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Everything posted by timhiggins

  1. All sadly died of boredom !
  2. You miss understood me i agree the subject matter is as relevant as ever and the performance outstanding ,for me especially Cory and the Apostle's who for my money are among the best jazz/gospel/new soul players in the world...what i was alluding to was the 'out there ' look in Cory's eyes when he normally looks straight as a dye ! ...could just be he's feeling it and in the zone...
  3. That's great but i cant help but wonder if Cory took getting in the 'Marvin' mind set a little to literally !
  4. Here is the chord chart if its any help i use to blag it when i played it and no one ever seemed to mind 😀 https://www.scribd.com/document/388881705/Silly-Games-Chord-Sheet-docx
  5. I agree with what's been said already regarding the slappy punchyness of ash and the more mellow sound of alder ,i find alder has a naturally more scooped sound i have 3 jazz'z ..2 of them [ a sire v7 and a fender ] are ash with maple necks ,and have a similar punchy sound the other which is my go to bass is also a fender which has alder body with maple neck , i guess thats my favourite combination although i do like the ash ones for recording funky stuff my v7 although heavy sounds great but that's not the case with all of them as a friend of mine has one the same spec as mine and it's a fair bit lighter probably about the same as my alder fender..
  6. I have owned and played a few Harley benton bass's and they have been great weight wise i found the Harley benton JB to be much the same as some sire v7's or squier vmj's which although not light was still perfectly acceptable, any of the bass's stated above would be a good call in my opinion but if you go for a Harley benton i'd go for the cheaper one as it will be a decent bass ,and you can decide later on if you need another once you are back to playing it's also worth considering the HB p bass which is even cheaper and cool sounding too the soundclips on Thomann's site well help you decide what you like.
  7. this is my one
  8. I have a gb74 and love it great gigging bass, lightweight ,fast neck mine is possibly the model after mcnach's one ,and has slightly different controls the knobs are.. volume ,pickup blend, bass and treble on stack ,mid boost cut ,and the only switch has 3 positions 1. single coils front jazz position [ front of humbucker ] 2. jazz, and humbucker 3.single coils using back of humbucker hope that makes sense
  9. Looks like hazbeen has a really big Koch !
  10. Is it Cher ?
  11. Thanks mate glad to have you on board 👍
  12. Is this a passive instrument ?
  13. The Techniques track is on our reggae show playlist for tomorrow at 4.00 if you're feeling inclined 'The Nick and Tim reggae show' on North herts fm ...took a while to come up with that title 😁
  14. Great stuff ..its made me want to dig my acoustic out Clinton Fearon and the Gladiators are superb
  15. Damn !! I dont normally buy into the vintage bass thing but that one does seem to have some magic
  16. I would say the jazz bass is the most popular bass in reggae with more classic stuff recorded on a jazz than anything else your vintage will be fine ..are your strings new as thats the only thing you don't really want for reggae also a lot of the overtones you hear will disappear in the mix so try playing along with tracks , for your amp settings try cutting the mids and high's a bit ,and a slight boost on the bass keep your instrument tone knob on about 20 percent. This fella is great and can get good results from plenty of different bass's but his jazz tone is my fave..
  17. The album credit is split between to Sly n Robbie and the Roots Radics.... my guess is its Flabba Holt on his famous jazz that he never changed the strings on ...rounds
  18. That is a handsome beast it's like the super pimp's cadillac of bass's in a very good way ! if it was a 4 i'd have it.. good luck
  19. A friend of mine uses a p bass with flats through obc 2x12 with orange head [not sure of model] ,and he gets a really warm old school tone having said that when i used it with my jazz with new rounds i found it a bit to mid and high punchy for my taste so i guess you should try one first.. not sure they are available anymore though..
  20. This is another of my favourites to play ..groove starts about 1min40
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