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Woodinblack last won the day on August 5 2022

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About Woodinblack

  • Birthday May 1

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    Somerset BA21

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  1. I wouldn't think it was that stupid, that is what I would expect it to do, if you have a two channel interface you are recording to two channels, left and right. I would find it very odd if it did anything else. If you don't want it to go to two channels, you would need to mix it afterwards or before which you could do in audiobus or whatever, or an external mixer before input.
  2. At a brief look, it looks like we are outside of that, because although we list items for people for sale, we don't facilitate those sales or have any trace of the reportable information, such as knowing if anything has been sold, what the sale price actually was, the location or actual identity of the person selling the item. But IANAL, so what do I know Although looking at the personal details on there, it does mean if you are trying to sell something like a Wal bass that you have had a decade you do need to report it for Capital Gains tax (or I guess you can take up farming instead)
  3. Well, the vintage basses that people are paying 3k+ for aren't because they are better basses its because they have a value due to their age or perceived rarity. It doesn't matter how bad a 1960s jazz bass is, its still going to be worth a lot of money even if it is virtually unplayable.
  4. There is no such limit - I suspect you have got close to your upload limit. I will check Yep, you have 488.18 MB of images against a limit of 488.28 MB (which is I guess 500,000,000 bytes)
  5. They are great things, I have one of the originals.
  6. Absolutely can't watch that - the earlier videos or live stuff is good, but as a fan of Rush since I first heard 2112 in 1980 (and bought Moving pictures at HMV the day it came out) I couldn't listen to them live for the last few decades, the singing is not something I can deal with. Don't forget to listen to 2112 if you like caress of steel.
  7. Well, yes, but you are always going to get bargains here or there, it doesn't make that the price of the item. It wasn't so long ago that many things were very cheap. My Gibson Les Paul cost me just over £300 a few years ago, other prices weren't as bad as they are now. And as you say yourself, if I had something that was selling at £140 I might be bothered to sell it, if it was £20, I couldn't be bothered to wrap it. That would keep the average price high.
  8. Why? I have one I have been gigging for 8 years
  9. That and Its a really cost effective way of spreading soft power - Oh all those bags of grain that are feeding me have a USA flag on, they must be the good guys, yes they can have a military base here. Oh USA are giving us money to develop our economy on the basis we don't attack israel, ok, thats fine. China still understand this only too well
  10. You edit the first post and that lets you change the title and add a price if you want
  11. Hmm - I had been looking at that from another thread, hadn't noticed its length
  12. and Wham (several times)
  13. Hi, I am after a gig bag that I can put any of my basses in, which includes my MM Bongo - unfortunately the bongo is longer than most at 121cm, whereas most gig bags are 119cm. So they sort of fit in if you take the straps off it and bend the edges a bit but it is not ideal. My old gig bag fitted but it is falling apart now, so I need something else.
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