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Does anyone know if it has any negative impact on the neck by using the Hercules style wall hangers? Read mixed things on the net, some say none whatsoever as the strings are higher tension than a bracket holding it by the headstock. Others say can definitely cause warping. All my basses are hung this way, I have a couple with fret buzzes but I'm assuming this is just climate change and others still play perfectly. Can anyone give any accurate information on this?
[quote name='casapete' timestamp='1483353114' post='3206370'] I've found most soundguys prefer to take the DI from my Sansamp , so that in case of amp failure they still have a feed. ( Before I used the Sansamp, many still rigged up a DI box anyway for the same reason. ) [/quote] I do exactly the same, just seems easier all round. Surely you aren't going to get the tone of your amp this way though, it will just be your signal going through your pedals?
*SOLD* A pair of Ampeg 410HE's 8ohm 500w cabs
28mistertee replied to 28mistertee's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
Well said.... Thanks guys don't know where I'd be without this forum 😉
[quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1482438382' post='3200648'] Not mine. [/quote] Would I be correct that we're talking singular cabs here Bill? For example if I had a 500w head into a 500w cab and then added a second identical cab (500w into 1000w total rated cabs) surely doing this would reduce the chance of popping a speaker as you are spreading the load?
[quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1482411588' post='3200280'] I repeat: [b]You can blow a speaker using an amp rated at half the speaker rating, you can use an amp rated for ten times the speaker rating with no issues.[/b] [/quote] Contradicts earlier advice given earlier on in thread. My head hurts 😞
So in a nutshell it's subjective really, I'll look at ensuring the wattage of my head doesn't exceed rating of cabs. This is turning into a really informative thread though, brilliant 😊
[quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1482343490' post='3199777'] Well if it helps, compared directly to my CTM, it's not quite as warm or capable of the same full-on fry-your-brains overdrive as the CTM. However the bite / growl from the compressor has a nice vintage feel (with as much snarl as I'm likely to want), and it's a lot more punchy. Very different, but also very good. [/quote] Definitely on my list, please keep us updated 😉
I've been looking for another valve amp but looking at the reviews seriously considering one of these.
Very valid point, does anyone know the difference between solid state power and tube i.e. although 200w all tube is very loud I'd still be safe using say a 300w cab obviously if you don't pile a load of low end through your cab?
[quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1482074474' post='3197401'] It doesn't matter if one is rated higher than the other so long as which ever is lowest rated is loud enough for you. In your case that much cabbage will have potential volume to spare so it then becomes a question of using an amp that's loud enough through those speakers. All other things being equal Id always err on the side of a more powerful amp because you can turn an overpowered amp down but you cant turn an under powered one up. In your case Id go for the 1000w again all other considerations begin equal and money no object. Of course things may not be equal - theres a lot more choice of bass amps around the 4-500w mark than pretty much any other rating and most of these would probably be plenty loud enough so if theres a 500w amp that you really like the tone of, dont be put off - at the end of the day 500w from a 500w amp is as loud as 500w from a 1000w amp running at half power (although the latter may sound better because its not running at its max rating). Yeah there are some people who are OCD about not having an amp with more theoretical power than the cab rating but it makes no odds really so long as youve got the ability to use a volume control and not go crazy with low EQ boosts etc. [/quote] Sound advice and backs up what our sound engineer said at the gig last night. Had trouble in the first set for one the guitarist had moved my mic right in front of the kick drum. Engineer told me to turn down as too much bottom in the sound. Half time, took some bass out, put the master back up and all was crystal clear 😊
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1482069092' post='3197331'] You have more options if there is FOH support involved. I think we'd all like to know what you choose to replace an SVT. That's the gold standard for most genres. [/quote] Me too, just didn't quite do it for me as I hoped it would 😉
[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1482059718' post='3197236'] Nothing sounds good for long if you're trying to run it flat out. IMO your usual volume should be somewhere in the middle of the amps working power range and you should have enough speaker to manage the power you need with plenty of headroom. In my estimation, that's more watts in the speakers than you have in the amp. I used to put an 800 watt amp into a 1000 watt 410 and 700 watt 210. Both good quality cabs. The actual numbers didn't matter, I was pealing paint with the volume and I never came close to a bad sound or damaging my gear. If you are trying to put on the performance of your life you don't want to be listening out at the same time for tell tale signs of speakers going over the limit and breaking up. If you're having to do this in the middle of a gig then you didn't do your homework properly at the planning stage. I'm assuming if you're playing at a volume level that is threatening to break your gear then [i]that's[/i] the level you need to buy gear for. Turning down probably isn't an option in these cases. Get as technical as you like. . . . you bought the wrong gear. [/quote] Volume is normally about half way, loads to go on head. Cabs are 500 and 400w respectively and are great sounding cabs. Just looking at a change from my SVT, miss the sound of my old vba400 so all valve is one direction, or try something different i.e. a 500w SS head with less knobs to twiddle 😉 Normal pub rock band volumes on stage, PA handles everything else.
Growly Pub Rock Amp for a Growly Pub Rocker
28mistertee replied to redbandit599's topic in Amps and Cabs
I'm currently in a rig transition, I haven't found anything yet that matches my old Marshall VBA400 into a VBC412 cab...... Unfortunately it's all valve and you need a strong back 😞 -
[quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1481991370' post='3196838'] No, it's just plain irrelevant. You can blow a speaker using an amp rated at half the speaker rating, you can use an amp rated for ten times the speaker rating with no issues. There are too many variables involved to say that this amp goes well with that speaker. [/quote] I spoke to our sound engineer last night and he said you're better off having a little bit more power and that speakers like to be driven a bit, amps that are too low in power can be running at full chat and cause clipping.
So with the above in mind, is head wattage irrelevant as long as it isn't over the cab rating? Also lots of talk about tube heads with lower wattage are equivalent to SS of higher so with my cabs in mind would a 200w all valve be up to the job as easy as a non valve or hybrid 500w?
[quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1481848064' post='3195759'] Last bit of advice, choose an amp on the way it sounds not the spec, that's a nice amp you have so only upgrade when you are sue what you have is better. I couldn't agree more although it won't be necessarily better but just different. My cabs are Glockenklang which i really love and are very natural sounding so I'm just looking for a suitable head for these. Just fancy a change really. Good luck, it's fun looking. [/quote]
Thank you both for the advice and point well made. Looking at changing my head anyway to maybe a 500w so it's just for the next couple of gigs. 👍
[quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1481806272' post='3195290'] You only need as much power as you need to get loud enough - and the basic rule of thumb is that if your rig is twice as big then you'll only need half as much amp power to get loud enough. [/quote] I am looking for a new head (quite interested in the Orange stuff) but until now with my SVT4pro what is the best way to run these cabs then? 2 cabs (1 out of each power amp 350w 8ohm) 2 out of one power amp (625w 4ohm) Mono bridge (1600w 4ohm) Looks like the best route with a future head would be a 500w which would be closest match for my cabs?
[quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1481798037' post='3195176'] Everybody knows Trace Elliot watts are twice as loud as anybody else's, my TE 250watt head is louder than my Fender Rumble 500watt [/quote] Oh yes do miss my old TE sometimes 😉
Some great advice on here thanks. I've had various wattage rigs over the years and always thought my old 350w Trace felt just as powerful as my SVT4 so the post about wattage makes sense. I'm currently in a transition of changing my setup so this is greatly appreciated, ta 😊
Hey guys thanks for the replies. I'm happy with impedances it's the wattage I'm unsure on. For the record they are 8ohm each (total load 4ohms).
Probably been done to death but finding lots of conflicting advice on matching heads and cabs wattage wise especially with more than one cab. I was always under the impression that your head had to be rated less than the cabs as not to overpower the speakers but I'm also reading that it's also possible to underpower them. Some also say as long as impedances match then all is cool? In my case I run a 212 and a 210 cab which are 500 and 400 watts respectively so this would be a combined wattage of 900watts?? Head wise am i better off to run a 300, 500 or 1000watt? Apologies again for a novice question but i seem to be finding lots of conflicting advice. Cheers 👍
*SOLD* A pair of Ampeg 410HE's 8ohm 500w cabs
28mistertee replied to 28mistertee's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
*SOLD* A pair of Ampeg 410HE's 8ohm 500w cabs
28mistertee replied to 28mistertee's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale