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Everything posted by yondergo

  1. I have a 2007 cij P bass in the same finish which has a basswood body, I thought the alder bodies were used on the US pickup containing models, but I may be dead wrong. Nice bass, love mine to bits, GLWTS!
  2. Bump - bought a markbass 6x10, don't need a cab anymore.
  3. Should anyone be looking for one of these, I just ordered one from banggood.com with a 5% off code I found on some voucher site for the grand total of £18 including delivery. Got to be worth a pop for that money. They also have quite a few other Joyo pedals along with mostly ghastly far east musi-tat
  4. Only thing I really need at the minute is another cab, so I'd consider trades for something 8 ohms and light, maybe a barefaced with a bit of cash chucked in depending on the model/condition etc.
  5. Just to close this out and offer a big thank you to everyone, especially BFM, for their advice on this. Finally got the ports in and tuned this weekend and used it at practice tonight, I ran it last week without the proper ports and was pretty underwhelmed, but expectedly so. With the ports tuned to around 50-55hz it is an absolute beast, kicks out more perceptible low end than an ampeg 6x10 we have in our room and has loads of definition in the mids. Sounds more old school than I was expecting, possibly due to the lack of damping just now, I might introduce damping bit by bit to tame it a little but not too much. Really grateful for the support people offered, very pleased with how it worked out! Cheers! Dave
  6. Someone buy this for the love of God! Absolutely crazy price for a proper British valve amp! This is not giving me hope of shifting my late 60s impact head
  7. Thanks again Bill, that's made a big difference to the plan, I'm going to look at sealing the existing 4" baffle hole and porting the sides of the cab now, once I subtracted the volume of the ports and winISD recalculated the length of the ports I was almost butting up to the back of the cab. Should have done this work earlier, probably would have decided to buy a different cab and scrap the peavey enclosure. Oh well, we soldier on.
  8. Thanks Bill, I think I'll go for the 2 4" ports, they seemed to model with slightly lower velocity than a single 6" port. They still seems to be pretty fast, 23m/s at 50hz, but that's running at a fairly unrealistic 450w so I guess I'll just have to try it out and hope I don't play loud enough for port noise to become an issue. One other concern was how much clearance I would need inside the cab where the end of the port approaches the back of the cabinet, it's looking like i'll have probably an inch and a half between the port end and the foam damping, is there any negative effect to be expected from this? Thanks, really appreciate the guidance on these matters, I've begun to wonder if selling my 2x12 was such a good idea now. 😃
  9. thanks for the replies, apologies i wasn't mentioning the 35hz peak in port velocity as an expectation of playing with such low frequencies, just as the point at which it showed the highest m/s speed on the graph. thanks for the heads up on the foam not reducing internal volume Bill, really appreciate your input - i'm remodelling accordingly. I was hoping to use 2 4" ports, would your point about 4" ports not being suitable apply to using multiple ports or is it 4" ports in general?
  10. Hey guys, hopefully someone a little more experienced in speaker design will be able to shed a little light on this for me, i'm going through the process of adding a Kappalite 3015 to an old Peavey BW 115 cab i have, it's one of the older, shallower ones with a 1502 driver inside and a 4" hole (lets not call it a port) in the front. I've been modelling it with the 3015 installed in WinISD and i'm coming up against some really quite high port velocities and i'm pretty stumped about how i can get them down to a reasonable level, I've calculated the internal volume as 75 litres or 2.65 cubic feet when taking into account the foam damping i've added, and i'm shooting for around 50hz for the tuning frequency. I'm running the model at 450w power (the stated upper RMS given for the 3015)| and my issue is that when examining the port velocity it spikes at about 28m/s around the 35hz point and i don't seem to be able to get it to come down to a sensible level without the length of the ports greatly exceeding the depth of the cab which is a fairly pokey 9" (22.5cm). It seems to show broadly similar results with 2x4" ports or 1x6" port, the 6" being a touch shorter, does anyone have any creative suggestions for ways i might be able to get the velocity down, or am i worrying too much about it? I'm hoping to avoid installing a shelf port if possible to keep the woodworking down to a minimum, but i'm expecting to have to enlarge or add holes to the baffle for the ports. thanks! Dave
  11. Now sold! Thanks! For sale is my surplus to requirements GFS Pro Series P Bass Pickup. [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Pro-Series-P-Bass-Pickup-Pickup-OUR-BEST-_p_10977.htm"]http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Pro-Series-P-Bass-Pickup-Pickup-OUR-BEST-_p_10977.htm[/url]l I took these out of my CIJ P-Bass to make way for the Crash Magnetic Transducers Sweetbass pickup i bought. In exactly the same condition as when they went in, did a great job of giving a sweet vintage P-Bass Sound, could have stuck with them and been happy but, well, you know how GAS can be... Had these shipped over from the US, you'd probably be looking at about £30-£35 to get a set shipped from there so pick up a bargain! UK Postage is included in the £20 asking price and they will be posted in the original box with mounting screws and springs and the leaflet thingy that i never read. They were attached to a solderless loom so the wires are exactly the same length as new. cheers! Dave [attachment=184554:top.jpg] [attachment=184555:side.jpg]
  12. Hah, brilliant, good old Chuck! Might start sticking it on some FB guitar groups, see if there's any interest.
  13. On hold pending sale.
  14. Oops, of course! Long scale - 34" Cheers, Dave
  15. For sale is my mid-late 80s Squier Bullet Bass. A great example of the kind of basses that were coming out of the far east in the 80s, it’s got a solid wood body (probably basswood but i can’t guarantee that) and a lovely comfortable maple neck with great quality rosewood fingerboard and skunk stripe, it has 4 medium sized tuners with an unusual nut/bushing fit and the truss rod, which is working smoothly, is adjusted from the headstock (so much easier, why are they not all like this?). The frets are in great nick, must have had flats on it for much of its life. This is essentially a precision style bass in sound and look, the main difference being the horns of the body are slightly stubbier on the Bullet. I’m going to say this is a Korean model, despite the headstock not saying Made in Korea, i have seen these models sold as Japanese, which of course immediately boosts their prestige and value in the eyes of buyers, but I’ve yet to find any convincing evidence that these basses were made in Japan - the entire construction is identical to the Korean badged models - so i can’t with clear conscience try and sell this as MIJ. Of course, if you have some info that contradicts that then feel free to let me know! I think a rough date would be around 1987, but it’s difficult to says with any certainty, it could be earlier than that. I bought the bass in a fairly mucky state but i’ve cleaned it all up. I’ve polished the metalwork, removed the grime from the neck and body and fully rewired it with new pots, jack, wiring and solderless pickup connector to allow for quick pickup changes as was my plan at the time. I also replaced the screws attaching the tuners and pickguard as they were a bit rusty. I put some new knobs on it too, as the white plastic ones looked gash. The pick guard has aged nicely, it’s now a lovely cream finish, i’d have swapped it for tort if i was keeping it but 3 P-Basses is too much for any man (i suspect some of you will vehemently disagree with that). I’ve set it up with a medium action and a set of status (i think) flats. It plays really nicely and sounds every inch the P-bass, gritty and articulate with the tone on full and charting the depths of woody, vintage thump as the tone knob turns down. The body and neck do have dings and knocks that are pretty understandable for a guitar that has certainly been played for a good part of it’s near 30 years, but for me it all falls into the category of cool looking road-wear rather than proper damage. Expect scratches, buckle rash etc. I’ve tried to highlight any noticeable areas on the photos, anyone who was suitably motivated could polish the majority of the scratches and scrapes out. I’ve never been sufficiently offended by any of it to bother. There are a few dints on the back of the neck, looks like it’s often been leant against something, probably a cab, and picked up a bit of wear because of this. None of it is noticeable when playing, but i feel obliged to mention it to paint a fair picture of the bass. I love these Korean guitars, I own a Young-Chang made Squier Telecaster and J Bass (Both the Big-E variety, the best of the bunch) and would happily rate this as built to the same quality. The electronics have always been the Achilles heel of the Korean Squiers i’ve had, but happily for you that’s been taken care of, making this a great guitar that’s seen a bit of action but is still an absolute joy to play. Honestly - those necks…. £120 please! Collection is preferred, i’d like whoever buys it to at least try it before they buy, but i’m happy to arrange a courier for anyone who wants it. I’m in Derby Friday to Monday evening and in West London (Ealing) Tuesday to Thursday evenings. Cheers! Dave [attachment=183958:Headstock.jpg] [attachment=183959:Top Shot.jpg] [attachment=183960:neck.jpg] [attachment=183961:Top Dings.jpg] [attachment=183962:Body Back.jpg] [attachment=183963:Bottom Side.jpg]
  16. I should add that I'm in London (Heathrow or ealing) most weeks if that helps anyone who might be interested.
  17. Hi, I've done the fairly rudimentary bathroom scales weigh-in and it comes to around 2.9 - 3 kg. Neck profile is a bit harder to judge given the subjectivity and variety out there but to me it feels a slight bit chunkier than my old Epiphone G400 but not as wide, and a bit less beefy than my mate's 2000's gibbo SG. That's just my feeling from memory though. Hope that helps, Dave
  18. Well, I'd have loved to have put a review of these up already but unfortunately they arrived non-functioning in late December and after sending them back all has gone a bit quiet. Last I heard they were going to be rewound and sent back to me within a few days, that was a couple of weeks ago. I'm getting to the point where I'm wondering if anything can sound good enough to justify a nearly 3 month wait, hand-made or not. Wish I'd just bought the Spb-1's now and saved myself a load of bother and 30 quid. When/if they do turn up I'll try to be objective and post a thorough review.
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