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2pods last won the day on September 4 2024

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  1. Seeing as i have three Ibanezii, I had better agree
  2. Added trade option. Would also consider sensible offers I'm not desperate to sell, i just don't want this laying in a cupboard not being used.
  3. Now £100 £80 or maybe WHY I'm selling my spare "oldie, but goodie" Roland KD85 Bass v drum pad. It's been used, but not abused, and is in pretty good nick. There's a slight bit of tarnishing here and there on the fully adjustable legs, but it's working perfectly. From a smoke free home. It will work with most electronic drum kits, and has a better feel than the rubber pads. It works fine with double pedals, but if using a felt beater you will need to apply a patch to the mesh head. I just used a different beater, in my case plastic.. I have excellent feedback on here, and I'm looking for £120 posted £100 Any questions, please ask.
  4. Forgot to add, sensible offers considered and maybe trade for Strymon Timeline plus loot
  5. The one I had had a much smaller bridge
  6. You may think that, but I couldn't possibly comment
  7. Still coming up fine here. Windows 10 Edge
  8. Fine here
  9. IIRC there is even an 8 gauge acoustic set now.
  10. Perfect for the start of "Blockbuster"
  11. REDUCED to £320 As advertised on "Accessories" it's really a pedal, so I've bunged it on here too. Full details Boss GP-10 on Basschat Accessories For Sale
  12. Wish I lived near you. I'm really sorry to hear of your situation GLWTS
  13. 2pods

    Neural Quad Cortex

    I thought 'twas the other way around. Most pedals using a Boss mode of centre negative, and the QC using the opposite ?
  14. Reduced to £320 Nearly new (re-issued in July) Boss GP-10 Guitar synth/guitar modelling/ different tuning/ amp modelling FX unit with included Roland GK-3 guitar pickup, 12ft GK cable, power supply, manual, software, and original box. Never been outside our non smoking house. May trade for excellent condition Strymon Timeline plus cash my way Boss info here This is the second one I've had, and regretted selling the first, but I'm moving up to a GM800 and VG800 with a serial pickup I also have a Boss GKC-DA GK convertor, but I'm not sure whether to sell that or not, as I might succumb to the SY1000 again. I bought this as a package (as you'll see from the box, when I put more pics up). It's mint, except for a few marks on on the pick up when I removed it, the unit is as new. GuitarGuitar are knocking these out at £449 new, so I was thinking £350 or thereabouts. Any questions, please ask. I have good feedback on here, as well as ebay.
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