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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. http://youtu.be/XFfaoJKUrrk
  2. I give up ,it won't work for me for some reason ..I thought I just had to remove the s from code !
  3. Marcus wrote this one for the Loveland Album ,he is credited as playing bass on Bright moments and i'm pretty sure thats him on this as well although he's not credited on album...http://youtu.be/Y340NtmC47k
  4. Love it.. I think Loveland is a great album and underrated imo ...I think Marcus is on that album but not sure if he's on all tunes
  5. I Agree and i find funk/fusion rythyms far more interesting to play than a walking line if i'm honest especially on electric bass.
  6. I love her song Silly Games .. http://youtu.be/-cG-e4cf39E
  7. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1479401211' post='3176296'] No offence taken to your comment. But TheGreek makes that comment about Spectors at every opportunity he gets - every single time he sees a thread about Warwicks. On a side-note; I saw in another thread he's after a black tuner for a Spector that he wants to enter as a raffle prize for a bass-bash. The funny thing is I've got one from a Warwick. It would do the job..... I'll be keeping it too [/quote] Am i missing something here, Norm's comment was clearly just a joke and what does it matter if the Greek likes a bit of bass history ?...or are you about to put yours up for sale ? if so i dont think the comments will depreciate the value
  8. [quote name='NickA' timestamp='1478891744' post='3172577'] cause guitarists etc just want a deep thud thud thud sound underneath their lovely imaginative solo work. It's an ego thing I reckon. I get "can you make it sound more fretted?" (luckily my Wal has a switch for that). There is a kind of fix for a J-bass which is to put in a switch that puts the pickups in series (they add rather than cancelling any harmonics) I put one on my Frankenbass. Makes it sound louder, fatter and less "interesting". A P switch in fact - then you sneak the pickups back to parallel when no-one's watching ;¬) [/quote] Yep i think this is spot on ...I dont really have a preference both a P or a J can sound great although a P is a little uninteresting on its own it does come into its own in the mix . I find the best musicians will work with your sound as much as you work with there's which is how it should be ,i also find its more common with rock blues and country players to want to relegate the bass to a secondary position !
  9. http://youtu.be/cN42qU5eMdo
  10. I think if I was looking for a band to play with I would have a look at the adds in the rehearsal rooms I use ,there are always people looking for bass players and you have the added advantage of being able to ask the folk who work there as they always know who's a time waster and who's not .
  11. Thanks for that update Stevie i shall leave mine alone then as i only use it for gigging so the fan is not a problem in that context.
  12. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1478292812' post='3168312'] You mean [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT4RainY-lY[/media] ....[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif](To post a YouTube link remove the "s" from the "Https://" )[/font][/color] [/quote] Thanks Ritch i always wondered how that was done
  13. https://youtu.be/G5zPqgQ67yo
  14. Gotta have the good DR...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT4RainY-lY
  15. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1478193574' post='3167470'] Sounds like alternating 7/8 and 4/4 - or you could call it 15/8. [/quote] cheers Ras that would explain why the drummer used to say it was 7 and half beats to the bar
  16. 4/4 for me overall but this was always one of my favourites for a weird one ..i have know idea what the time signature is but when i have played it its hard not to turn it into 4/4...anyone no what it is ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul0zDWThUQQ
  17. I have the same amp and the fan is on all the time on mine too ,its quite loud [louder than my ashdown abm 500 or my old trace] so i'm interested to know how your replacement sounds i'm afraid i cant offer any advice on the handles ..good luck they are great underated amps imo
  18. Cool looking bass ,how does it compare to the trbx 500 ?
  19. I had the privilege of supporting him with The SG's a few weeks ago and he was fantastic the hole band were great i even bought a copy of his latest album which has been on constantly since
  20. Cheers , i have just been listening to all the entry's and there great as ever ,Asambique's entry got me googling strymon bluesky's ...there not cheap are they !
  21. Here's mine ,recorded with my htc phone in front of Eden 180 https://soundcloud.com/timothy-terrence-higgins-iv/octonoodle
  22. Not specifically bass related but close enough for me ! https://www.facebook.com/TrojanRecords/photos/pcb.10154684015784031/10154684011789031/?type=3&theater
  23. Very nice ..is that a p neck or jazz ?
  24. This soundman is sh*t ive had him before [ whilst standing next to live mic ]....
  25. Just traded bass's with Lee and not for the first [ or hopefully last ] time as always a pleasure to deal with, have every confidence in dealing with him.
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