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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. Ah, is that your postcode in the title? The end was truncated on mobile till I hit 'Reply'
  2. Out of interest, whereabouts in South London?
  3. I've been having fun with this little app for IOS: Sight Reading Machine https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sight-reading-machine/id662692296?mt=8 Handy sight reading practice when I have a bass to hand or just on the train. It generates a tune and plays it; you can configure it to select a wide range of parameters such as tempo, key, note lengths, etc. Notably, it comes with presets for both 4 and 5 string bass.
  4. I am really enjoying the fact that now I have a GK MB 500, it's possible for me to get to a gig on public transport. Bass in a gig bag on my back and carrying a GK 2x10 cab in one hand, the amp and leads in a small case in the other.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1377883507' post='2193261'] I've been waiting for years for that [i][b]Road To Damascus[/b][/i] moment [/quote] As experienced by Saint Pull? [gets coat]
  6. Probably a fairly decent explanation here http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/3552246-post4.html
  7. It'll be a Sheraton II model. I have a 1983 Sheraton II made in Japan just before they shifted production to Korea. With the 'Epiphone by Gibson' legend on the headstock, it's probably made in the Samick factory in Korea some time between about 1986 and 1989. Does it have an 8 digit serial number beginning with 6, 7 or 8 (usually to be found on a sticker on the back if the headstock)?
  8. In the closing years of the 80s I used to gig with a 1 x 15 Sessionette 100 combo. It took a lot of punishment in a loud 2 guitar band, but held its own remarkably well.
  9. When I saw them live (on several occasions in the late 80s and early 90s) the Blue Aeroplanes functioned brilliantly with THREE guitars
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1377811260' post='2192352'] My P stays in tune for months. I check it before every gig, but sometimes I wonder why I bother. [/quote] Likewise with my Musicman Sabre (I'm afraid for the OP).
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1377701213' post='2190542']Yes, I used to say that all the bass was done on Nick Rhodes`s synth, as JT angered me by my (then) girlfriend fancying him far more than me. Since having matured, I can honestly say that JT is a fantastic bassist who as well as playing good riffs/lines, has a fantastic fell for melody in his playing. Still wish he was uglier though [/quote] My wife is another JT fan. She's still not quite forgiven me for passing up the opportunity to buy one of his old Arias that he gave to a friend of mine who did Duran Duran's tour lighting in the 80s, though it was a few years before the Mrs & I met.
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1377728435' post='2191197']An interesting list but it shows that there aren't too many 'oldies' on here on BC. Only Macca, JPJ, John Entwistle and Jet Harris are from the 60s Beat Group era. No bassist from the 60-62 era Beat Instrumental Groups (I did add Brian Locking)[/quote] You missed Jack Bruce getting a look in already. I think Bill Wyman deserves a mention, as does Trevor Bolder.
  13. BTW, I've done a few rehearsals and three or four gigs with mine, including two outdoors and I've been nothing but impressed with it. The only major issue that has surfaced is that it's far to easy to knock the Gain control when pressing the Mute button. More than once, I've been wondering where my sound has disappeared to after tuning up, only to discover the Gain had been accidentally turned to down to zero. All the knobs turn with very little force, but that one seems particularly vulnerable as it's right next to the Mute. I don't think my fingers are quite [i]that[/i] fat
  14. I've had mine about a month and had similar experiences with the fan coming on occasionally not long after it's been turned on but not used in anger. Most of the time the fan stays off, though. It does get a bit warm to the touch after prolonged use, but not exactly what I'd call hot.
  15. If you ever played Glastonbury with one of these, I wonder if it would be appropriate to use a drop tuning.
  16. ... and watch your bottom end
  17. Not really a bass thing, but one use of a looper that's always stuck in my mind was K T Tunstall's debut on Jools' show with 'Black Horse & The Cerry Tree' a few years ago. Pretty effective IMO. http://youtu.be/pdu_IWxSSk4
  18. Applicable Duties and VAT are due on all items imported into the UK from outside the EU, whether they are new or second hand.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1358432306' post='1939007'] Even by then the term "indie" had already become devalued. When it first appeared with regards to music it meant bands whose records had independent distribution rather than being handled by one of the major label distributors. It was more of a musical and business philosophy than an actual style of music since it covered bands as diverse as Throbbing Gristle at one end of the spectrum to Lori & The Chameleons at the other. [/quote] ISTR that Stock! Aitken & Waterman's acts were technically Indie because they were released on Pete Waterman's own PWL label, so they regularly used to top the NME's Indie chart.
  20. Puts a whole different slant on this thread in [i]Accessories & Misc[/i] [url=http://basschat.co.uk/topic/214573-blood-on-strings-is-meths-the-answer/page__p__2179869__hl__blood__fromsearch__1#entry2179869]Blood on Strings - is Meths the Answer?[/url]
  21. I recently bought a GK MB500 to replace an old 200W Marshall head. I've been [i]very[/i] happy with it and it's garnered several positive comments from the rest of the band, about both its (diminutive) size and tone. I'm running it through my old 4 ohm GK 210T cab, which I can now easily stand on its side with the amp on top I was sorely tempted by the GK MB200 and the TC BH250 (though while it's quite cool, I wasn't convinced that I'd actually use the Toneprint facility in the real world). In the end, however, I decided that a little more headroom couldn't hurt (not that I really need - it the amp is plenty loud enough for the gigs we play) but, possibly more important, the M500's extra controls and connectivity options swung it.
  22. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1376782931' post='2179182']I also remember in the 80s my friend had a fantastic ibanez mc924 ebony unlined fretless, he would not sell it, and could i get one, christ i looked everywhere i just gave up in the end and got my MM. but did not sound as good, [/quote] You just missed one for sale in Middlesborough yesterday http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-Musician-MC940-924-fretless-bass-MIJ-1980-/161083736641?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item258156c241
  23. [quote name='mike 110' timestamp='1376764532' post='2178905'] Me ...love the song and love Paul Carracks voice . He's also sublime on Tempted by Squeeze [/quote] +1
  24. Well, I suppose there's John Lennon's 'How Do You Sleep' http://www.metrolyrics.com/how-do-you-sleep-lyrics-john-lennon.html
  25. I still can't get past the hats
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