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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. Is it? It isn't on any of mine!
  2. So if they put theirs up to 50%, does he put his at 75%, and then what do the people who import that steel and presumably make things in the US do.. move to Canada?
  3. The bass in general, so if you EQ the bass to get the sound that is acceptable to the crowd, it doesn't matter if it is a P bass or a boutique bass or a rick or whatever. The actual bass makes little difference.
  4. Yes, they do, if you make more than £2000, which I suspect he has.
  5. Same here, plenty of hard cases in the loft in case I want to sell anything, but I wouldn't want to use one when gigging.
  6. Well, that is confusing as I have a 1605 that is the original one and it is 16.5mm. I guess the w means wide or something
  7. No, nothing to do with that, there is a blacklist. Although you are on gmail which isn't blacklisted, so I would check your junk folder actually on the gmail website - I originally had nothing in my email but then went to the website and checked junk and found a message there which I said was not junk and had messages after that
  8. What is there apart from materials?
  9. I was asked to do mixing for a band with an analogue mixer - it is a lot harder to go back to that way!
  10. I would imagine that that has the bass and treble boosted. if you turn the treble down and muffle it a bit it would be a bit more traditional
  11. I have some 4" straps that spread the load nicely. Ultimately though you still have to carry that weight, so this just stops it cutting in.
  12. yes, but that doesn't mean much if your IP block has a blacklist.
  13. Yes, sorry - I have tried lots of things but unfortunately the ip address of basschat is on a ip block that is blocked by outlook (and related people) for reasons they won't tell me, and they won't unblock it because it doesn't qualify, so we are going to have to pay extra for an external mail supplier.
  14. Probably busy filling in their '5 things I did last week' emails to send off to doggy.
  15. It will take so long to get any resources from this even if they start today, it shouldn't matter. I am guessing because it didn't have a 'uge gold statue of trump in them?
  16. Does that mean they had someone else on standby already?
  17. And then they decided to get Andrew Tate in
  18. Had a mostly good gig on saturday. Haven't had a gig since last month and no practices either, so my fingers weren't match fit! Not too many mistakes from my part, although a few in general. It was a pub that has just reopened, but a short way out of town, the last few gigs we have done there have been as a dead as a dead thing, but they did say that last week, their opening night they were really full, but there were a lot of things going on in town, so I was surprised it wasn't dead, there were quite a few people there, but it is a big place so it seems not too busy. Anyway, we had quite a few dancers, and it seemed to go alright, so was quite happy with it. After loading up and getting the car ready, was talking to the guitarist while the singer and drummer went to get them money. Turns out the drummer decided that the fee that we had agreed with the pub was too high and he would just say to take £70 less, so that went down badly, especially with the guitarist who relies on his gigging money. I am not really that bothered about the money but feel like decisions like that should be a band agreement. Hopefully we can get some practiced done as we have some songs almost ready
  19. Looks like you are in a queue!
  20. and 'Available at somewhere other than Amazon' means a lot to some of the rest of us.
  21. I have facebook purity, so I don't really see that much of that stuff. I only get it on youtube when I want to quickly work out the bass to something, so I listen to other peoples attempts, so you put in something like 'bass cover of wantedsong' and then get a load of 'bricklayer reacts to listening to wantedsong', 'proof that wantedsong author was miming on totp', 'professional dancer reacts to bricklayer reaction video' etc
  22. Doesn't seem that much trickier on facebook (I don't use the others), as long as you remember which dashboard you need to go to to get the events page.
  23. Thats why i phrased it like that - he was the candidate that the most people voted for
  24. Still not narrowing it down!
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