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Posts posted by chrisba

  1. Was the name of the song the same as one by somebody famous ?

    A friend wrote a song for our band that had the same name as a One Direction song ( not deliberatley ) , and it got loads of listens on Soundcloud.

    He tested the thoery by writing 3 more, deliberately named the same as 3 of their other hits.

    All 3 got way more listens than any of our normal stuff.

  2. I've been watching Ben's guitar build videos a lot recently, beacuse it's so good to see a master craftsman at work, and he's a good presenter.

    Now, for the first time, he's doing a bass biuld. A P-bass from scratch, with interesting choices of materials.

    Now seriously considering whether I can afford to go one one of his courses....

    Enjoy !



    • Like 7
  3. Not exactly the soundtrack to my youth, but a friend at school was a huge fan. I didn't get it at all, but he said they're much better live than on record.
    He got really excited when Live in the Air Age came out, and I went round to his house and listened to it, and was completely blown away.
    I bought my own copy, and it's hardly been off my turntable/cd player/mp3 player since.

    Probably my most played album ever.

  4. We did The Pretender in my previous covers band. Performed it live many times, always went down well. Didn't slavishly follow the original bass line, concentrated on getting the rhythm right, Lots of sliding down the E string. Our female BV took lead on that, suited her voice well.

  5. I'm not a real fan either, but the band I used to play in played Slip Away, which has very weird words which only made sense if you watched a certain American kids TV program, and a lovely Stylophone solo at the end.

    Probably my favourite of his stuff, it really got under my skin after playing it.

    Like Life on Mars and China Girl too, if I have to be more conventional.

  6. I saw her on a golf course in Hawaii. Neither of us were playing golf, they had converted part of it to an outdoor venue with a large stage and all us punters ( it was a corporate event ) eating picnics on the grass. Great show and she had a lovely voice, and she did the duet with her dad ( on tape, obvs. ) "live".

    Saw the Brian Setzer Orchestra in the car park of the same hotel the previous night. They were awesome.

  7. ...and another from me. This is designed for exactly your situation. The ability to slow down the MP3 is great when you're trying to learn something, as is the ability to create a short loop.

    [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1444246349' post='2881606']
    Another vote for the GB-10


    I've used its predecessor, the MP-BT1, for years, and the CD-BT1 MkII CD-based one before that.

  8. Like several other discussions on this forum, it really all boils down to the audience.

    Try going to a festival DJ set, and ask the audience if they think the DJ is an musician and worth his fee, then if enough of them say yes, then he/she is. Nobody else's opinion is relevant.

    If you accept that a DJ adds a significant amount of value to the raw material he/she is using, then he is a creative musician. If he does some of that creativity live, ( i.e. not everything is created in a studio or computer ), then he has a right to be called a live creative musician, or a performer, just as much as a musician putting their own interpretation on jazz standards that somebody else wrote.

    like a lot of people here, I'd rather listen to the latter, but it takes all sorts to make up this wonderful world of music we all live in.

  9. Thanks, Fuzzbass, for the heads up on the Tascam iPhone mic. I do have an iPhone, but it's a company-owned device, only 8GB, without a whole load of empty space, so I wouldn't want to rely on it having space, or on me still having the phone in two years time.

    The Backtrack sounds like a good idea when used as originally designed ( I don't think I would ever use it like that ), but the microphone add on sounds a bit of a compromise.

  10. I want to buy an entry level recording device, mainly for recording our band to help with my practice regime, but also other musical things, and possibly just as a dictaphone* for work

    Both the Tascam DR05 and the Zoom come in at under £100, and seem to suit my needs. Does anybody have any opinions on one of these vs the other, or of anything else in that price range I should consider ?

    Thanks in advance.

    * "I use my Dictaphone"
    " That's odd, I use my fingers"
    There, I said it before anybody else did

  11. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1383492839' post='2264990']


    My sons both had Yamaha Pacifica guitars. Yes - very good as a start. They also sell for pathetic sums of money. So you should get a real bargain.

    +1 to that, my son started on one too.

  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1380699993' post='2228982']
    the 'live in the air age' version ? agreed


    I bought that album back in 1979 and then the CD when it came out, I don't think a few months have passed when I haven't played it. Wonderful, and so different from their rather bland studio recordings.

  13. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1376371540' post='2172850']
    Seconds Out is up there with Floyds Dark Side of the Moon in my book. 2 of my fav albums from that era. Saw them on the Duke tour and have met them all - even had coffee with Mr Collins who is an absolute gentleman and very friendly. An album I think sometimes gets a bit over-looked is "Then there were Three" which has some great tracks on it. I'm pretty sure I have a live tape from around 82 could have been Wembley but off hand not sure. Great band and I like various songs from all Genesis eras but Trick, 2nds Out and Ttw3 are the highlights for me. Dave

    Completely agree. Seconds Out was what drove me, as a poor student, to buy a proper hifi. My favourite album of all time. I also agree about And Then There Were Three, which has some great songs on it. A friend of mine, as a party trick, plays the keyboard solo from Follow You, Follow Me on bass. I also love The Lady Lies from the same album.

    "So glad you could make it, we've got everything arranged..."

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