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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. I have an ashdown abm500, and an eden ec 15 180 for smaller gigs.. the eden is surprisingly loud and almost matches the ashdown [with one cab ] I prefer the eden's more precise and articulate tone for funk/fusion stuff and the ashdown is great for a more classic oldschool sound ,i tend to opt for the ashdown for reggae ,soul, and blues The rootmaster sound wasn't for me i found it too middy and didnt have the warm bottom end i like from the ABM which was a shame as my back would of benefited from it !
  2. Is the body alder or ash and do you still have pickgaurd ?
  3. I would keep an eye out for s/h p.u.p's from a squier vmj or vibe or the deluxe they are all very good in my opinion i once replaced a duncan designed bridge p.u. with a seymour duncan sjb1 vintage ,and found them to sound more or less identical i currently have some jazz pups from a squier deluxe in my bitsa jazz and they are great
  4. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1497108377' post='3315919'] My only problem with the preamp is the sheer amount of cut/boost (specifically boost) on the bass control. The tiniest little movement plays havoc with your tone, there's far too much available. I'm half tempted to disconnect the pot and just solder a fixed resistor of the right value in its place. Apart from that, I love everything about it. [/quote] Or you could just leave it flat...if your a bass scaredy cat
  5. I have to confess my battery's ran out ages ago and i have used it live and recorded with it passive ever since i think i prefer the passive tone t.b.h. ... dont be daunted by the pre amp though its much more straight forward than you would expect
  6. I got it right but I'm not sure I would have if I didn't have a v7 already...I presume Scott played the v7 passive ?
  7. and this http://youtu.be/Xd174nIBruw
  8. This along side a few others already mentioned namely' Whats going on ' Marvin,and forget me nots http://youtu.be/T5R3_SbE7XQ
  9. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1496939428' post='3314870'] Am I missing something.? [url="https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/V7VINSWAMASH5BK/electric-basses/sire-marcus-miller-v7-vintage-swamp-ash-5-string-natural"]https://www.anderton...-string-natural[/url] maybe you mean the P Bass.? [/quote] how about this one [url="https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/V7SWAMASH5NT/electric-basses/sire-marcus-miller-v7-swamp-ash-5-string-natural"]https://www.anderton...-string-natural[/url] This is the ash v7 the one you shared link to is the vintage version but you seem to have changed your mind now...like kids in a sweet shop
  10. So it is i reckon that's worth pre-ordering before it goes up !
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1496935155' post='3314832'] There alot more expensive than Thomann. Ash V7 5 at Thomann with free shipping is£511. same bass at Anderton,s is £559. [/quote] No its 509 at Andertons for the same model as far as i can tell ,which is a whole 2 pound saving
  12. I'm a bit dubious about sax working with said material too,unless you were to make it a bit more Springsteen/R and B or swamp rock ..then i would come see ya
  13. I have a v7 and it is easily a match for any of the 1000 plus basses i've had and i'm not the only one who thinks so here is a bit of Andre Berry playing one with David Sandbourn ...there are plenty of other pro players using them too http://youtu.be/K-_D5bpeF1Y
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1495364881' post='3303206'] I see lots of posts where people say "Joe Bloggs...great player...great inspiration" - half of the people I've never even heard of. Never a great fan of Punk or Heavy/Prog Rock, for me inspiration came from the late 70s and early 80s with the funk/soul rise - bands like Light of the World, Cameo and Rose Royce. Later inspired by Reggae and lovers rock with Sly & Robbie and Aswad. For you? [/quote] It was the same for me but the other way round with reggae coming first then jazz funk and soul , [the latter often via hip hop beaks]
  15. My GB74 is a great bass and the lightest bass i've owned so perfect for gigging i will definitely be taking a look at the Jazz version
  16. A friend of mine was sick on his Warwick after eating a mass of skittles...it achieved similar results !
  17. I'll take that ..i love all those soundtracks to old cop/spy shows
  18. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1495098734' post='3301209'] I'll let him know! He's a bit of a Zappa fan tbh, (see moustache). And looks more like Joe Zawinul. Confused? I usually am. [/quote]. 😃...Zawinal ,yes I can see that..I might of been mixing up cheech Marin with Carlos Santana a little !
  19. Great stuff and lovely playing...is that Carlos Santana on guitar
  20. I'm not sure, it could be my back creaking 😃
  21. Very nice...is it a jazz neck or a slim p ?
  22. Here's mine i've called it Jazz division you will see why at the end http://youtu.be/MEYW-v8Litk
  23. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1494584406' post='3297126'] Nice noodling guys! I'm being lazy... but here's a quick excerpt from something I'm working on. It's a very simple bassline - I'm sort of going through a "less is more phase" with my playing. But it might just be that "less is less" Drum track and strings included for context. Jazz bass with rounds: https://soundcloud.com/skol-mixes/may-noodle I'll try to do a video next time. [/quote]That was great,it had a touch of the Love Unlimited Orchestra about it 👍
  24. Lovely bass...cant afford it at mo but have a bump for having a name that made me laugh out loud
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