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Everything posted by stubass

  1. I dream of the kids moving out so I can knock down the dividing wall between their bedrooms and fill the whole of the upstairs with basses, amps and a beer fridge. Does this make me a bad person?
  2. It's keys players that we find illusive. Better chance of finding a flux capacitor.
  3. Edit, found it. Thanks for the heads up
  4. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1424689048' post='2699083'] Thomann have a B stock Black one in for £103 at the moment... [/quote] It's either sold quick or I'm just blind, any chance of a link?
  5. The way I see it is that it's give and take, I give my time to a hobby I love, she takes the cash. She gives me sh*t sometimes for not earning enough cash (pubs don't pay like weddings) so I take the kids out so she can shop and exfoliate or whatever they do.
  6. [quote name='JiJ' timestamp='1416581859' post='2611674'] The pickguard finishes just too high up for a P pickup in the traditional place. The bottom of the DG side would be half way over the screw holes, and touching, if not over the metal control plate. A luthier put a set of SCBP-3s in mine further up, quite close to the neck. its a different sound, very modern, and surprisingly not very muddy. For more tonal variety, I've put a "Ricky Switch" in (puts a capacitor in series with the bridge pickup). Gives it a brighter attack with both pickups on, sounds beautiful. I would like a P pickup close to the standard position too, but time and money... [/quote] Re opening this thread as I spotted one on Le Bay for £95 and instantly thought that I could fit another pickup. Any chance of a pic of aforementioned mod? Probably don't need another bass but it looks fun
  7. Recently changed to a 203 so have the stock bridge up for grabs. All grub screws present and it's in good condition. £15 posted.
  8. Spotify is brilliant when your in a function, covers band. We have a shared playlist, set is decided a week or so before a gig, everyone has the same version and new ideas are easy to come by with being able to access playlists. Even banged together a kids party playlist in about 20 mins for my daughter and played it through a little desk and tops.
  9. I use a hartke lh500 through a MAG 210t and 115, I really like it. Sounds deep and clear. Never even considered changing. Can't say that about my basses though.
  10. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1424440226' post='2696324'] Try Tim from Scratch It. He did mine for my customised jazz and it's great: http://www.originalscratchplates.com [/quote] Yep, I've got a last attempt at a decent one coming from eBay, then it's over to Tim if I'm as unimpressed as I was with the others.
  11. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1424465416' post='2696737'] Loads of comparatively boring guitars just went up now. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html"]http://www.thomann.d...and_basses.html[/url] Includes a P-bass. Not so boring. EDIT: P-Bass is £19 pounds something. Isn't that cheaper than before? Most of the guitars have gone now, but the P-Bass is still there. C'mon guys. We've got to show those guitarists that we can be as fast as they can. [/quote] Gutted, I'm after a bitsa project be others surely.
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1424214730' post='2694044'] Grammar not grammer. [/quote] Oops, that's a bit embarrassing! I should maybe just stick to playing base.
  13. Probably going to be a bargain as it's unlikely much buyers would search for a fenda. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=231482468709&alt=web
  14. Is that a..... But.......
  15. Agreed to buy a pair of jazz pickups from Kevin on Friday night, they were immediately soldered off his bass, packed in the coolest bubble wrap jiffy type bag I've ever seen and posted first thing Saturday. Came today, fired them in my bass and their sounding sweet as. Absolute legend, delighted! Thanks mate!
  16. The D on my one hasn't got a visible crack, there is a very faint fracture no bigger than 3mm and the D itself isn't very deep at all. The fact the sticker is squint makes me wonder. Their good enough to pass as being un-deko to the unknowing.
  17. Ahhh, it would actually be a Jb2 that Sir Tom has, my old one. It is a bit quiet, significantly so compared to an sb2. Only thing to watch for is that both pickups are the same size on the Jb2, most aftermarket jazz pups are slightly different sizes as that's what the jazz bass takes. Hope everything else is fine with it
  18. I went off fender, mainly due to boredom of my decade playing a mim precision. But, after being round the houses, and finding some beauties, I now own a fender again, a jazz. Even thinking about another p, just to have one. I'm not even fussed by the brand, it's just hearing a killer bassline and knowing that it's played on a p or j bass, and it doesn't sound the same if it isn't played on a p or j. Playing a Jamerson line on an Ibanez, although it sounds good, feels wrong, but that's just me.
  19. I do like these things, I'd be tempted to throw a cheeky offer at it if it was nearer. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=321670525272&globalID=EBAY-GB&alt=web
  20. Is it just me or, as a proud owner of a deko, is that a well placed "CE" sticker on the heel? :-S eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=181667998345&alt=web
  21. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1423845549' post='2689682'] @stubass - Happy NBD mate I got a bargain-bin B-30 about Chrimbo and, as you are finding, for the money they are fantastic. [/quote] Thanks mate, yep, she's a keeper. Didn't get a run out tonight unfortunately. Didn't get home til late, hopefully in a fortnight she'll get her chance. The band are on about going to a few wedding fares and doing a wee acoustic set to lure them in so it will be useful. Looks beautiful too.
  22. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1423773810' post='2688980'] Fantastic live basses, simple as. I finish a gig, no matter how long, and I could easily keep playing, almost no fatigue. [/quote] I found that also, I've had aches after an hour with some basses, but the two sr's I've had were a breeze.
  23. Got my b30 today. In all honesty, I can't find much wrong with her. All works as it should, neck is straight, intonation spot on out the box and action is fine. The only flaws I noticed are in the lacquer around the bottom of the neck and perhaps the bridge is a little off horizontally (see pictures) it's not affecting playability at all. Overall, I feel that I've got a bargain here. Going to take it to a jam night in the local tomorrow and see how she fares. Considering I've spent more in the chippy, it's unbelievable value.
  24. Yep to what is said above. In the sr range, up to an sr500, the electronics are Ibanez stock, then it's mk1 barts in the 500 and 600.... The woods change also. But the main thing is the neck. I've never had an issue with any of mine.
  25. Just sold a bass to Tom, absolute delight to deal with. Thanks again. Stu
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