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Everything posted by vinorange

  1. Price drop. £600 including UK postage and gator case.
  2. I found the issue was that my pickups were out of phase. My treble pickup was really thin and when both pups were on full it exacerbated the normal volume drop. Once the treble polarity was reversed I’ve now got a decent balanced tone!
  3. Checked the weight on accurate scales and it’s 3.8kg.
  4. Have a free bump from moi.
  5. Ideally a straight sale but possibly. If interested, please send me a private message with your trade. Thanks
  6. I’ll watch carefully to see if your bbt (bass boredom threshold) is reached with that one........I’d take it in a heart beat.
  7. Now comes with brand new gear4music faux leather case.
  8. Thanks Karl. Your friend Ash snaffled it. It was quite an unusual one too! I forgot I’d fitted a thumb cove so it was a bargain in the end!
  9. Price tweak. £650 including uk postage and a gator case too.
  10. Slight price tweak to as its on evil bay. Now £650 including uk postage.
  11. £600 including uk postage. Possible trade for any Mexican fender (white P with maple neck would be perfect) with cash my way. Up for sale is my immaculate 30 year old 1988 Made in Japan Fender Jazz 4 string bass. It’s loaded with Geddy Lee USA 72 reissue pickups, CTS pots, switchcraft jack and is cloth wired. It’s a vintage JB355 Japan made bass, has a maple neck with dark rosewood fretboard with jumbo frets, 1,5” at the nut. These early Japanese basses are well renowned for wonderful build quality and this is no exception. It has been professionally refinished (back to its original colour) in Olympic white nitro cellulose with a Japan reissue red tort pickguard and looks brand new. The neck is in incredible shape for 30 years old and has no nicks or dents and hardly any fretwear although just to make sure it has has been fully set up including minor fret level, crown and polish, relief, intonation and action set, lemon oil fretboard treatment and new strings. It plays fantastically with wonderful low action, no fret buzz and a lovely growl from those Geddy Lee pickups. It has a fantastic feel to it, is incredibly well made (as these vintage Japanese basses always are) and sounds amazing. It weighs 4.4kg. It comes with a high quality, very sturdy Gator case. Can be viewed, tried / collected near Chester but will post anywhere insured via UPS.
  12. £600 including new faux leather case and uk postage. Possible trade for any Mexican fender (white P with maple neck would be perfect) with cash my way. Up for sale is my rare non export version of the Fender Aerodyne Jazz bass. Made in 2005 for the Japanese market it differs from the export version I’m that it has a pickguard and the chrome hardware is non smoked. This one has just had a full set up including fret level, crown and polish, relief, action and intonation set, lemon oil fretboard treatment and new rotsound strings. It plays really nicely with very low action and sounds big, the combination of precision and jazz pickups giving it a good thump with added twang! It’s very light 3.8kg using kitchen scales and comes with Dunlop strap pins and locks. I’m not sure if these non export versions have different pickups but it sounds bigger and more powerful than export versions I’ve had. Condition wise, the front is pretty much unmarked with a couple of dents that aren’t through the paint and the back has a few surface scratches, one filled dent and odd bits of play wear. There is also the start of a very slight hairline crack in the lacquer on the back (not the wood). Has a brand new gear4music faux leather case so can be posted anywhere.
  13. Good guess. £645 what a bargain. I was out walking the dogs and forgot to bid otherwise it would have been higher than £650!! I may have bid just to win the challenge of best price prediction.
  14. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332866890035 The difference being it’s feckin ugly, weighs a ton, is loaded with heavy clavos - which are presumably embedded in the body (for those MEATY AND FULL-THROATED. FAT, WARM LOWS AND BRILLIANT, GROWLING MIDS AND HIGHS that you’ve been missing all those years) and is too expensive. Have I missed anything?
  15. In the spirit of play your cards right, I’m saying higher.
  16. Can everyone not bid on the Shuker longhorn so that I can buy it please? I realise this is begging but I’m desperate.......
  17. I’ve just fished the bass body now using tolecut 1500 grade paper to cut from the final sprayed finish to ready for polish and I’ve got to say that, although it was hard work , the results are fantastic. No need for wet sanding from 400 to 800 to 1200 to 2000 just use this. It left the finish flat and ready for mop polishing and having cut then with Meguires ultimate compound I’ve got a lovely flat shiny finish. It seems much quicker than wet sanding and although it takes a lot of paint off quickly it isn’t as aggressive as using 400 wet n dry and it left the finish flat but not scratched. I’ll definitely be stocking up and just using tolecut in the future.
  18. Allegedly what they do over there, in the land of the rising sun, is they have multiple sellers for the same item all acting as agents. Whoever secures the deal gets the commission, so some offer a deal with a higher price but free postage and others offer an all in price. Strange as over here if we see the same item listed twice on eBay we veto it. Remember the import duty too on that price. 20% vat on top plus handling fees.......
  19. Has anyone on here had experience using kovax tolecut for flattening a finish prior to cut / polish? I was lucky enough to attend a Jon Shuker set up and maintenance course and happened to ask if Jon used traditional wet sanding and polishing on his finished only for Jon to show me this stuff. Incredibly expensive (£20 for 25 small sanding block sized sheets), it seems to last a long time but has the ability to flatten a finish using a 1500 grit paper leaving no scratches, meaning your cut and polish is so much easier (as you're only polishing, not cutting out scratches from the sanding phase). So far I'm finding it amazingly good stuff and very well behaved. It doesn't break like normal papers either meaning cutting back in the cutouts is miles easier. Very expensive but worth a punt I think.....
  20. I do still suffer from “all knobs on full” syndrome though despite my supposed advancing years and wisdom.
  21. To fill in some blanks, he bought the bass in 2007 believing it to be new but it looks like it is a 90s Fender USA longhorn jazz. I googled some other longhorns and they do have the same style e series serial number that isn’t on the fender website. Quite why these serial numbers arent recognised on the USA fender instrument dating website is a bit odd.
  22. I guess I understand that now. Maybe I’ll mess about with the 90-95% pot settings to see if I can get a decent blend before going down the active blend route.
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