Hi chaps, appreciating the replies, thankyou!
To answer a few comments and questions I feel like I will be able to make the transition but I am not under estimating it. I have a lot of work ahead to give myself a chance when replying to some of the 'bassist wanted' ads :-). I am really looking forward to it though, I feel like it's the kick up the arse I need to get interested in playing again...thats the drummers fault as well playing his boring song choices!
My current gear is quite traditional hand wired tube amps, Matamp GT 50 watt head into Matamp 2x12. I also have a Dr Z Remedy head which might be the sacrificial lamb if I need to push the boat out further on my budget. My main guitar is a Les Paul Standard. It's fair to say then that I am no stranger to head and cab arrangements and was looking at the bass combo's from the practical angle. If a head and cab is the way to go then I am more than happy to look into those options.
As for musical style and tone, there isn't a particular bass player who I am thinking of and as for the kind of music I would be playing first and foremost I would look at classic rock as I would have a good starting point having played all the usual stuff over the past 6 or 7 years I think it's been. If a punk covers band should advertise then I would be all over that like the proverbial rash :-))
I remember Yamaha Basses have a good rep from donkeys years ago, I will def add those to the search.
Oh, and yeah I have been a constant visitor to the bass and amps for sale sections for the past couple of weeks....been mighty close to picking something up off there but have resisted so far....absolutely no problem buying second hand though.