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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422009674' post='2667648'] Teasmaid. On its side, obviously. [/quote] Perfect if you're thinking of playing bass with The Rutles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijFDkpNma-k
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1422028079' post='2667963'] My brother-in-law who used to be a fairly prolific consumer of CDs hasn't bought a single one since joining Spotify and couple of yours ago. [/quote] Q. E. D.
  3. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1422019681' post='2667811']Do you know how this compares to a play on mainstream radio?[/quote] [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1422021769' post='2667855']I don't know about national radio, but looking at my most recent PRS statement, last year a single play of a two minute long track on BBC local radio brought in a total performance royalty of about £3.00 to be shared between the songwriters. However on the back of that we were eligible for a proportion of the the "unlogged performance royalties" which added another £12 for that one song.[/quote] It does depend on the profile of each station, but I think a single play on Radio 1 will earn the artist about £50-60. Arguably it's a different class of service to radio though, as you get to choose where and when you listen to any particular track, albeit down to shuffle within an album if you're using Spotify free. If you're on a paid subscription you can take it away and listen offline. With radio, you have no control over what specific songs you're going to hear (outside of your choice of radio station and making requests to DJs). Within that context, it's use is much closer to purchasing a record or downloaded file than listening to the radio and a Spotify user is likely to use the service to displace purchases they would have made otherwise. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1422019681' post='2667811']It really isn't a lot for sure but times are definitely changing and I think platforms like spotify could help to decrease illegal downloads in witch the artists get absolutely foxtrot alpha.[/quote] There is some merit in this argument, though it is close to blackmail for artists: use Spotify and get paid a pittance or don't and get nothing because people will go to illegal downloads. Even if you take that into account, if it's highly probable that Spotify is also displacing actual sales, an artist has to get an unrealistically huge number of Spotify listens to make up for even a quite modest level of sales on iTunes or CD. The main lesson here is how small the value of music is to modern society and commerce when the baseline is 'free' - I could draw a parallel with the rates being paid for stock photography in a different creative sphere I am fairly familiar with.
  4. Putting artists' Spotify earnings (US $0.000521 per play for songwriters, $0.00521 for performers, gross payable) into context of other music download services. http://thetrichordist.com/2014/11/12/the-streaming-price-bible-spotify-youtube-and-what-1-million-plays-means-to-you/ [quote]An artist needs to generate THREE MILLION PLAYS on the two largest and most popular streaming platforms* to equal just 1,125 album downloads from iTunes.[/quote] * Spotify and YouTube
  5. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1422011177' post='2667677'] I've used it for years as premium & I've discovered so much music that I wouldn't have without it. I know nothing of royalties but surely there's an agreement somewhere between artists, labels & spotify. [/quote] There's an agreement between the major labels and Spotify - they got roughly [url=http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2009/aug/17/major-labels-spotify]20% of the company's shares in a 2009 deal[/url] as well as their ongoing revenue from royalties. That could be 20% of [url=http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permalink/2014/06/11/major-labels-trying-sell-spotify-10-billion-sources-say]$10 billion[/url] if and when Spotify goes public. Needless to say, the smaller labels and artists aren't seeing any of that.
  6. Bees http://xkcd.com/1439/
  7. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1421787321' post='2665094']I'm hearing different notes on the tail of 'With a Litte Help from my Friends', for example.[/quote] Scratch that. I've realised what I thought was a difference there is entirely down to my poor tab-reading skills
  8. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1421846073' post='2665647'] I'm not sure that's the case as it would mean that you only ever heard the fundamental when you pluck a string. Just stick a spectrum analyser on the pickup output and you'll see all sorts going on. [/quote] There will be harmonics, but you're certainly not going to get those sharp, triangular peaks illustrated in the video posted by DaveFry, for example. The effect we're seeing is entirely down to the interaction of the string movement and the (relatively slow) rolling shutter of the camera. If you use a high speed camera to capture string movement in slow motion, at 600 and 1200 frames per second (20 and 40 times slower than real time) it looks like this [media]http://youtu.be/6sgI7S_G-XI[/media]
  9. I don't believe that represents what they're actually doing. There are far too many nodes (waves). A string vibrates across its entire length from nodes both ends (bridge and nut) unless you're playing a harmonic, when there are more nodes, but only 2 3, or 4 in most cases. I think the smaller waves are an artefact created by the shutter and/or scanning of the CCD sensor on the camera, similar to the Lartigue Effect [url="http://maisonbisson.com/post/10531/focal-plane-shutter-distortion/"]http://maisonbisson....ter-distortion/[/url] Edit and what's happening to the propeller of a plane in this video [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecV7oo68vAc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=ecV7oo68vAc[/url]
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421787984' post='2665101'] Surely if the detail of some parts is so ambiguous as to need specialised listening, any of the versions available would fit the bill, no..? Obviously a good transcription is a Good Thing in itself, but an inaccuracy that no-one can hear or spot is no big deal, I'd have thought. Certainly not the same as a blatant 'bum note', no..? [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Just sayin', as I downloaded the files and find them to be very good; thanks for sharing.[/size] [/quote] Depends why you're doing it. I find Macca's lines are very rewarding to study and he's certainly influenced the way i play. I do keep finding little things I've not noticed before that are well hidden.
  11. [quote name='pajc72' timestamp='1421763865' post='2664663']The reason I tabbed the Beatles songs was because of the abundant inaccuracies of the bass tabs in books like The Beatles Complete. Though this is an excellent reference book the bass tabs fall way short of '100% spot on' as you describe.[/quote] Totally true. I've never found the official Beatles music books to be any more reliable for chords, etc. than any pulled randomly from the Internet. [quote]Transcription of a song is very subjective, especially when it concerns the bass lines. Two very excellent transcribers can hear things very differently. I have seen a bass transcription of in My Life where the transcriber has heard an 'F natural' in the first couple of bars'.[/quote] I agree on that, too. I've certainly got some differences to your transcriptions for some of the songs I've worked out for myself - I'm hearing different notes on the tail of 'With a Litte Help from my Friends', for example.
  12. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1416660302' post='2612386'] I was born in 62 and have already written to the National Lottery asking them to fund a YOB bass [/quote] A 1967 Hofner Verithin that I've owned since I was about 22. You might guess which year I was born [attachment=181059:hofner_sml.jpg]
  13. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1418912113' post='2634753']If you restore an old MG sports car, with 3rd party body parts (to replace the rusty MG ones) .... does this mean your car shouldn't be wearing an MG badge anymore???[/quote] [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1418947523' post='2635222']Very poor analogy. That's the equivalent of starting with a Fender and then replacing (say) the BBOT and pickguard, in which case no-pne would argue it shouldn't still have a Fender badge. A better analogy would be building a Caterham or Westfield kit car and sticking a Lotus badge on it.[/quote] Quite. For MG owners' reactions to such things, see here... http://www.mg-cars.net/mgtd-mgtf1500-bbs/another-fake-201305142258108864.htm
  14. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1420317229' post='2648075'] That must have been a deleted scene, Marty goes to 1958, picks up his guitar then goes to 1955 [/quote] It would have to be 1959. Marty plays an ES-345 (with a retro-fitted Bigsby trem) in BTTF, which was first available in '59.
  15. Your eyes are a lot better than mine, though I confess to not being much of a Fender aficionado [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1419786555' post='2642696'] I'm sure I read an interview where he said he used a 1959 all the time. Not this bass it seems (not seen the vid) but recall that much.[/quote] Could well be. From his profile page on The Hollies web site (for whom he's playing bass these days) [url="http://www.hollies.co.uk/bandprofileraystiles.html"]http://www.hollies.c...eraystiles.html[/url] [quote=Ray Stiles]I started playing bass back in 1960. At school during woodwork lessons, a number of the boys were making, as a project, solid electric guitars. I wanted to be part of the 'beat group' scene so my dad made me a bass guitar (just to be different) - and from that moment I was completely hooked.[/quote] Didn't take him long to upgrade, though... [quote=Ray Stiles]I also have a Fender Precision bass which I bought in 1961. it's pink in colour, totally original, and is now quite rare. I recorded all my Mud stuff on it and is irreplaceable.[/quote] A 1959 would fit that. Mud are rather local heroes for me, as I grew up in Wallington, Surrey during the height of their fame and still live in the area. Most of the band were local boys. [quote=Ray Stiles]My local dance hall was Wallington Public Hall, Wallington, Surrey. Every Tuesday night was 'star' group night and played host to all the top groups of the time - I saw there, The Stones, The Searchers, The Big Three, Freddie and The Dreamers, there were so many including, of course, The Hollies.[/quote] I did a fair few of my early gigs on the same stage at Wallington Public Hall in the 1980s, which was just round the corner from my house, though it was certainly past its heyday by then. Because of budget cuts, the local council recently announced that it will be closing at the end of March and may well be redeveloped, probably into flats.
  16. [quote name='Martin E' timestamp='1420383351' post='2648587'] I have had a set of TI flats for the last few months on my Sterling SB14. First time I have used flats and am so far delighted with the results. Plenty of solid bass thump and yet am able to dial in sufficient treble on the preamp if need be so the best of both worlds. Coming from using light gauge roundwounds they are fine for me but they are low tension.which may not suite everyone.[/quote] After enjoying using Chromes on my fretless VM Jazz and hearing great things about TI flats, I've been eyeing TIs for a possible tryout on my Sabre As I'm often/usually playing tuned a semitone flat, the tension thing I've heard about them makes me wonder if I'd be better off sticking with Chromes, though. Are they really a [i]lot[/i] looser?
  17. [quote name='woodster' timestamp='1420216402' post='2646764'] Andrea Goldsworthy [/quote] Ta
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1420122569' post='2645785']Paloma Faith trying to be Tina Turner didn't work for me.[/quote] I wasn't convinced by her dancing, but Ms Faith and Ms Stone were probably the better parts of the show for me. BTW, out of idle curiosity, does anyone know who Paloma Faith's bass player was?
  19. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1420212618' post='2646722']Yes it's pretty poor, the drummer as well, dreadful.[/quote] Dylan Howe. Wilko's regular drummer since 2010.
  20. I must admit I was rather taken aback at the standard of their performance having seen them (Wilko and NWR) play together many times over the years: some of my favourite gigs ever (even if it did take me three days to get my hearing back after a mind-bendingly loud gig at the Cricketers in Kennington in 1989). While it didn't explain the other two, I figured it was something to do with Wilko's health, but... [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1420212618' post='2646722']Saw them both just two weeks ago on NWR's solo tour, Wilco came on for a few at the end - they were excellent then (with Asaf Sirkis drumming..)[/quote] this makes it all the more surprising. Edit: at least that encourages me for any future gigs, though. Hopefully, it was a one-off.
  21. For the fun of it, I found this curiosity, a rather mucked about with '1973 Fender Precision' that was up for trade in Ireland last April, which bears a passing resemblance to the bass in question... http://www.adverts.ie/electric-basses/1973-fender-precision/5270229 [quote]The bass plays and feels amazing but could still do with a little bit of a set up , it gets gigged every week by me and has been my main bass for all the years i have had it . The previous owner told me it once belonged to Ray Stiles .. the Bass player from MUD .. i cant confirm or deny this and i have no letter of authenticity , previous owner also not in the country anymore, however just thought i would mention it.[/quote]
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1419706994' post='2642125'] Maybe it was a bitsa put together for a television appearance that meant being covered in fake snow? [/quote] Taking a look at the collection of Mud videos on this page, it looks is like he was using the same bass in most of them https://justwilliam1959.wordpress.com/tag/ray-stiles/ Stills shot for a Swedish TV show on Wikipedia appears to be the same http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Mud_-_TopPop_February_1974_04.png
  23. [quote name='Burg' timestamp='1419416516' post='2639687']What's the app called? Sounds really good. The problem I have with sight reading is that unless I already know the tune I haven't a clue if what I am playing is what is written. This would really help me. [/quote] It sounds like SRMachine. I find it very handy. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sight-reading-machine/id662692296?mt=8 http://youtu.be/IBreIMKFA5I
  24. I had one of the original models back in the early 80s: heaviest guitar I've ever owned by a long way and the output from the pickups was immense. I sold it when I needed some money in the 90s and often regretted it badly. I'm kind of curious how these new ones would measure up.
  25. Not much use to you, I imagine, but Wunjos in Denmark Street in London keep them in stock and Guitar Guitar had them at their Epsom, Surrey branch when I last went in. I bought a set there for my fretless VM Jazz. Edit: Given your mention of them having at least two other branches I have a sneaking suspicion it may be Guitar Guitar that your wife tried :-/
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