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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. Welcome to the dark side my friend 😁
  2. https://kytary.co.uk/cort-gb74-jh-tr/HN170386/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0oPjlLqP5AIVGeDtCh0pkwTEEAQYASABEgJX7fD_BwE
  3. I have the version with jazz pickup at the neck and they are fantastic bass's lightweight too however that seems pricey to me i think i payed under 400 new and the s/h prices plummet ..well worth picking up s/h
  4. 3 of my faves as well as lots of the above choices
  5. Fantastic tune and solo i too only really noticed the solo in recent years and dont know how i missed it ..
  6. I would agree with this regarding strings an M2 probably comes with 45 to 105 as they are Marcus's favoured gage the heavy gage would definitely create more relief ,and the newer strings would also pickup the buzzing more when amplified.
  7. I bought the cheap gear 4 music strings not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised ..decent strings i'm also very happy with the warwick red label strings ..i use the nickel ones.. as has been said flats are cheapest in the long run if you keep them on ages i have had some on my p bass years which is great for that classic p sound but if your'e after the more lively Marcus style sound you are going to need newish rounds.
  8. I played the Eek a mouse version first and it was only years later i realised all the other versions dont play the first note πŸ˜€
  9. Express yourself has to be one of the most instantly recognisable basslines and Real Rock riddim is probably the simplest and most well used reggae rythym around ..also a perfect example of how drums and bass should be one
  10. Great buy the pickups are worth the asking price alone !
  11. Paul Jackson jn. Rocco Prestia Errol Flabba Holt Ron Carter Larry Graham
  12. hmmmm https://www.gearnews.com/remember-the-gibson-jimi-hendrix-signature-strat-now-you-can-buy-a-prototype/
  13. To me seeing TOP without a bassist would be like buying a new car only to find it had no wheels ! Imagine going to see the Wailers only to find no bass or Sly n Robbie with no Robbie or Cream or weather report or Miles Davis or The Specials or etc etc just NO
  14. Bob Dylan 'ballad of a thin man' all of it really but the last lines are here " well you walk into the room like a camel then you frown you put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground there ought to be a law against you comin around you should be made to wear earphones cause something is happening and you dont know what it is do you mr jones "
  15. Had the pleasure of buying Stew's Eden amp great comms top fella ,and painless transaction deal with confidence.
  16. Blimey !
  17. 'Push' were the jazz/funk band that Ernie Macone use to play for so not sure about that.. Is this band covers or originals? if its covers i'd go for something more obviously related to the style you're playing i.e. the name of a favourite track ..'Chameleon' for instance if it's an originals band i like 'Nataraja' ...name of the Hindu god Shiva depiction as the cosmic ecstatic dancer ...well you did ask πŸ˜€
  18. Slap has never really left jazz/funk/fusion electronica type styles, it has always been useful addition to have in your bag of tricks along with lots of other technically quite advanced styles of playing which i'm still enjoying learning at 50. As for its popularity in pop/chart music i dont really care and never did .
  19. I too am an alder jazz bass fan and my main jazz is a alder body maple neck fender i also bought an ash\maple sire v7 as i love the tone and wanted to cut through the mix more in my fusion band which it does admirably ,the only drawback for me was the weight so i now use it more in the studio and have another ash/maple fender [which is a fair bit lighter] for live work ... That said my alder jazz is still my favourite sound but can get a bit lost in the mix compared to the other two.
  20. Back of the net πŸ˜€
  21. I've had 2 ,and both were quality instruments i had one which was standard with no mods ,and the other had fender pups j retro pre and hipshot tuners i ended up moving both on after a few years ,and i now have 3 fenders a mim a mij ,and a usa none of which are especially superior to my vmj's as has been said the necks on the vmj's are great ,and when i listen to recordings made with them i regret selling them also my passive standard one had cloth covered wires to the duncan designed pups with decent pots plus everything was shielded really well.. i.m.o. the only bass that beats them in bang for buck are the sires whom i'm surprised don't do a standard passive jazz.
  22. These are fantastic bass's... i reckon take the tape off as it seems like perfectly acceptable road worn scarring to me πŸ™‚
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