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Everything posted by dr.harry

  1. Where are you, Jebo1? If you are close, can I try before I buy, please? H
  2. dr.harry


    I have the 5-string version which is my absolute favourite bass ever This is a lot of bass for the money: I think you are being unkind to the old lady with 20+ years, mine is 1998 and they were only built with this 'softer' body shape for a few years The third digit of the serial number will tell you what year in the 90's she was built The neck is carbon reinforced, so mine only ever needs tuning if I knock one of the tuners And the carbon means the action can be safely set incredibly low as the neck doesn't move with temperature changes or anything And it reduces the weight of the neck, so with the tiny headstock it balances perfectly And the flattened D-shape is incredibly slim and fast, even on the 5-string Brass nut with zero fret, so very consistent tone between open and fretted notes Fully locking bridge, so excellent sustain The pickups are soapbox in shape but are actually single coils with a dummy coil for hum cancelling Much smoother tone than my carbon necked Status The two bottom strap buttons mean you can safely leave it leaning against your rig or the wall without it falling over OK, the treble only cut/boost tone control isn't anything special, but that is easily fixable if you like lots of twiddleability Although I've currently gone for a KiOgon passive jazz bass style wiring loom which is even less flexible as I find that I don't use tone controls This bass sounds that good au naturel In, fact, if this was a 5-string I'd be sorely tempted to replace my other Status which is too pretty to gig BTW have you thought about putting it on statii.com the Status users website? GLWTS, not that you will need it
  3. Hello John Passive kit to replace the active board on my Status Energy fitted at the weekend The pots on the original board had narrower threaded sections than the CTS ones, so I had to widen the holes very slightly to 10mm And the original pots had much smaller bodies, so the body rout was very tight near the tone pot A few minutes work with a pen knife sorted that Output obviously much quieter than original But Trace Elliot have a knob that can fix that ;-) Sounds 'smoother' for want of a better word (And I have another Status with the same active board for A-B comparison) Thanks for the quick service and obviously high quality components and soldering Love Harry xxx
  4. Very pretty and interesting I like the lack of controls And it is almost exactly half a 35" scale bass So very portable Not exactly a metal slayer ;-) The website isn't vey helpful though, so usual stuff, please; Weight, string spacing at nut and bridge, etc Harry
  5. That's a lot of bass for not much money I have the 5-string version, one year younger, my absolutely most favourite bass ever Don't forget to put an ad on statii.com GLWTS
  6. Oh, THAT 'Luc' Sorry man, teaching grandma to suck eggs, as usual!
  7. Very pretty. Don't forget to try statii.com who are the Status fan club.
  8. Status Streamline 5-string with all the options I want (none) Over £500 quid off a new one without the three month wait DROOOL!!! What? Eh? No, wait... Empty bank account after replacing the shower cubicle and fixing all the water damage WAAAAAHHH!!!
  9. Mmmm! I always regretted selling my old spector 4-string. And a fretless hollow body should be a cool beast What's the string length, please? H
  10. That is a steal. It even has the coil switching that I want. Unfortunately it's a string short for me or I'd be on my way over to grab it. BTW I have a Status that had similar marks on the fretboard. WD40 about once a year sorts it.
  11. Hi Sorry to be a pedant, but the plate on the back says this is a 1518T (not C) I think the C was a smaller (Trace called it compact!) cab with the same driver As it happens, I might be interested as an extension for my T-E combo How wide is the top, please? My parents live in Manchester, so a cash on meet up is doable GLWTS
  12. I bought my 5-string as a backup, but it's fast becoming my go to bass. Over my other, more recent Status. £495 is giving it away. GLWTS
  13. Lovely. I've just bought a similar era 5-string Energy. Slim, fast, graphite reinforced necks. I think the pickups from this era are twin coil, one a hum cancelling dummy. So 'hum-free jazz' in sound. You could buy this as a first 6-string and never need to upgrade.
  14. That's a bargain. I've just refurbished a Status Energy 5-string from the same era. These wooden Status necks practically play themselves. If you don't know what all the fuss is about Rob Green's Status basses, this has got to be the cheapest way to find out. If you don't know if a 5-string is for you, ditto GLWTS
  15. Mmmm If only I had't just bought a Status Energy And had the money GLWTS
  16. (Painful whimpering) This isn't absolutely completely exactly the bass I will be ordering off Rob when funds allow. But close enough to make me a jibbering wreck. Love the satin neck. What colour are the LEDs, please? (I don't think I missed a picture with them turned on.) Isn't the neck pickup a Status 'Musicman-style' humbucker rather than a 'P'? (Pedantic? Me? Never. Well, nearly never. Well, only 87.3% of the time.) And, finally, what on earth are you keeping to make getting rid of this not completely crazy? GLWTS Not that you'll need it. These don't sit on the shelf long, even in this market.
  17. Looking at the sixth photo of the top of the fretboard, and comparing with the photos in FunkyFresh's link and my 90's (Indian) rosewood fretboard, I am fairly convinced that this is not Brazilian/Rio rosewood. Hope that helps, psycoandy.
  18. Apparently, Rio Rosewood has a sweet smell that persists for years. I don't know about 50 years, though. Now, please don't flame me; Rio Rosewood is an endangered species and should no longer be used for anything, even guitars. A guitar from the 60's might also have ivory position markers or inlay around the sound hole. I know that a lot of people, myself included, wouldn't knowingly buy ivory. But some feel that 'old' ivory is OK. What about rare woods? Personally, I would still buy this guitar, even if some old catalogue turned up quoting 'Rio Rosewood fingerboard' I'm sure that several BCers have bits of antique furniture made from what are now endangered woods. Just wondering? (Happy to convert this to a 'General Discussion' thread, if you would prefer) GLWTS
  19. I think I'm in love Unfortunately, I've just bought my birthday bass GLWTS
  20. And don't forget to put an ad on statii.com as well
  21. I've just acquired a 5-string Energy (in need of more TLC than yours). These wooden Status necks are the bee's knees. Very slim front to back. Never go out of tune unless you knock a tuning peg. No duff notes anywhere. Sustaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn. And don't be fooled by the 'soapbar' pickups; They have two coils offset front to back, think single-coil 'Jazz' pickup with a hum cancelling coil built in. Minimal tone control, but that's what your technique is for ;-) (you can always fit an East pre if that's your thang) GLWTS
  22. Beautiful, but too many strings for me. Don't forget to try an ad on statii.com GLWTS
  23. It's a shame I don't have £1800 Or rather, a missus who won't understand why we have to holiday in a tent in the back garden. I'm not normally a fan of LEDs, but blue look very classy with the dark chocolate top wood. What is it, by the way? It looks too rich to be rosewood. You don't mention the weight, which I know will be light. (And well balanced, being headless) But lots of buyers seem to ask. GLWTS
  24. Very smart. Pity I'm in the frozen North. GLWTS
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