Don't know if I mentioned this, or if I was particularly stupid, but I was getting annoyed with my waza airs as they would cut out after a few minutes of playing and you had to unplug and replug to make them work. I changed everything in the settings (and TBH, I rarely use the app - its the worst part of the waza air, makes it like the opposite of the spark) but nothing worked.
Then one day looking for something else, I found another post of someone saying the same thing, and the answer was that you had to put the sender in the headphones before any changes in the app are made. I genuinely didn't know that (and it doesn't seem mentioned in the manual, which I read).
I would think if you did a change in the app that affected the sender there should be a big 'now plug the sender in the headphones to apply the changes' banner. But there isn't.
Now I like them again
Except last night, I don't know if the batteries were flat but I plugged my new bongo in, and not only was there a wall of high frequency noise, but it distorted like mad. Charged the waza and try again tonight