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Everything posted by Jonesy64

  1. It's always fun to chuck the odd song in from other genre's but play it the way you play the rest of the set. That Adele song is a good example, the one that got covered by Black Stone Cherry. Daft as it sounds stuff like Abba can sound great rocked up, its fun playing them and everyone in the room will know it. ....and then there's stuff like Slade, T-Rex, Stones, Bowie to lighten things up a bit after an intense Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir medley!! A few from my bands set list that I haven't noticed listed already....she sells sanctuary, l'l Devil, Highway Star, Crazy Train.
  2. Well guys, spooky that 'Cat' posted to lift this page onto the front page as I have just come on to search back for it and give an update to anyone interested :-) I auditioned for a punk/indie/grunge band (I think that covers most bases!) last night and got the gig! I had my Tokai Hardpuncher bought a month back from Fitzy73 and a '78 Rat clone for a bit of dirt. I used the practice studio's Ampeg combo. Having played second guitar for two years in a classic rock covers band it's great to now be playing the music I know and love, I'm chuffed to bits actually! The drummer who can also play guitar and bass (clever sh*t, not at the same time though i bet) also complemented me on the Tokai which I was very pleased to hear. They have been primarily a covers band but do have half a dozen original songs and plan to do more....exciting times for me :-) Thanks again all for showing an interest in my original post!
  3. Thanks...Yes, I have looked at that one and also another one I uncovered on a fan site. Neither of them 'feel right', its the change from the first riff on E to the second one that stumps me. According to a guitar tab it is a G#m after the E. It is also a tough track to hear the baseline clearly....using my ears anyway :-)
  4. All right chaps, Looking for Stranglers bass tabs from the Rattus and Black and White albums. Would really like some help with Goodbye Toulouse in particular. Internet, Ultimate Guitar etc.,surprisingly sparse of decent tabs. Many thanks in advance of any help. Cheers, Mark.
  5. I think that's our drummer with a wig on. Always wondered what he did at weekends
  6. Ah, ok understood, thanks all for clarifying :-)
  7. Somebody mentioned K*nt And The Gang earlier....they played a gig recently in Nottingham on the same bill as Arse Full Of Chips. I can't decided whether that's a dumb name or a great one!
  8. ......Mŷ GB Contour combo has one....I'm confused by it, how does it work? Do I just run a cable out to a tuner and it becomes part of the circuit sort of like a built in tuner? If that's the case I guess it is using a cleaner signal or something but is it actually that much better than having one between guitar and amp?
  9. There are some great fuzz builders on the DAM forum. stompboxes.co.uk. It might be worth asking your question there. I'm sure you'll get a few suggestions
  10. Phil of Subhumans bass looks like a Jazz with a Precision pup in the bridge position and a regular Jazz at the neck.....is it unusual to have the pups this way round?
  11. Not a Bass rig but here's my GT2 and 2x12. The head was the second one to be built, number one went abroad somewhere, Germany I think. I would love a Matamp bass head but that's a long ways off. Hayden fitted his Bulldog vintage PAF's into my Lester as well. Top, top blokes, can't speak highly enough about them.
  12. All sorted, should be here sometime next week, thanks for the replies. Jonesy gets his first bass, hurray! Could you point me in the direction of 'bassdoc' please?
  13. The Tokai is going to be easier for me to get hold of as the Fender is collection only from Blackpool. I'm up there for the Rebellion festival in August but I cant wait that long . Fingers crossed for the Tokai then, I have pm'd the seller...
  14. I'm very interested in two guitars currently up for sale, both £400 give or take so top of my budget until I can shift some more gear. The Tokai is for sale in the classifieds (Fitzy73) and the Fender is here....http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211484-gorgeous-1996-fender-japan-precision/page__pid__2133958#entry2133958 This would be my first Bass. Pro's and con's for owning either as a first bass? Can you easily get replacement Hardpuncher pickguards? (I really like black and tort) Cheers, Mark.
  15. Don't know if you have tried the couple you listed? Wren and Cuff small font Russian is excellent....Burgs actually does a demo using a guitar and a bass. The Arc Effects big green pi. It has two internal dip switches to lift the mids and diode lift aimed directly at Bass users. I have owned both and from memory would say the Arc Effects had more flexibility but I think you still have to buy direct from the builder. He will mark the package up to say hi to UK Customs as it passes through if you ask him nicely though :-) The one other that springs to mind is Fredric Effects Green Russian. I have no experience with this builder but Joe stocks them so should be decent stuff. http://joespedals.com/acatalog/Fredric_Effects_Green_Russian_Muff.html
  16. Thanks again, I'll try and dig up the previous thread..... I agree of course about trying them out for myself but i am trying to buy second hand so shop examples are not always the best representation. Same model, different year, different feel and all that! Maybe I'm getting too hung up about it, at this rate I will have a new amp and no guitar to play...
  17. Bugger me, I couldn't be more wrong!! Thanks for the quick reply. So, it is the neck profile that I am trying to get a better understanding of....modern 'C', fat, thin, baseball bat... Jazz's slimmer than Precisions, modern Precisions slimmer than vintage etc., Can you determine just from reading a guitars spec' how one profile compares to another? I'm thinking back to the Sandbrrg Electra that I tried. Is it like Fenders modern 'C' for example.
  18. Would a 1.75" nut width and 9" neck radius feel fatter than say a 1.5"/9" ? ....and would a 1.5"/12" be shallower than the 1.5"/9" ? So, a shorter nut width x a wider neck radius would feel like a shallow profile, or I have got it all completely cock eyed! Thanks, Mark
  19. Anyone able to confirm the nut and neck radius dimensions on the Electra VS T4? Nothing coming up on t'internet searches. I found it really comfortable and would like the info' as a reference in my search for a new geetar.
  20. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1373474530' post='2138089'] Don't worry too much about the dirt pedals Jonesy. They aren't a big part of bass playing. Might be some with good resale values you could sell to raise funds. [/quote] Good point, just listed three on the Bay!
  21. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1373441406' post='2137519'] The GK MB amps, are excellent. I run the MB500 but I suspect that the 200 into a decent 4 ohm cab would probably be ample for your needs. The conundrum would be ... buy the 500, and you'd have power but less money for a cab to use it. Buy the 200 and you would have less power, but more money to buy a decent 4 ohm cab to project what power you did have. I think you could also do worse than one of the Genz 1x15 contour amps, ideally with a 1x12 or 2x10 extension cab. If I had your budget I think I'd be spending about £200 on a PJ equipped bass (used or new), the 1x15 Genz contour combo and a decent dirt pedal or two. I'd then be saving for an extension cab if the whole bass thing worked out for me [/quote] Thanks Hamfist, I read this and thought it made so much sense.....it has brought me full circle to my original plan of a combo. I was leaning towards the GB contour as it had the extension cab option. BassDirect still advertising one at £329.....decisions, decisions. Aargh!!!!! :-) I should be ok for dirt pedals. I have quite a few including a couple of muffs and the excellent MI Megalith. They aren't dedicated Bass pedals but they might work out alright before I experiment with dedicated bass dirt pedals. So close to pulling the trigger on the GB Contour.....I'll hang on for a bit in case of any other suggestions :-)
  22. BassDirect has a sunburst in stock. I tried it out yesterday. Has a nice feel to the neck profile that I liked a lot.
  23. That's it, i'm sold on the head and cab route, I have always preferred them for the reasons mentioned. At one time I had a 1x12, 2x12 and a 4x12 for different size venues and to mix and match with my Matamp and Dr Z heads. Are there any good lightweight 2x10's to consider? Really, really liking the GK MB heads, I guess the 200 is the most practical and certainly the logical choice solely on budget constraints. Is this one of those situations though where we always regret not pushing the boat out and getting the next one up?...in this case the 500? I think i am going to put my efforts into finding a GK head plus lightweight cab and a sub £250 used bass along the lines of those mentioned, Yam, Squire Vibe, MIM Fender etc., Thanks for all the great pointers, it has helped no end. Re' loud bands....Mark at BassDirect was talking to me about it and was actually something I understood from my own experience...and pleaded guilty to participating in!! Les, I'm keeping this idea under wraps until I know what's happening with the band. I don't want them using me as an excuse to break up, it'll die of natural causes soon enough, of that I am sure :-) I guess I should start asking for specific questions if I have them in the amps and bass sections from now on. Thanks so far guys!
  24. One of my favourite band names is a Pink Floyd tribute, Dark Side Of The Room! Dizzy Lizzy is another that used to do the rounds. The worst one I can think of is The Jamm. A lot of effort went into that one:-)
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