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Everything posted by Pbassred
It looks like someone has been at it before, so I wouldn't worry. certianly not about the body. A pro sprayer will enjoy makeing a good job of that.
Thank for the pointer dave. Got the sounds. Will you be putting the article on your site?
What's the best way to find out about latin beats and lines - other than buying up a whole bunch of the wrong records!
I'm trying to learn "Thinking of You". There is actually so little detail about the guy on the net. Lots of gushing about how great he was but very little analysis about why. One interview with Rogers and a bassist thing from last year. I supose that's what happend to guys who had their fame before the web!
Any anyone found a breakdown of Bernard Edward technique? I know that it had something to do his hand shape - As if he was using an imaginary pick. I don't know how he actually applied it. I can't get much help from youtube. It looks like slapping and picking at the sametime.
Individual Rotosound swing bass strings in london? I just want to top up a set because I busted a .045". ( 2nd ever!).
I have the live version. The trick is to dump the factory settings and build your own at home. There are too many menus to go through at a gig. I wish that they would talk to players before they designed these "toys". The Live doesn't have an XLR output!
we should get together for shootouts. too many posts feature opinions based on ownership on a single brand. Basses, DI boxes amps mics
[quote name='BassJase' post='21687' date='Jun 22 2007, 12:48 AM']Check out the Offspring geetarist "Noodles" signiature Ibanez geetar. It was (originally) loads of pieces of duct-tape, which was laquered over. I think it looks great, but i can see why others would not.[/quote] The glue may interact with the laquer. Duct tape glue does dry out in time so it might fall off and leave residue behind.
Its needs; Location, size, Start/finish time Styles, to be current. There are loads of open mic nights but its tough to get on, because they don't change the band often.
I have a rig and a car but still have the pain. Actually I think a car in London is less convinient than the tube. We need a list of jam nights
DI boxes. Active versus passive ( not counting the really high end, valve driven gear). Pros/ cons? Can anyone hear the difference? I already have a Behringer pro DI - works ok but the battery compartment is just rubbish.
I used to run a 100W Lead and Bass amp in the early 80s through a 4X12 cab with mcKenzies. A bit plain but ok. Story; I went there for a Job as Production Engineer but the agency insisted that I go to their office first. So I had to drive in from a different diection. They gave me the standard Marshall map and I got lost. I was 5 mins late and they turned me away. On the way home I bought a map of Milton Keynes. There's was wrong. Roads missing, wrong shape. There was no way that I could relate theirs to reality - ... and [i]they[/i] punished [i]me[/i]! So I figured:- If they couldn't sketch a map, how could they sort a circuit diagram? Ironicly, its this kind of cock-up that I've spent a career fixing. They really needed me! I haven't plugged into one since.
Trouble with forums ......its all about opinion.
Are modeling amps an accurate copy of their target? Has anyone actually compared them. Does it matter - in that a "good sound" is good whatever its is [i]supposed [/i]to be? Are they good? Playing around with my Bass Podxt live, I've noticed that several amps don't change the sound that much. I wonder if it matters anyway after you shove it all through a PA system and rattle it around the hall. Debate!
[quote]Dont you think that someone (other than herself) would have remembered a White female pick playing bassist playing on a black singers tune with a whole band of black musician's?[/quote] The logic that:- it is impossible because it was unusual, is false. This is a dangerous quote, because it is based on the perception of other people's raceism. Not that I'm calling anyone a raceist. Please understand that. However I have heard this argument used as fact before. [b]The real facts are:- That Berrie Gordy was a equal oportunities employer. Carol Kaye was a top line session musician and did record at Motown.[/b] Her presence at a Mowton session would not have been unusual. Nor would re-recording parts with whoever was available at the time. That said, her self publicity has been far more prominent than JJ's, no doubt, to sell her books. I don't think anyone really knows. To say that she wasn't at a cirtain session doesn't mean that she wasn't at [i]any[/i] session. I bet when they did the final mixdown they just took the bits that worked best. Its what I'd do. Mowton was a factory. Maybe that reworked each others parts. Maybe they're [b]both[/b] on it.
Good luck with the site Stu it looks good. Perhaps you should run an ebay site too. That Bernard Edwards book will be great went you get it (if its notation). I'm not so interested in tab by itself, though alongside notation its great. (I know that this could open up the whole tab versus notation debate but they each have their place.) It would be great to be able to just pick up individual song scores. Do bass scores even exist? Would that be a bussines for someone? No better way to become proficient than to write each line out, but I expect that there would be troubles with publishing houses .
[quote]Here's a few I'd recommend: Music Reading for Bass by Wendi Hreovcsik (MI Publications) The Working Bassists Tool Kit & Building Walking Bass Lines by Ed Friedland Funk Bass by Jon Liebman.[/quote] [quote]Note:- I don't mean tutor books. That's worth a list on its own[/quote] I was thinking more about books with songs in them ( that we might know).
plus RnB, pop, funk, motown.... wandering into jazz sounds too. Herts and North London. I'm looking for original projects to help out on (write, record, live). Also up for a covers band. Far too old and unfashionable (playing since 1978) but you don't care' cus you just want to know that the job gets done. [url="http://www.myspace.com/urbanbassics"]Visit My Website[/url]
[quote]99% of musical audiences are totally tone deaf anyway[/quote] And unable to keep time. The brain has a wonderful knack of making the world intellegable. If the audience wants to think you're playing it right, they will hear it right. Just don't get cocky. Enjoy.
I really only want a compressor. I was using a joe Meek MQ3 but its not tough enough for live. I bought a Bass PODxt live. Its just mental to figure out and I really only want it for the soundalike amps. Recently I've been playing with the Auto Wah though. Plusses:- built like a tank, Vol pedal is handy. Its got more on it than you need. Minuses:- Difficult to tweek on the fly, Its got more on it than you want.
Where was that post from the guy whose tone pot had the cap missing? Luckily he could walk it back to the shop. I can't see he posting it back to the far east. Things do go wrong. Mics and electronics I can live, with but I wouldn't want to risk something as subjective as a musical instrument to a vendor 10,000 miles away.
We appear to be missing a technique or tuition forum here. So when we get one, how about this as a sticky:- Having looked through many music notation books it seems that most are written for piano (Bass is written one octave up from the actual pitch.). I include Motown classics books. Since good notation books are a rairity, We should have a list of books that actually get it right. Note:- I don't mean tutor books. That's worth a list on its own.