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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1424120978' post='2692956']Hmm you've obviously never heard of "rat look" or been to many classic cars shows recently.[/quote] Rat Look is not really my thing but Reno's "The Zombie" 1959 Lowlight is up there as one of my favourite Karmann Ghias ever, seen here at the 2006 Volksworld show. [attachment=184106:CRW_3429.jpg]
  2. [quote name='Bassnut62' timestamp='1423662839' post='2687591'] I really do remember a girlfriend in the 80s being v impressed with my hands! I told her then that dating a bass player had many advantages!! [/quote] My wife has always said that bass players know how to use their fingers
  3. I just tune down for the bands I play in that tune half a tone flat, with any of the basses that I might take to a gig with them; 4, 5 string or fret less. With electronic tuners it only takes a few seconds while you're setting up if the instrument is at concert. I've done the same for various outfits over 30 odd years and I've never seen it as a problem.
  4. [quote name='aidanhallbass' timestamp='1423576895' post='2686522'] Yes! I put a deposit on it last week to secure it, just paid for it today. They do have that rather nice M2000 in blueburst for sale. [/quote] It's a fiver I would be after and having tried out an L-2000, I really enjoyed the tone. Anyhow, I have to figure out how to pay for it yet Glad that one at GG is going to a good home.
  5. Was that the one at their Glasgow store (sunburst finish IIRC)? I had my eye on it and was thinking of getting them to pop it down to their Epsom shop to try out, but I rather fancy a Blueburst L-2500. Edit: interested to see how you get on with it.
  6. Louise Duffy-Howard, who is probably best known for playing bass in the 80s with Hull's finest, the Red Guitars (often spotted with a fretless Stingray) is the owner of a black Cutlass. http://loudhailer.net/2014/08/05/groovy-loudhailer-electric-co-photos/7-lou-cutlass-jeff-danelectro/
  7. I'm no expert on 500/2s, but my 1967 Verithin doesn't have the raised Hofner logo, as you say, but it does have binding to the edges of the fretboard. The pickups and bridge look identical to the Club model pictured, though the tail piece is a little longer on the Verithin, which also has the front button located on the upper horn.
  8. [quote name='pajc72' timestamp='1422280885' post='2670605']I'm working on the last 3 books before moving on to another project.[/quote] Are you going to be doing any of the non-album singles like Penny Lane / Strawberry Fields that aren't on Past Masters? I think most of them ended up on the Red and Blue double LPs.
  9. [quote name='HengistPod' timestamp='1423060566' post='2680149'] All makes perfect sense to me. hairychris - you may want to note the following guide to musicians' love lives: [/quote] I see they left the keyboards off that version [attachment=183073:Bugnq_IIcAEPLrH.jpg-large.jpeg]
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422731635' post='2676283']I thought what the some of the other people were saying was pretty good too, but Morley & that other bloke who looked like a cross between Al DiMeola & a 70s porn star were just so up themselves. [/quote] "Let's hear it for another great Italian, Al DiMeola" Frank Zappa
  11. [2nd bite at the cherry...] However, [b]this [/b]was the first bass I actually [i]owned[/i] - a 1967 Hofner Verithin. David playing drums above, returned to that role in a different band, the [i]Murrumbidgee Whalers,[/i] a couple more years down the line. As I was returning to London from university, I was asked to play bass again. The lead guitarist lent the Hofner for a few months, then needed some cash for another Rickenbacker and sold it to me. I still have it to this day.
  12. A bit complicated... I'm actually playing guitar (a much missed Epiphone Genesis) on the right in this photo when I was 17 circa 1984. The guy on the left was the owner of the Fender Jazz in question, but it was the first bass that I gigged with regularly as he wanted to concentrate on vocals and asked me to play bass instead of guitar, so I borrowed it and learned to play it. Oh, and the drummer then replaced me as guitarist in the band and we got a new drummer in. We carried on with this arrangement for two or three years and a number of different line-ups as the singer and I both went off to university in Cardiff. I sometimes still feel like I'm a guitarist masquerading as a bass player, but I guess it worked out fairly well in the end
  13. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1422536478' post='2673780']As the title says really... Trying to think of something better to do than standing about or swigging my beer.[/quote] You could take up a new hobby like crochet during these periods.
  14. [quote name='MikanHannille' timestamp='1422479735' post='2673319']Have the recent MB500. So far so good.[/quote] I bought an MB 500 about 18 months ago and it's doing sterling work. The only problem I've had was they changed the specs in manufacturing since the tech data was published and it no longer had a 1/4 inch socket nestled inside the centre of the Speakon connectors on the rear. Solved by GAK sending me a Speakon to 1/4 inch cable FoC.
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1422542221' post='2673895'] Our singer made a great comment on Monday night. "That's a hard song, there's no breaks in it. I have to sing all the time." I just smiled. I guess each person in a band has their own difficulties that the others aren't aware of. [/quote] Quite so - a thread a couple of lines below this one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/254531-alright-now-what-do-you-do-in-the-verses/"]Alright Now - What do you do in the verses?[/url]
  16. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422431524' post='2672449']But that's what I'm saying, bass was starting and stopping. Some songs had none and NO ONE. Noticed. They were all up dancing and having a ball.[/quote] TBF, given the time signature, dancing to Floyd's [i]Money[/i] could be an interesting exercise.
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1422347593' post='2671330'] I've never understood this "sympathetic resonance" thing as a need for separate bridge pieces. [/quote] Makes you wonder why G&L have locking saddles (which ties them all together) as a feature of their bridges if there were anything to it.
  18. [i]Fingernails are pretty[/i] [i]Fingernails are good[/i] [i]Seems that all they ever wanted was a marking[/i] I have nails kept short + use a plectrum when necessary (which is rarely these days)
  19. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1422362821' post='2671577']That's an interesting point. Sometimes bands play songs that wouldn't necessarily work with their line up originally. Changing the bassline to allow extra instruments (extra guitar, keys etc) makes perfect sense.[/quote] Or the other way round. When I'm playing with my rhythm guitar-bass-drums trio, I'll sometimes use the bass to fill in parts originally played by other instruments. Otherwise, playing the original bass line can often provide a 'lift'. [i]Penny Lane[/i] or [i]With a Little Help From My Friends[/i] by the Beatles work a lot better with Macca's bass lines. I've been told it gives everyone else in the band more confidence about the number while they're playing. Then again, it's not entirely unknown for the singer to send me a set of chords by email a couple of hours before a gig and I have to busk my way through it on stage playing roots and whatever else comes into my head in the moment
  20. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1421453835' post='2661637'] This guy did a great series about movie soundtracks a while back too. [/quote] Yes, that was excellent too. It's great to have documentary programmes about music written and presented by someone who knows his stuff. Not just parroting what some junior researchers have found on Wikipedia.
  21. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1422311739' post='2671160'] Could watch hours of this kind of thing on the workings of early multi-track and microphone technology. Fascinating. [/quote] I loved the bit about Bing Crosby investing $50K in Ampex so he could spend more time on the golf course
  22. Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom! Tooty flutey in the booty Edit: though that's not a million miles from Little Richard's original lyrics before they were cleaned up for a record release. Tutti Frutti, good booty If it don't fit, don't force it You can grease it, make it easy
  23. Rickenbacker have a vintage web site design too. They're still using tables for layout. http://www.rickenbacker.com/factory_woodshop.asp
  24. Not so many harmonics in the notes it produces, but the fundamental is strong.
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