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Everything posted by cybertect

  1. Looking forward to it Welcome to the ‘79 Sabre club anyhow 👍 (mine’s a natural blonde that I’ve had for 26 years)
  2. A different beast, I know, but I cannot say my 1967 Verithin has a particularly high action
  3. Gardening at Night - REM Garden of Earthly Delights - XTC English Garden - Roddy Frame Eric The Gardener - Divine Comedy In the Garden - Van Morrison In Bloom - Nirvana
  4. I will confess that I never have been much of a Rush fan and never took much notice of them, so I was surprised to be told by a few people that I looked like Geddy Lee toward the back end of the 90s - this pic was taken in 2002. The weirdest bit - after I had learned who he was and a couple of years after this, I was visiting Land's End in Cornwall on holiday and I will swear Geddy walked right past me - my wife did a double take, too!
  5. Plug for my favourite French band from the late 70s and early 80s, Téléphone
  6. Likewise. I have a pair of Whirlwind cables I must have bought in 1988 that have been gigged ever since and still get regular use. I only just replaced a GK 2x10 cab that has done sterling service since 1993 with a Barefaced One10 about a month and a half ago. The item I've had the longest, though, is a Marshall guitar amp I've had since 1982, but but I hardly ever play guitar these days so that lives in the loft. Edit: I told a lie! I have a Stylophone that I got probably for a birthday or Xmas circa 1975.
  7. This sounds like the British Invasion of the USA in the 1960s, but we are on the receiving end this time 🙂
  8. I have an OLP MM3 that I bought new about 15 years ago to see how I would get on with a 5 string. It was a cheap impulse purchase from a local music shop and I still have it. For the money and of its time, it's a decent enough instrument (I gigged with it). It's really not the same as a real Stingray, though - the big difference is that the OLPs are passive. The exception is the Tony Levin signature model which does have a preamp. Everything else is different enough that it won't give you much of an idea what an SR is like. My point of comparison is a 2015 Stingray 5 fretless, so I would have to acknowledge that's hardly the same beast either However, I played enough fretted ones before I settling on that. I'm not sure what the decade between buying the OLP and actually getting a 'proper' 5 string says about it...
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1510180452' post='3404559'][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If anyone has any tid bits on The Rattles or Cliff Bennett please share.[/font][/color][/quote] I don't think they much of an impact on your side of the pond, but about ten years later, Chas Hodges, Dave Peacock and [font=sans-serif]Mick Burt[/font] of [i]Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers[/i] went on to be[i] Chas 'n' Dave[/i] together Rabbit, rabbit...
  10. It must be noted that Macari’s closed their shop on Denmark Street a few weeks ago and are now only on Charing Cross Road.
  11. Count me firmly in the 'love it' camp. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1503122510' post='3355807']I've not followed Fagen specifically but I liked Steely Dan.[/quote] [i]The Nightfly[/i] came out when I was fifteen, so I kind of came into Steely Dan backwards by discovering them through this album by Fagen. Ever since, it's been one of my reference albums when checking out new audio gear (along with [i]Pirates[/i] by Rickie Lee Jones, with which it shares Donald Fagen, Dean Parks, Chuck Rainey and Randy Brecker in the credits). It gets a lot of listens.
  12. Well, the page on Reidys' blog linked to in the OP on this thread been removed entirely. Google cache shows there was a note added before it was taken down https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YwWZfKd-CeQJ:https://www.reidys.com/blog/rosewood-no-more-fender-cites-1901/+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=safari [quote=Reidys]DISCLAIMER: Yesterday, we posted this article based on information received from Fender EMEA stating that they would not be using rosewood as an option for 'necks' (fingerboards) on future models. However, this morning, it has been clarified by Fender that this will only be the case on selected models, and not the entire range. More updates to follow...[/quote] Make of all that what you will.
  13. [quote name='Luulox' timestamp='1481137460' post='3190006'] Kate Bush is to blame apparently. Something about a live album. [/quote] [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1481157788' post='3190195'] I'd say it more demonstrates the wholesale shift to streaming music than downloading it. [/quote] A combination of the two accounts for it pretty well. Digital download volumes are 30% lower than their peak in 2012 and Kate's relatively expensive triple album was at the top of the chart.
  14. [quote name='overdriver' timestamp='1480817844' post='3187344'] I bought it from Pete Briquette, who played it onstage at Live Aid in 85 There're pics somewhere, [/quote] http://liveaid.free.fr/rewind/abc/pages/006boomtownrats.html
  15. Unless you're after a completely different song that I've never heard of, it's Woody and Dutch, not Wendy and Dutch HTH
  16. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1475493988' post='3146303']What might make a significant difference is which half of your brain a run or tune comes from when you are composing on guitar, bass or otherwise. One half of the brain is said to be creative or "romantic" the other is said to be logical or "classical". If you consider that notes are formed largely with the fretting hand on a guitar more than with the plucking hand, it might have a subtle influence on how a tune goes. I suppose you could say similarly that the rhythmic part of a tune comes a bit more from the plucking hand. Because the opposite side of the brain is responsible for each side of the body it does my head in thinking about it so I try not to. It's probably a lot of rubbish anyway. [/quote] Indeed it is. The 'Left brain/right brain' myth of cognitive style took hold in the 70s and has proven very difficult to eradicate. As a metaphor for different ways of thinking, it may be useful. It has been proven to be scientific bunkum, however.
  17. Omar was behind me in the queue at the till of Currys in Croydon last month. He was buying a vacuum cleaner. Edit: Not seen Stevie Wonder in there yet, though
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1471036858' post='3110213'] Don't know how many of you remember Chris Bryant Music, the big shop on the corner of Charing X Rd with the orange signs? Those signs now read "Wunjos" and the shop is being refurbed right now ... [/quote] Yes, after Bryant's moved out it was latterly [i]Tom's Drums[/i]. They closed at the end of May. Wunjo did a lot of work at the beginning of July making it all orange and it's been quiet since. From my conversations with the owner Brian last year, it looks like the guitar shop will be moving in when their current home at No. 20 comes to being refurbished.
  19. Everything goes into an aluminium case from Maplin: MB500 amp, zoom B3 with expression pedal, cables and assorted odds and sods (clip on tuner or occasional offstage use).
  20. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1466250236' post='3074403']You also don't want to be that band who plays the shittiest gigs, because then you become a 'sh*tty band' by association.[/quote] If a crap band plays in a forest and there is no-one there to hear them, do they still sound like crap? Edit: No disrespect to the OP intended
  21. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1465571294' post='3069379'] Mid to late 1990s, formed a punk/goth band and called it Wasp Factory. We got an indie recording deal, and were all set to go into the studio when NME had a gushing write up of an unremarkable indie band called ... The Wasp Factory. So we became Complicity. We shouldn't have bothered with the name change as the indie band went nowhere. An acquaintance, now sadly departed, had a band called Altered States which he formed in the 1980s and which he later reformed in the 1990s (with a bassist who went on to become the Complicity guitarist funnily enough). He registered the name, and I know for sure he stopped at least one other band using the name.[/quote] As you were obviously huge Iain Banks fans, you didn't fancy taking a punt at naming yourselves [i]Frozen Gold[/i], then?
  22. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1465131089' post='3065477'] Beats me why new drivers are required in the first place. USB has been a stable standard for years now so why does a new OS need to have new drivers? We don't have to update all our other software every time a new OS is released do we, so why drivers? Shame on the lazy OS developers if you ask me. [/quote] Well, there are a few things to pick up on here. For basic I/O and many other common tasks, then you're right. Devices which are Class Compliant with the USB Audio Standard (v1.0 1998, v2.0 2006) shouldn't need manufacturer-supplied drivers. It's built into the operating system and when a new version of OS X, Windows or Linux is released, then that built-in driver is also updated. Where this falls down is when hardware makers want to create features that are either unavailable using the USB Audio Standard or which OS makers (Apple/Microsoft) have not implemented in their USB Audio support. I'm more familiar with Macs, but, for example, while there was limited support for USB Audio v2.0 features in earlier versions of OS X, Apple didn't fully support it until 10.6. If you wanted to use [i]High Speed Streaming[/i] or [i]Status Interrupt Control Endpoints[/i] from USB Audio v2.0, then you couldn't do that on 10.5 with the built-in drivers. Manufacturers then had either the choice of writing their own driver in its entirety from the ground up or, for some features, extending the built in Class Driver with a Kernel Extension. Both of these options will probably require updates when new versions of the host OS ships, which will usually stop when the hardware maker declares the product End-of-Life. At that point, as an end user, you're pretty well on your own if it doesn't work. The good news is that as the USB Audio standard has matured and better supported the needs of hardware-makers, while also being more fully supported by OS-makers, the need to write custom drivers for hardware has reduced and the number of Class Compliant devices has increased. You can be fairly confident that if the product is described as 'class compliant' it will continue to work with future OS versions, whatever platform you are using. The small fly in the ointment with this more optimistic view is that the shift from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0 (that is the USB hardware standard, not the USB Audo Class standard) has broken a few devices even though USB 3.0 is supposed to be backward compatible. For example, M-Audio were recommending not to connect their devices designed for USB 2 to USB 3 ports in 2014. This is largely independent of OS version (and even OS platform) however,. Fortunately, new versions of USB do come along very rarely and have delivered significant benefits, such as much faster transfer speeds.
  23. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1465037129' post='3064830'] Am guessing I should have arranged a commission deal with Amazon.... [/quote] Possibly so. They were out of stock when I placed an order a couple of hours ago.
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