
  11. " Why don't young people like the stuff i like?" ask some old men... Same reason they (probably) didn't listen to George Formby or Glen Miller i guess?
  12. Update.. Changed my mind, i like it again... The trick i have found is to treat the amp models like, er, amps, and set whatever its plugged into to 'as clean as possible'..
  13. Factoid: there are more people claiming that than were ever in it, and also, if you've been in it you're not supposed tell anyone! And believe it or not, i know this cos my schizophrenic d*d used to claim it too... Although its quite possible he believed it!
  14. I am so thankful my 'drummer' is a laptop.. The most recent big gigs i've been too have been insanely loud, to the point where i can't actually hear the band because of my tinnitus shrieking in protest! At least with 'my' stuff we're all about the digital amp modelers, plus its really important to hear the words as they're comedy* songs.. This is a super useful thread BTW, my 'band' is playing our first gig for a while in a small venue locally, and i've often wondered if our kit has enough oomph for gigging... But it sounds like we should be fine! *Well, we think they're funny..
  15. I think its a lot of 'hey our music was the best' boomer agit-prop too... Don't forget, we've had access to recorded music for what, 110-120 years? EVERYTHING before that is gone unless it was considered important enough to be written down and preserved... 'Zep' is last week...
  16. Weeeeeeeeeeell i can say that i believe that 'Zep' more mixed what american black musicians had been doing for years and then dropped some white boy folk on top of it, and um, see also the Edster... But yes, actually to the solo singer songwriter thing. Ableton is probably the closest thing to a completely new instrument since the electric bass guitar, and while i would say he's basically nicked all KT Tunstall's ideas and thrown tech at them, its still pushing boundaries... Also, maybe theory is different now? I mean, i am old enough to have bought 'Appetite for Destruction' on the original vinyl but don't read music. I do however, understand and use recording and production techniques that would have required a degree (probably?) in studio recording even 20something years ago... I understand sequencing, drum programming, and the way that chords react with each other and how different tones of instrument slot together, and i even code a bit.! Can i read dots on a piece of paper? No. Can i look at a waveform and see where its glitchy? Yup...
  17. I didn't hear Led Zeppelin until the mid-90s, having grown up mostly ignoring the pre-punks (aka boring prog-head old hippies) going on about 'Zep' and therefore was used to Guns'n'roses, Nirvana and Therapy? et all (aka very noisy RAWK) being played on daytime radio 1. I hate to say it but i found it simplistic, 3 chord blues rock'n'roll and about has heavy as a not heavy thing... Its context innit? I don't like Ed Sheeran either BUT he represents more what people are going now - Ableton, loop pedals, amp modellers... All the stuff that makes 'recording sessions and video shoots' something you can do in your bedroom...
  18. Also it depends on your telly speakers... Mine's got some heft... (And its not bad for metal...)
  19. Being Kylie's bassist is my ideal job. Just throwing it out there because you never know who knows who..
  20. LOVE Kylie. Going to see her at the O2. can't wait! It was the intro of 2 Hearts that made me finally go "I want a bass"...
  21. There's a bunch of remixes dotted about called things like 'And Justice for Jason' or 'And Jason for All'..
  22. It is super good if you like that sort of thing! I think i sort of don't like mine though, which is annoying! Mainly because what i like are non-traditional ampy sounds, and more high gain Muse-ish synthoid nuttery, OR super clean no added messing about DI noises. Which is annoying, but hey... Maybe i'll flog it...
  23. dangit, that would have been ideal for the Ex-V.. Oh well....
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