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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. I use my v7 for an instrumental project which covers exactly the styles you describe although when doing it live i use a cort gb74 [as my back aint what it use to be] As much as i love my p bass which i use in reggae band and for various soul based projects i dont like having new strings on a p and personally i need them when doing widdly or slappy things.
  2. Some great stuff to choose from but i'm having trouble voting ,i had already cast 1 vote with every intention of voting again later once i had given tracks a few more listens and decided where the other 2 should go the trouble is now i only seem to have the delete vote option !
  3. http://youtu.be/QnJFhuOWgXg
  4. The Last Poets and Gil Scott Heron dont seem to get the credit they deserve in being the godfathers of rap http://youtu.be/IFSDfyuP6dw
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1490740196' post='3267645'] ... or this..? [/quote]Is that the pedant patrol ????????????? yikes's i'm off to the greengrocer's ''''get some exotic fruit's
  6. now ya talkin ''''''
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1490654429' post='3266860'] Exotic tree's [i]what[/i], exactly..? Please finish your sentences. [/quote]I finished it for the op Dad, the op asked where exotic wood comes from well it comes from exotic trees if i'm not mistaken
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1490531109' post='3265702'] No it doesn't. I prefer it to Bitches Brew. [/quote]Me too
  9. Love it ,there are 3 electric bass players listed who is it on this ?
  10. Exotic tree's
  11. Aretha wears the crown
  12. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1488969220' post='3253291'] The V7 fiver weighs a shade over 10lbs. You can shave 1/2lb off that by fitting lightweight tuners as one or two of us here have done (I think). Mine says it was made in Indonesia. I believe they still are. Certainly no build issues with mine. You can order direct from Sire in the US if you want to take the hit on tax and duty. What with the [bittersarcasm] recent fantastic performance of our glorious national currency [/bittersarcasm] I very much doubt there's any saving to be made by going direct to Sire. As far as Europe are concerned, it's either Thomann in Germany or [url="https://www.strumentimusicali.net/default.php/manufacturers_id/609/Marcus-Miller-by-Sire.html"]Strumenti Musicali in Italy[/url]. But they're both the same price. [/quote] Is the alder body version not lighter than the ash ?
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgWP1L0OFjw
  14. I dont know about there necks but if the loaded pickguard i have just acquired on an old p are anything to go by they might be great ...i cant believe how good the stuff is for so little money ! mine was amazon shop called dnlight .
  15. ...cool i'm in
  16. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1488447200' post='3248958'] Back to my issue with the thru body string holes in the bridge being at an absurd angle to the back of the saddle, if not partially beneath the saddle in the case of the E string. I have now heard back from Thomann. Customer support say Guitars say my problem arises from trying to intonate the bass with short scale XL 170 strings. As it clearly says Long Scale on the string pack someone doesn't know their arse from their elbow. They also patronisingly told me to find someone who knows how to intonate. I'd be grateful to hear from Fleabag and anyone else without V7/4 issues just how much clearance they have between the stringing holes and the saddle and what strings they're using. Edit: Thomann now say they want the bass back for evaluation. That will take for ever and from what's said earlier this is a known issue. Agh, at the end of the day's its just a niggle. [/quote] I think i would send it back if you can't get the intonation sorted without covering the string through holes as this isnt something that i have heard of elsewhere ,then again if you are never going to use string through option ,then no point really...
  17. I have played this and its an absolute beauty ...if i had the cash it would be mine and you can have complete faith in the seller he's a gent
  18. I have never used string through option on my v7 but my saddles are only slightly forward compared to yours on the E and A ,but enough that the holes are properly exposed...mine has loads of sustain so i doubt i shall use string through option ,but would the string length alter the intonation and enable saddles to move forward ?
  19. I'm doing Jaywick....nothing like the great smell of burnt tyres special brew and drains !!
  20. Proof that LSD and luthiery dont mix !!
  21. I would love to but Leeds is a bit far for me !
  22. Thats lovely,out of curiosity ,how does it compare to your Rivoli ?
  23. Thats a very lovely jazzy p !
  24. I find more often than not the producer/recording engineers in studio's prefer a passive bass to an active one and lately there is a lot of love for my fender p which records lovely, my jazz'z are active/passive and invariably i use them passive too where as live i might use them active more. I also find the heavy ash body jazz or p are favoured for recording ,where as live i,m far more likely to opt for the lighter weight active bass's. I think there is more clarity and a crispness to the heavy ash body passive p or j bass.
  25. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1485787662' post='3226667'] It's actually a lot of fun to play, if you go heavy on the ska like we do [/quote] I'll have to take your word for that as i have no intention of trying
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