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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. I used a bit of sponge from the kitchen cut to size last night for recording in studio took it out today at rehearsal as i find you lose a bit of clarity live for me old rounds on a jazz get me the reggae sound without the mute,but i like it on the p more.
  2. I think your right it sounds to me like a p bass with the tone up ,but it wouldnt be the first time i was wide of the mark ! I gather he also played and produced ',The beat goes on ' by the whispers which seems to have similar bass sound and another impeccable line, he really is quality !
  3. some great stuff but I cant play the mcbass track either !
  4. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCAQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQ_3_EdxODcY&ei=C1cUVd2vL8zgas_3gNAF&usg=AFQjCNFXoeGWAU9_pTsClbo5EcRyZ_xybg Here it is !
  5. He has a Fender P on the cover but is known to favour Rickenbackers ,and i was told thats what he used ...i thought ' There it is ' sounds like a P but not sure ,the only thing i am sure about is that he is one funky fella ! anyone know ?
  6. Sounds good although i think your recordings would benefit from turning guitar down especially rhythm guitar and get cymbals up in mix if poss.
  7. It definitely sounds like A 10 to me B 15 C 12
  8. Bass 1 for me sounds like a good jazz to me,reminds me of my v.m.j. with J retro installed [and i thought that was a bargain] and your playings superb as ever !
  9. Bought Ross's Eastwood e.u.b.today ,lovely fella and a pleasure to deal with.
  10. Dusty Miller ,huge sacks of white powder ,and the look of a Columbian Baron ..how did i miss that !
  11. on hold pending
  12. Your welcome [i dont have many] ...better add a little earphones logo
  13. This is an ungigged amp only ever used for light practice in kitchen ,condition is very good ,and your welcome to try ,Im in Buntingford Herts.
  14. I stumbled about on here for a long time before i even became aware of the composition comp. there may be quite a few dummys like me out there ! would it be possible to have a little music player in the corner of the screen that has all the tracks[for that month] , so that whatever bit of the forum your on you can play them whilst window shopping Fodera bass's or whatever ?
  15. Bass in helicopter , searching fi venue...
  16. I have had the same problem with roto. rounds twice in the last year or so ,and its always the Estring ! why always the E ?
  17. Bought Nick's 15 speaker ,well packed and good order , everything went smoothly nice one Nick
  18. They all sound good to me to ,but if i had to choose it would be the jazz with fingers ! nice job ...is the jazz a sandberg ?
  19. I think its a great image ,and ive found a good banksy quote to help me along 'A lot of people never use their initiative because no-one told them to '
  20. Hip like Banksy Hop like a rabbit Hip hop Hop hip well thats me lyrics sorted !
  21. Great entry's this month love em xilddx got it for me closely followed by Skol ...great stuff !
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