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Posts posted by Biaeothanata-Bassist

  1. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1399830921' post='2448123']
    Fair enough chap, looks like I'm wrong :-)

    However, I still wouldn't do it as the total cab impedance - 8 ohm, wont change if you run it in stereo, so you'll still only get the same power drawn from the head.

    Hi Graham, thanks for your reply, I hadn't seen your other one before posting the picture so I hope you don't think I was ignoring it.

    Thanks for the advise though, i did think that would be the case but didn't want to try it and have 4 fireballs puffing out of my cabinet haha. I might build a 1x15 cabinet to go with it to utilise the power of the cab. Seems like the most sensible idea!

    Thanks again though bud

  2. Hey guys

    I've got a Hartke LH500 head and Ampeg SVT 410 HE (not HLF) cabinet that I use for but I wanted to know if I was going to blow it doing the following.

    On the back of the hartke, it says it only pushes out 250w at 8ohms then the full 500w at 4ohms so I wanted to utilise the full power of the amp. On my Ampeg cab, it has 2 1/4" inputs which i read it says can use used for 2 separate amps (it's a mid 90's USA SVT 410 HE cab btw so it doesn't have speakons) so my question about it is, would I blow the amp or cab if I connected the 2 speaker outs from the Hartke to the 2 amp inputs on the Ampeg cab?


  3. I use the waves GTR3 and get some really brutal tones from it. As well as that, check out LePou plugins. There's an Engl emulator in there which is amazing. Pair that with the cab loader he has on his site called LeCab, choose your cab response you want and it really sounds great. Also, the LePou/LeCab thing is freeware

  4. Agreed with everyone above, run the VT in front of the Lh500. I have an LH500 as my amp and it is as people say a passive tone control on the mids so it's purely cut BUT the clever thing about the amp is that it doesn't just adjust a specified frequency band on each knob, it compensates each change you make to balance out the frequency curve a bit better.

    -that's what the manual says anyway and it does seem that way when you adjust the dials-

  5. BOD2 - I haven't tried using them both together out of the rig as it's a pain removing everything haha. But i might do that. On mine i didn't see the symbol you mean about the double insulation but i don't doubt it's there.

    It does have the unbal/balanced switch but that basically just switches between the jack / xlr plugs and i don't have any xlr cables to try it with. The -10/+4dB switch (in out level that you mentioned) just changes the boost, still buzzes in both positions. I've tried it both ways. In the +4dB position, it just amplifies it a bit

    Howie - thanks pal, i'll give that a read in a minute

  6. Yeah everything was working fine before hand.

    As it currently is (and was before I added the EQ in to the rack) the signal chain is:

    Bass -> Planet waves 20 foot custom series gold tipped cable -> DBX 1066 compressor -> Aphex Aural Exciter 103C (harmonic boost) -> Hartke LH500 amp -> Ampeg SVT 410 HE cabinet.

    All items being powered off of a Samson PB-10 Pro rack power conditioner, all units connected up with normal pedal cables (admittedly they're cheap cables until I can afford to go all XLR but they're what I've always used and they never cause any issues). I use a different cable to connect to my cabinet though, I had it made at a local guitar shop out of really thick cable.

    All of the units apart from the Sony EQ have 3 cables in the power lead: blue, brown and yellow/green striped. All these units have been working together for a year without causing any hum or buzzing. As it is now, there isn't any external noise from all of these units unless i stick Sony EQ in to the chain.

  7. Hey Thunderbird and Howiebass, thanks for your replies.

    Thunderbird - I would go doing that but I don't want to go mutilating the unit just yet in case there's something else I can do with just the wiring, thanks for the tip though and I will bare it in mind for if all else fails :)

    Howiebass - I've looked on the back of the unit and can't see a symbol like that anywhere? There's certainly nothing around the wiring suggesting it's double insulated either. Also, all the units in my rack are being run off a Samson Pb-10 pro power conditioner which is being run off one wall socket plug. Is there anything else it could be?


  8. Hey guys

    I've recently put my Sony E100 SRP equaliser back in my bass rig and when I was changing the plug to an IEC to work with my power conditioner, I noticed it didn't have a ground/earth wire, just the brown and blue wires. Obviously, i didn't think anything of it.

    anyway, put it in to the rig and it caused some really nasty humming noises to come through the chain. I isolated each unit in the chain and determined it was the equaliser. I checked all the other unit's plugs to see if they all had grounding wires and yeah, they all have the green/yellow banded earth wire. The humming coming from the equaliser was so bad that I've actually removed it completely from the chain again.

    So, is it possible to wire in a ground wire to a unit or what can i do to stop it? I'd like to use the unit in my chain but can't go having that much excessive noise coming through the rig. I even tried putting a noise gate after the unit but as soon as you hit a bass note, you can hear the buzz coming through with it.

    Oh just as a side not, the EQ was set totally flat at the time too so i eliminated that it was frequency buzz too. I've also read the "humming noises" sticky thread in the repairs section but couldn't really find an answer in there.


  9. Personally i think it would be a bad idea to do that, especially if you're going to be hacking in to the CV60 to add a jazz pick up. You may as well just keep the 55-01. If you're that desperate for a 4 string PJ , look in to something like the new Squier VM Precision Bass but I wouldn't get rid of one of those Laklands to do all that to a CV60.

    My 2 pennies worth anyway :)

  10. Sorry, i did make a mistake there. I was meant to say that the number 2 bass was the one that got refinished in black and white checkerboard. This was done so that whilst the main number one bass was being refinished from metallic blue to the West Ham colours, he had his 2nd favourite bass how he wanted it. Only real difference that the number 2 bass has from number one is that it's rosewood boarded instead of the usual maple board.

    Again, my apologies for the mistake.

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