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Everything posted by vinorange

  1. Interestingly with that one having been a solid colour they have used a 4 piece body whereas mine, being a trans white, is one piece. Now it is sanded back, the 4 piece spoils its looks a bit for me....
  2. Heres mine albeit sporting an SDSPB3 pickup instead of the original hand wound, raised pole piece jobby (I dig in and found myself grounding the A string on the pole pieces). They're a limited run and very nice......
  3. Think this is one; https://reverb.com/uk/p/fender-american-original-50s-precision-bass?hfid=32021535&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12200508927&utm_content=campaignid=12200508927_adgroupid=115920727614_productpartitionid=1256942340682=merchantid=117614852_productid=32021535_keyword=_device=c_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=495081226236&gclid=CjwKCAjwieuGBhAsEiwA1Ly_nRyo766Hq8pH-bVxlTLvUNZ31ClbJ18Fkd2p_998UlYK02DMklnEURoCrL8QAvD_BwE
  4. I think it's an American Vintage Reissue Original '57 but the finish is stripped (obviously). They're pretty rare. I have one in Trans White. I think he means to describe it as an American Original 50's series reissue bass.
  5. Is that a cheaper VJ4 then? I assumed it was an upgraded VJ4. You're right about the truss though.
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/294247691181 Don't remember seeing one of these before. Bubinga top, carbon neck with Chechen finger board. Really nice except for the truss rod issue and import duty. That aside still good value?
  7. Thank for that!!
  8. What are the dimensions of the cab please?
  9. Just had another thought so I pinged them an email to check on the dimensions. They immediately got back with their spec / tolerances; Our dimension is :OD120cm (MAX), H77cm(MAX). All seems very very professional, quick to respond and better than Marshall / Eden US and Gear4Music - none of whom have got back to me.
  10. So I got in touch with WEBB, whose communication and response to queries is superb, and they sent back that the wiring specs will be as per the original design for the Eden Amp; Primary: 0-240V/BRN-BLU Secondary: 63.5V-0-63.5V/RED-ORG-RED 0(fuse)-11V/WHT-WHT 17V(T.S)-0-17V(T.S)/GRN-YEL-GRN That should mean plug and play. Fingers crossed....
  11. Here's hoping.....Delivery may be a while from Taiwan but UK quotes for a handmade transformer were way higher and there weren't many who would quote. We really need to become a manufacturing country again....
  12. I've sent them a pic of the transformer so I'd hope it's colour matched otherwise I got a bit of work....
  13. I bought a step down transformer, which works fine, but then wondered if I could get any response from WEBB who make the transformers. They've been incredibly helpful and WEBB are making a 240v spec transformer to the original 240 / 50hz spec and sending it for £150. Hopefully I don't have to mod the amp any further and it's a plug and play?
  14. Up for sale is my Ashdown Little Stubby 30w all valve head in excellent condition with no issues at all. Its an all valve head but in a compact package thanks to the valves being mounted horizontally. It sounds wonderful and if anyone is comparing the Little Bastard this then please buy one of these (and I don’t necessarily mean mine). The Eq is miles more flexible and you have control over the amount of fuzz. The LB breaks up too soon whereas you can choose where your signal gets dirty with the CTM30. I’ve had both and swapped the LB30 for this for that extra Eq / control. Here’s the spec and blurb from Ashdown but fundamentally you get, active / passive switch, drive control, bass, mid, treble, volume and effects loop on the front. On the back you get impedence selection of 4 or 8 ohm. It also has a TRS transformer DI out for help from the PA. Comes with original box and instructions, all padding and packaging so can be shipped (not with parcelforce though,....brutes.....). Can deliver or meet up within 50 miles of Bidston, Wirral. Thanks for looking. https://ashdownmusic.com/products/ctm-30-little-stubby
  15. Up for sale is my Aphex Bass Xciter Big Bottom bass exciter / enhancer pedal. I’ll be honest and admit I don’t know exactly how this thing works but you pop your dull, average sounding bass in one end, twiddle with the Low Tune / Low Blend and then the High Tune / High Blend knobs and out of the other end pops either a DI or lined out signal that adds bottom, definition, crispness and attack to any bass. I used it with my jazz, P, Rick and Kramer and once used everything sounds a little dull and, indeed, unexcited without it. Excellent condition. Takes single 9v (although screwdriver required so not in the fly) or 9v adaptor. Having a clear out to fund an Ampeg SVT or Mesa 400. I know. I’ll need a chiropractor too. Thanks for looking
  16. Added pics of the case which, in truth, isn’t going to win any beauty contests any time soon.....
  17. I have to admit I didn’t know where to price it as there are a couple in America for around the same price. UK prices do seem a bit higher. Ah well, if it hits eBay I’ll review the price.
  18. Up for sale is my 1979 Kramer DMZ4001 aluminium necked bass in really good condition for its year with just a few bits of surface lacquer wear in the usual places. These have a reputation for 2 things; clean, pure tones and being a boat anchor. Mine weighs in at a very reasonable 4.8kg and has no neck dive, partly because the badass 1 bridge (now a rarity in itself), helps the balance so part 2 of their reputation isn’t really true. However the other is true. It has the cleanest, deepest, most resonant and ringing E tone I think I’ve ever heard. It beats the modulus and status basses I owned for ringing, clear tone all the way up the neck. It sounds fantastic and plays really well too with a reasonably low action, no buzz and certainly no dead spots from the aluminium neck / Ebanol board. This model is passive, has the famed Dimarzio Dual Coil P bass pickup on board with volume / tone and a single switch for coil tapping (I think). The switch effectively is a bass cut / boost and when boosted it sounds amazing. Worth adding that the neck is a svelte 39mm at the nut and I just noticed it’s got a zero fret! It really has very little fret wear having had just one owner prior to me who played it for 4 years in a country band and then, due to musical differences, gave up and stored it. As ever, I’m hankering after something else so last in first out unfortunately. If anyone wants to trade a Mesa Boogie 400 / 400+ or an Ampeg SVT 2 / 2 pro then that’s what I’d be after in trade otherwise it’s a straight sale. It has a “vintage” case which is tatty but does protect it - not that it needs protecting. It’s that tough that even ParcelForce couldn’t harm it....... Im on the Wirral but will post it or can meet up or deliver within a reasonable distance (up to 75 miles ish....) Thanks for looking.
  19. Have a bump from me for a fellow DR bass cab owner!
  20. Need the cab shifted before our building work starts so £100 is an absolute steal. Fairly sure I could split it and sell the parts for more. Up for sale is a compact 2 x 10 bass cab by USA cab maker DR Bass. This has 2 x 10" ceramic eminence beta 200w drivers in (these are the older green label drivers) with a crossover and an Eminence APT tweeter controllable by a variable attenuator. Cab is 21" wide x 18.5" high and, with ceramic drivers on board, weighs exactly 20kg. Tolex is in great condition and drivers are working fine. These cabs are all hand made and engineered in the US and I’m not sure why they’re not so well known. This one is a compact and punchy 400w cab and although a few years old it’s in perfect condition. Here’s a link to DR bass cabs; https://drbasscabs.com/about-us-ezp-2.html I got it off the forum not too long back but unfortunately it had a cracked, faulty attenuator and a damaged tweeter so I replaced both with like for like spec parts (maybe better as the tweeter is eminence APT80). Looking for £150. Can deliver or meet up within 50 miles or so or willing to wrap it up and ship it. Thanks for looking.
  21. Would this fella do the job https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184877319367 I'm chasing Gear4Music and Webb in Taiwan in search of a plug in 240v version of the original kit.....
  22. I was only checking in regularly to see if a sudden miracle had happened and somebody had a toroidal transformer for my amp.....
  23. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203488331080
  24. Apparently, and I've only learned this knowledge recently, the step down refers to the input voltage. So in goes 240v and it gets stepped down to 110v.
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