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Everything posted by dr.harry

  1. Hello binkybongo Do you happen to know the weight, please? Google has failed me And have you ever tried it with a keyboard? My keyboard player is looking for a new amp H
  2. I've owned one of these from new Currently is the resident bass amp at the Globe in Newcastle No one has ever mentioned that it lacked power Full-on power rock to upright double bass jazz handled with ease That's a steal GLWTS
  3. Bassdoc made my first 'proper' bass. Excellent fit and finish on mine. Shame I sold it. GLWTS
  4. Hi Kevdbass What did you have to do to fit the EMG pickups? And where are you, please? Harry
  5. I have the 5-string sister to your 6-string Easily the easiest and most consistent bass I have ever played Have you posted on statii.com? Status make lots of basses with 17/16.5mm string spacing, so your luck might be in GLWTS H
  6. Where are you, please?
  7. Beautiful Far too beautiful (and expensive) for me, though The S3 is Status' best stuff to date all put together in one bass 1. What optional extras are there on the bass besides the LEDs? 2. Do you have any documentary evidence of Vman's ownership? You could ask Rob Green to confirm who he made it for 3. Have you put on the Status owners website statii.com? GLWTS
  8. I'm glad My missus nearly killed me H xxx
  9. Have you tried the Status bass owners forum? statii.com This was a few months ago, but he/she may still be interested http://www.statii.com/forum/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=6292 H xxx
  10. Sorely tempted, gazhowe; 1. You are just across the water from me and my passport is up to date ;-) 2. Great price (that's £125 less than a stock 4-string, without the LEDs and the flight case) But; 3. I would prefer a 5-string, even though I don't really know what the skinny string at the bottom is for :-) 4. Stony broke. I'm going dry for January because I can't afford to drink :-( Do you take credit cards? GLWTS
  11. [color=#282828] Don't forget to tell statii.com GLWTS [/color][list] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=19&t=297723&qpid=3205371"]Quote[/url] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=19&t=297723&qpid=3205371"]MultiQuote[/url] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=edit_post&f=19&t=297723&p=3205371&st="]Edit[/url] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=moderate&section=moderate&do=postchoice&tact=delete&f=19&t=297723&selectedpids[]=3205371&st=&auth_key=b5d806bcc764657ea2b3a917021ecdbb"]Delete[/url] [/list]
  12. Don't forget to tell statii.com GLWTS
  13. Just round the corner from me And would satisfy my GAS perfectly just at the minute But the bank just texted me to say the mortgage payment bounced Maybe if it's still here in the New Year GLWTS
  14. If I wasn't already the proud owner of two Status 5-string basses, I would have this. What a ridiculous bargain. GLWTS
  15. A slightly older 5-string version of this bass is my current go-to bass The graphite reinforced wood necks are absolutely superb I actually prefer them to the current all graphite ones Recently lent mine to a (much better) bass playing friend who literally fell off his chair when I told him how little I payed for it GLWTS Don't forget to put it on statii.com as well
  16. I have an itch I would like to scratch The only thing thing that stops this being the bass equivalent of calamine lotion is that word... 'Immaculate' It really is a shame that you are so careful with your gear, because I would feel dreadful the first time I biffed it on something GLWTS
  17. That is a beautiful bass, BaconCheese Too many strings for me, though Have you let the Status forum at statii.com know that you are selling? H
  18. Hello Dasantos What is the thing that looks like a strap button, please? T's next to the E string, where a thumb rest would be. And have there been any upgrades from a stock Squire Classic Vibe? H xxx
  19. Before anyone else asks... Weight? Scale length? What is the truss rod like? Thanks H xxx
  20. My YOB bass However it is a few months younger than me So not even slightly tempted... Who the hell am I trying to kid? Anyone interested in buying my other half? Only slightly used!! GLWTS
  21. Goodness That is beautiful 1 (or possibly 2) too many strings for me And about £2500 more than I am worth to the spare body parts trade (I've checked) GLWTS
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