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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1441145028' post='2856514'] All valid points once again, but I would like to say straight up that I'm not going to invent any circumstance that gives the impression that I'm otherwise engaged or unavailable. I've been straight down the line with this and have told him how it is. If he bails because he can't be bothered to have reasonable discussion around it, then it's all on him, not me. [/quote] I think that's probably the right thing to do if your decision is based on principle. If you make up an excuse, then it may appear that you're otherwise prepared to do the gig for nothing.
  2. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1440785977' post='2853916']Did you see what I did there? [/quote] It was a bit Belew the line, but I suppose it did Levin up the thread
  3. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1440694288' post='2853077'] Johnny Cash, ring of fire. A case of guess when to change chord. No verse is quite the same! [/quote] Dylan's 'Mr Tambourine Man' is like that. Listen carefully to the singer if you can. The Byrds' version is much shorter and more regular.
  4. Use CD/DVD envelope sleeves to keep them in, perhaps? http://www.amazon.co.uk/CD-SLEEVES-100-DVD/dp/B000N8FIL0
  5. IIRC the majority of the stock on display in Wunjo bass is Mark Bass and they have a few Aguilar amps and other odds and sods. A couple of weeks ago the owner, Brian, mentioned to me that they get Ampeg gear in occasionally, but apparently the turnover doesn't justify the floor space for lots of amps. Hanks has a small selection of secondhand amps, and IIRC there *might* be an Ampeg among them, but I can't be sure. I could pop in and check if I remember next week as I pass by every day. I can't think of anywhere else on Denmark Street that would carry Ampeg. Edit: Red Dog look like your best bet. They do share a space in the Relentless shop on Denmark Street, but it's mostly electronic music gear.
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1440750600' post='2853451'] Am I right in thinking this concerns people uploading commercial/licensed music to SoundCloud that they don't own the rights to? This is prohibited in SC's terms & conditions of use, but of course very difficult to police in practice. The very same issue applies to YouTube and I'd guess that PRS are having - or have had - a similar discussion with Google (YouTube's owners) about such matters. Just had a quick search in they do in fact have some info on it here... [url="http://www.prsformusic.com/creators/helpcentre/pages/youtubedealhelp.aspx"]http://www.prsformus...bedealhelp.aspx[/url] [/quote] Because this is about publishing rights, rather than mechanical copyright, the one example I've seen is that of a composer of music for brass bands on a site dedicated to the topic. http://www.4barsrest.com/news/detail.asp?id=18080#.VeBCerRiD9M [quote]The ‘Piracy Unit’ also confirmed that it had been contacted following performances placed on Soundcloud from the recent Butlins Mineworkers Championship at Skegness. "In general, unless specific and very clear written confirmation has been given from the venue, organisers or the composer, then any individual recording a performance for this purpose from a brass band contest is doing so illegally," they said. "It is a form of recording and broadcasting piracy. Although Soundcloud and other digital platforms are not yet licensed within the PRS framework, we would reiterate that it is still illegal to record music in this manner. If it is reported to us we will contact the appropriate people to get it removed - and we will strongly consider taking further action." [b]Theft[/b] They added: "This is simply a form of theft - and many composers are losing out of what should be their legal entitlement for a performance payment. Brass band contests, concerts and general performances are not exempt - and we are aware of a growing problem in this area." [b]Sparke's view[/b] Composer Philip Sparke certainly has strong views on the matter. "Although I’m aware there are mixed opinions about the issue, I feel strongly that these illegal recordings are having a very damaging effect - and not just financially for composers. I’m certainly unhappy that many of my works are illegally recorded at brass band contests. But it also means that it denies the composer the opportunity to have their work properly commercially recorded, especially on CD - and that damages the future of the whole of the brass band movement."[/quote] Given the specifics of the wording, I'm guessing it's the performers who are uploading their performances of the composer's work without his permission, but I suppose it could also be member of the audience.
  7. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1440688669' post='2853005'] Did the Wrecking Crew use DB and electric together? [/quote] I think Deuteronomy 22 may be relevant here [i]Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.[/i] [i]Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.[/i] [i]Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together.[/i] Feel free to use this as a Scriptural basis for him not to play with you
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1440687436' post='2852993'] yes but everyone know the lord prefers electric bass... especially slap and tapping. [/quote] Ah, but the Devil has the best tunes [I'll get my coat]
  9. [color=#141414]Well, the piece about Brian of Wunjo Guitars is now online[/color] [color=#141414][url="http://streetofsound.uk/stories/street-stories-brian-rowe-wunjo/"]http://streetofsound...ian-rowe-wunjo/[/url][/color] [color=#141414][/color]
  10. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1439900321' post='2846588'] The Members sang "This is the Sound of the Suburbs". Frankly I'm struggling to see much Sound going on in London Suburbs. [/quote] [quote='The Members']Every lousy Monday morning Heathrow jets go crashing over our home Ten o'clock Broadmoor siren Driving me mad, won't leave me alone ... Saturday morning family shoppers Crowding out the centre of town Young blokes sitting on the benches Shouting at the young girls walking around Johnny stands there at his window looking at the night I said, "Hey, what you listening to? There's nothing there" That's right! This is the sound of the suburbs[/quote] Um. How much has changed since 1979?
  11. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1439568746' post='2844074'] Blimey, that's the downside of forums; everything is dissected and analysed to within an inch of its life. At school we got some guys together, formed a band and got some gigs. The weaker players fell by the wayside and we just got better. And it's how it works for me fifty years later. I just go out and play gigs, don't for a minute stop to think why I do it. [/quote] I'm still playing music with a mate from school nearly 35 years after we first started rehearsing in his living room. We've been in a variety of outfits together over the years and I switched from rhythm guitar to bass along the way. Still pretty much the same formula - learn a few covers and write some of our own and go out and find some gigs.
  12. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1439630758' post='2844496'] Just a thought on this thread / Denmark St. discussion..... Are there any folks reading this who work in any of the shops on the street. It would be great to get some of your views or opinions, and maybe a bit of insight into what may be in the future. It seems pretty apparent that people who have contributed to this thread, and Basschat in general have a genuine soft spot for Denmark St, and we really do want to support the shops along it, but when the experience falls short of the expectation it creates a disappointing and almost sad feelng considering how it used to be.. I always seem to spend maybe a £1000 or so on all things musical every year, and Denmark Street used to be where some of it went. Nothing would please me more than a trip 'down the smoke' again, and leave some of this money behind me in a couple of the shops, but will it ever happen again ? I hope so... So if you work in one of the stores, tell us something...give us a bit of hope... [/quote] [shameless plug] As it happens I've recently started a documentary photo-project gathering the stories of people working on Denmark Street. The first in the series was an interview with Graham Noden, who has run his repair shop in the basement of Andy's/Hank's for the last 30 years http://streetofsound.uk Brian Rowe of Wunjo coming soon...
  13. Glastonbury has had a Dance Tent since 1995…
  14. [quote name='CHW' timestamp='1438687383' post='2836354']I've not been in years but I visited quite a few times back in the mid 90's. I was in my late teens at the time and felt that it was something of a pilgrimage in many respects, however, I feel that I was treated pretty rudely by most of the shops at the time. Now I know that at 17 I was very much not in the viewscreen as a great customer who would spend a significant sum with them, but a different impression left with me as a 17 year old kid may have changed my longer term intentions regarding where to buy.[/quote] In the mid-90s I think I would have agreed with you. Music Ground's various stores, Turnkey (round the corner on Charing Cross Road) and Andy's did a lot of damage to the reputation of Denmark Street. Turnkey didn't seem to have any interest in talking to you if you didn't have at least £1000 to spend right then. Music Ground's directors ended up being convicted of selling stolen guitars on a grand scale. A number of the shops that were there then have since closed and I am genuinely of the opinion that those that have replaced them in the last ten or fifteen years, like Brian at Wunjo and Crispin at Regent Sounds, have been working hard on fixing that.
  15. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1438791017' post='2837388'] My understanding was that you are allowed to have one physical and one digital (i.e. MP3 etc.) copy of the original that you have purchased. Copyright only covers you being someone distributing music TO other people. If you have bought legally a CD or MP3, you can convert them into any format you want if it is for your own personal use. It is when you start GIVING it TO someone else who hasn't paid for it that you are then in breach of copyright law. Obviously I am no copyright law expert and accept that there will be far better informed people to tell me where I'm wrong. [/quote] No, there are two separate issues 1) Making an unauthorised copy (i.e. ripping the CD): CD&PA [url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/2"]Section 2[/url] and [url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/17"]Section 17[/url] - the author has exclusive rights to make (or authorise the making of) copies of a copyrighted work. 2) Distributing that copy to other people [url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/18"]Section 18[/url], [url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/20"]Section 20[/url] Both are illegal under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The first is a civil matter between the rights owner and you - the rights owner has to sue you to recover damages. The second may be a matter of criminal prosecution if it is done in the course of business or "otherwise than in the course of a business to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright" [url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/107"]Section 107, Para 2A[/url] Edit: There is an exemption for temporary copies ([url="http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/28A"]s28A[/url] for example making temporary copies in an web browser cache or [url=http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/70]s70[/url] for time-shifting television programmes on a VCR or PVR) but there is no exemption for a permanent 'backup copy' of a CD.
  16. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1432973453' post='2786638'] Some oldies but goodies: Leaving on a jet plane. [/quote] Been there. Done that. The couple's request for the first dance song. We suggested that maybe they might reconsider, but they wanted it anyway.
  17. Hmm. Does this mean the BBC can't show their 1971 [i]Neil Young In Concert[/i] show any more? I guess it rules out showing Coppola's [i]Apocalypse Now[/i] on the BBC for the foreseeable future too (The Doors' [i]The End[/i] featuring heavily during the opening scene)?
  18. When we are playing covers, I'll switch to a 5 string bass for the numbers our singer has dictated need to be on a different key to fit his range, but where there's no viable alternative for the bass line but to play it with a bottom B available. Otherwise I prefer to use a four string for everything else. Usually we plan the set to group the 5 string songs all together.
  19. I played a 2.5 hour set at The Old Moot on Sunday evening. As for the Grey Horse, RIP as a music venue
  20. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1425403938' post='2706996']Does anyone rate the original pickup, or does it need replacing to get any benefit from a preamp? [/quote] I bought my MM3 new in 2003 and it is totally stock (I noticed the other day that I've never even gotten round to removing the film from the scratch plate!); but I've had a number of appreciative comments from the audience about its tone over the years. Quite recently I was surprised to be told it sounded better than my '79 MM Sabre at the same gig.
  21. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1424842376' post='2701007']So we all grew up with access to good hi fi ? I certainly didn't , don't think B B king did either [/quote] Plus ça change... Phil Spector developed the Wall of Sound to deal with people listening on things like this [url="https://flic.kr/p/e1Y3NW"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/e1Y3NW"]Vintage Regency TR-1 Transistor Radio[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/people/51764518@N02/"]France1978[/url], on Flickr
  22. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1424279582' post='2694699'] This a good reason to not start saying, I like to put my own take on covers [media]http://youtu.be/TLR8bOAA4-8[/media] [/quote] But then we have this brilliance [media]http://youtu.be/CsiP-GrbbD0[/media]
  23. I believe nickel strings are also near-impossible to use with an eBow
  24. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1424276961' post='2694673'] That's interesting. I would like to hear it in action, wonder what effect/practicality this would have in a bass amp, or in a guitar amp for that matter. And if it could make a comeback. Off to do more research... [/quote] You won't have to look far. I believe the same thing is called 'scoop' in modern bass circles. My GK MB500 head has a 'Contour' knob that cuts the mids and boosts bass and treble. The popular Sansamp BDDI does much the same by default.
  25. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1424265811' post='2694507']Most bands I have seen do live versions of their song that are not exactly the same as the recorded version.[/quote] Indeed, and TBH that's the way I rather like it. I saw Suzanne Vega at the St Davids' Hall in Cardiff in 1987. The band was made up of the same [excellent] musicians who had played on her first album and it was a note perfect rendition with concert hall acoustics. With very little or no chat between songs, I remember sitting there wondering what the point of my seeing her live was; If I closed my eyes I might as well have stayed at home and listened to the record. On the other hand, every time I see Robyn Hitchcock, it's often a surprise exactly how he's going to arrange any of the songs in his set.
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