Hope this is in the right place, but anyway the mods will move it if not...
Switched the gear on today (individually as usual, in case of overload) when I noticed no lights on my wee M-Patch 2 monitor controller
It's a few years old, and came with a Euro 2 pin plug which I've been using with 2 to 3pin fused adapter. I've tried the 2 to 3 pin adaptor with my razor cleaning wotsit, and that works OK, so I'm assuming it's the actual adaptor.
It states on the back it's an "AC/DC Class II Transformer, Input 230v ~ 50Hz, Output 15v DC 200mA, model D35-15-200"
Not quite sure which bit of the input barrel to measure, but the diameter is big enough to nearly fit the width of one of 2 pins in.
It also seems to be middle of the barrel positive and the outside negative. Any chance of a link to a (preferably UK) replacement ?